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Thread: home made juice

  1. #1
    flexagent's Avatar
    flexagent is offline New Member
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    home made juice

    I have a source that says he has some home made gear. He is selling it to some dudes i know that seem to be getting good results. I tried it some from another source in the past and it worked but i got an infection. This home made stuff is getting real popular around here. I just wanted some feed back on this stuff. Good, bad or otherwise. It is starting to seem like this is all that is available around here. Im not going to jump in and start running this stuff untill i get some decent feed back in whitch im sure i wont get, its is about as shady as it can be. Has anybody else done well with home made gear? I dont trust this crap but the dudes i know that are on it are getting bigger, and this source has always taken care of me in the past. drop me some feedback. Thanks.

  2. #2
    cookiemonstR's Avatar
    cookiemonstR is offline Associate Member
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    Ya its fine, its just made from hornmone powder and put into the oil (a bit more complicated than that, but not much.

    I always do it, but i always refilter it and add some alcohol to make sure its sterile, i dont trust anyone

  3. #3
    scaramouche's Avatar
    scaramouche is offline Senior Member
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    assuming the guy makes it correctly then yeh its safe as houses,but uve no way of knowing for sure unless u make it urself which is probably the reason most ppl start brewing in the first place,i know guys at my gym who think im nuts for injecting my own gear cos they simply dont understand whats involved,to make unsafe gear u would have to be iether an evil psyco or totaly fuking stupid

  4. #4
    PEWN's Avatar
    PEWN is offline AR Addict
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    it is not easy to make your own gear by any means.. but very cost effective if you know how.... personally i could not sell gear i made because you never know what could happe... also i sugges filtering the gear again before using just to be safe....

  5. #5
    outofthebox is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by flexagent
    I have a source that says he has some home made gear. He is selling it to some dudes i know that seem to be getting good results. I tried it some from another source in the past and it worked but i got an infection. This home made stuff is getting real popular around here. I just wanted some feed back on this stuff. Good, bad or otherwise. It is starting to seem like this is all that is available around here. Im not going to jump in and start running this stuff untill i get some decent feed back in whitch im sure i wont get, its is about as shady as it can be. Has anybody else done well with home made gear? I dont trust this crap but the dudes i know that are on it are getting bigger, and this source has always taken care of me in the past. drop me some feedback. Thanks.
    do some research in the labs section of the forum, there are tons of guys that do this...

  6. #6
    yahya1966's Avatar
    yahya1966 is offline Junior Member
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    i love my homebrew, and it's not that difficult if you can follow a recipe and keep everything very clean.

  7. #7
    buffgator's Avatar
    buffgator is offline king of mass
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    I am always scepticle about the one "guy" at the gym who is trying to sell his home made gear. I dont know how sterile it is, if it is what he says it is, if its dosed like he says it is. Some unsterile gear can cause anything from a fever or even at worse death. I have a friend that got a staff infection from what we suspect was the home made gear he bought. His foot was swollen as big as a football.

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