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  1. #1
    sol is offline Associate Member
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    Dosage amount in relation to size of athlete

    Logically, it seems that one's body height should hold some correlation to the amount of a AS they require to achieve good results. So, for instance, to achieve the same results, a 6'2'' athlete would require 600mg test enth / week, while someone with a height of 5'8'' would require only 400mg test enth / week.

    Reason I'm asking is because I am 5'8'', and I'm ironing out my first cycle in terms of its dosage. I'm trying to decide between 400mg and 500mg. If I go with 400mg, I can do a longer cycle. What do you think.

  2. #2
    nandro_shagg's Avatar
    nandro_shagg is offline Associate Member
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    I would think overall weight would have more to do with it then height. Then again this is misleading because as you gain experience with juicing and working out, your weight should pic up. Pack 20lbs of muscle on someone thats 5'8 and its going to show more so then someone 6' my opinion your dosage you set should be based on your experience, goals, diet, and choice of drug. If you want to gain 20lbs of lean muscle in 6 weeks your not going to take that much more enanthate ..rather a faster test like prop or maybe sust for example. post up your lifting experience, cycles, diet and weight and b/f percentage and im sure someone can help you more

  3. #3
    cookiemonstR's Avatar
    cookiemonstR is offline Associate Member
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    I personally would run the higher dosage for a shorter period of time, i find i always get better results, my gains taper after about week 8-9

  4. #4
    sol is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by nandro_shagg
    post up your lifting experience, cycles, diet and weight and b/f percentage and im sure someone can help you more
    Aight, here goes:

    Age - 27
    Height - 5'8''
    BF% - 11-13
    Weight - 175lbs
    Cycle experience - none
    Lifting experience - 12 yrs
    Diet - pretty clean now, but will be near perfect when I begin my cycle. High protein (1.5-2 g/lb of bodyweight) med-low carbs, and low fat. Daily caloric intake should be somewhere between 3,000-3,500, if I calculated properly.
    Supplements - fish oil, multi, acetyl-L-carnitine, and a few others

    Proposed cycle

    12 weeks of Test Enth. May bump up to 15 weeks depending on how I feel at around the 12 week mark. Still considering going 400mg /week.

    Week 1-12
    500mg /week Test Enth
    Week 1-12
    20mg /ed Nolva (thinking about saving a little money and instead using it only during the first couple weeks and then during PCT)

    Begins 2 weeks after my last shot. Lasts for 6 weeks.

    Week 1 - 20mgs/ed Nolva + 20mgs/ed L-Dex + 100mg Clomid/ed
    Week 2 - 20mgs/ed Nolva + 20mgs/ed L-Dex + 100mg Clomid/ed
    Week 3 - 20mgs/ed Nolva + 20mgs/ed L-Dex + 50mg Clomid/ed
    Week 4 - 20mgs/ed Nolva + 20mgs/ed L-Dex + 50mg Clomid/ed
    Week 5 - 20mgs/ed Nolva + 20mgs/ed L-Dex + 50mg Clomid/ed
    Week 6 - 20mgs/ed Nolva

  5. #5
    millionairemurph's Avatar
    millionairemurph is offline Senior Member
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    if u are wanting to save money save the nolva till pct or if you need it. I didnt end up needing it with 500 enth/ 480 decca but everybody is different so have it on hand in case. Research frontloading

  6. #6
    sol is offline Associate Member
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    That's all there is to it, I'm frontloading.

    Modifying the cycle to include 1000 mg for the first week

  7. #7
    batlin's Avatar
    batlin is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by sol
    Aight, here goes:

    Age - 27
    Height - 5'8''
    BF% - 11-13
    Weight - 175lbs
    Cycle experience - none
    Lifting experience - 12 yrs
    Diet - pretty clean now, but will be near perfect when I begin my cycle. High protein (1.5-2 g/lb of bodyweight) med-low carbs, and low fat. Daily caloric intake should be somewhere between 3,000-3,500, if I calculated properly.
    Supplements - fish oil, multi, acetyl-L-carnitine, and a few others

    Proposed cycle

    12 weeks of Test Enth. May bump up to 15 weeks depending on how I feel at around the 12 week mark. Still considering going 400mg /week.

