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  1. #1
    testisbest is offline Senior Member
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    Masteron cause lethargy?

    Anybody experience lethargy while on mast and test?

  2. #2
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
    Panzerfaust is offline Ron Paul Nuthugger
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    What does your cycle look like. Give us more info.

    I personally have no experienced lethargy but no doubt from time to time you are not gonna be on top of your game so to speak regardless if you are on or not.
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  3. #3
    testisbest is offline Senior Member
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    Well I've tried it a couple of times without any lethargy and I'm on it now and feel fine. But I have a couple of friends on it from a different ugl that I've never tried and they are both very lethargic. Both guys are on 300mg of testE and 400mg of mastE a week. I'm beginning to doubt if its mast but needless to say they are not impressed. Thanks for your help.

  4. #4
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
    Panzerfaust is offline Ron Paul Nuthugger
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    What does their diets look like? Carbs might be way to low etc.
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  5. #5
    frank2738's Avatar
    frank2738 is offline Associate Member
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    it made me on the hyper side.

  6. #6
    tryintogetbig09 is offline Junior Member
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    im on a 4 week SD cycle and lethargy has been kicking my ass!!! literally yawning and stretching every 2 mins like i just woke up. vitamin C takes the edge off of it but thats about it..taurine helps too. Ive been relying on redbulls before I work out to give me that kick in pants i need.

  7. #7
    powerliftmike's Avatar
    powerliftmike is offline ~Elite AR-Hall of Famer~
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    I only got tired on anavar . Masteron doesnt have that effect in me or anyone i know.

  8. #8
    ebjack's Avatar
    ebjack is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by muriloninja
    What does their diets look like? Carbs might be way to low etc.

    Cutting cycle ..cutting diet...probably right

    I can feel the bottom drop out of my energy if I don't get enough "early" carbs. Takes a couple of hours to feel better if I get behind.

  9. #9
    justtrnd40's Avatar
    justtrnd40 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by testisbest
    Anybody experience lethargy while on mast and test?
    There are a zillion things that can contribute to fatigue. Diet,stress,depression,age,work,sleep patterns,life in general. I know alot of guys are a little stressed while on cycle. I've seen hundreds of posts of guys being tired as hell while on a test only cycle and then on the other hand there are hundreds of posts of guys being energetic as hell on test. I think the main factors are diet and sleep. Alot of guys tend to overtrain while on a cycle and don't eat as well as they should. I would make sure my diet is spot on and that you get at least 8hrs of good sleep and train early if you can. Fatigue is very hard to pinpoint since there are so many factors other than juice only.

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