    Week 1-12
    500mg /week Test Enth
    Week 1-12
    20mg /ed Nolva (thinking about saving a little money and instead using it only during the first couple weeks and then during PCT)

    Begins 2 weeks after my last shot. Lasts for 6 weeks.

    Week 1 - 20mgs/ed Nolva + 20mgs/ed L-Dex + 100mg Clomid/ed
    Week 2 - 20mgs/ed Nolva + 20mgs/ed L-Dex + 100mg Clomid/ed
    Week 3 - 20mgs/ed Nolva + 20mgs/ed L-Dex + 50mg Clomid/ed
    Week 4 - 20mgs/ed Nolva + 20mgs/ed L-Dex + 50mg Clomid/ed
    Week 5 - 20mgs/ed Nolva + 20mgs/ed L-Dex + 50mg Clomid/ed
    Week 6 - 20mgs/ed Nolva
    Wow that is crazy.. you are almost my exact size (i am 2inch taller) but other then that.. you and I are about spot on with experience..
    This was also my firstcycle, and I LOVEd the gains i got.. it was great to have people complementing me on how i have bulked up and look good...
    Good luck and you wont be disapointed!

    Personally thought, I would add HCG to your PCT for the first 3 weeks.. It really helped getting the ol' family jewels back to their normal size

  8. #8
    magic32's Avatar
    magic32 is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by sol
    Logically, it seems that one's body height should hold some correlation to the amount of a AS they require to achieve good results. So, for instance, to achieve the same results, a 6'2'' athlete would require 600mg test enth / week, while someone with a height of 5'8'' would require only 400mg test enth / week.

    Reason I'm asking is because I am 5'8'', and I'm ironing out my first cycle in terms of its dosage. I'm trying to decide between 400mg and 500mg. If I go with 400mg, I can do a longer cycle. What do you think.
    You're thinking like a supplement taker, a good one, but one nonetheless!

    You'll need to change your paradigm for aas, because neither height nor weight are applicable in this case. Hormones don't work like protein intake, or the impact of a particular medication. Also, cycle duration is not contingent upon adding or dropping the dosage a 100 or so mgs, instead they are reflective of potential growth periods, recovery issues, and the harshness of compounds.

    500mgs of Test is basic for a novice cycle, and yields superior results, but some prefer to begin lower which will affect growth, but is a matter of personal preference.
    And I agree with Murph, no Nolva during cycle...IF you find that estro becomes a problem while on, use your L-dex.
    Last edited by magic32; 07-30-2007 at 06:24 PM.
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  9. #9
    sol is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by batlin
    Wow that is crazy.. you are almost my exact size (i am 2inch taller) but other then that.. you and I are about spot on with experience..
    This was also my firstcycle, and I LOVEd the gains i got.. it was great to have people complementing me on how i have bulked up and look good...
    Good luck and you wont be disapointed!

    Personally thought, I would add HCG to your PCT for the first 3 weeks.. It really helped getting the ol' family jewels back to their normal size
    Thanks man, I'm lookin forward to it. I've been reading about it for the past few years and now am finally getting a chance.

    Unfortunately, I can't afford to purchase anything else - the PCT, supplements, the jacked up price for the test e, diet, etc, etc, etc. Just going to have to bite the bullet.
    Last edited by sol; 07-29-2007 at 09:52 AM.

  10. #10
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    thanks man, good luck with the cycle.
    Last edited by Big; 07-29-2007 at 10:27 AM.

  11. #11
    sol is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by magic32
    And I agree with Murph, no Nolva during cycle...IF you find that estro becomes a problem while on, use your L-dex.
    Will do! Thanks.

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