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  1. #1
    Z06 is offline Junior Member
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    Dec 2005

    12-14 wk Cutting Cycle...

    Hey whats up guys so I was too lazy to register and get my own account so I'am using a buddy of mines account just for now. Anyway my stats are 5'11, 195lb, bf 7% 26yrs.

    Previous cycles were:

    -Test E 1200 MG/WK 14wks, Deca 600MG/WK 12wks Stats: 5'11, 215lb, bf 16%

    -Sust 950 MG/WK 1-10 wks, Eq 600MG/WK 1-16wks Stats: 5'11, 205lbs, bf 12%

    -Test Prop 100MG/EOD 1-12 wks, Tren Acetate 75MG ED 1-8wks, Anavar 40MG/ED wks 5-12 Stats: Current up above

    This is the cutting cycle I want to run tell me what you think and if someone can give me some Ideas on how I should run my pct and if I would be ok with nolva and hcg . Diet and training are in check. Thank in advance

    Test Prop: 100MG ED WK 1-14
    Tren Acetate: 100MG ED WK 1-6
    Anavar: 50MG ED 1-6
    Winstrol Oral: 100MG ED WK 5-14

    PCT: Nolva, and HCG

  2. #2
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    i really think tren 100mgED is a Very sweet dose for ALOT of people.. i would run it for 8 weeks though but thats just me.

  3. #3
    buffgator's Avatar
    buffgator is offline king of mass
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    Looks good, I just got my cutting cycle
    sust 200mg 3 times a week 1-12
    tren 600mg per weekn 1-10
    winnie 50mg week 1-4 75mg week 8-14
    clen and t-3 alternating 2 weeks each starting 2 weeks prior to cycle and running until pct starts

  4. #4
    Z06 is offline Junior Member
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    Dec 2005
    I'm thinking about dropping the var and running the Tren for 2 wks longer...

  5. #5
    dakota851 is offline New Member
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    hey guys,just bought some winny,new to this(injecting,b4 it was oral) and my question is how much am i to inject a week,i weigh 210 .lbs.i also bought some clen ,when and how often should i use that?how long should i run this cycle?thanks alot for your time and any info will be greatly appreciated.

  6. #6
    Z06 is offline Junior Member
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    How many mg/ml is it? Also I really don't have much background on Clen maybe someone else will chime in... Also what is your cycle history?

  7. #7
    buffgator's Avatar
    buffgator is offline king of mass
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    The winnie needs to be taken every day at most likey 50mg a day. Just do a search or go to steroid profiles to learn more about clen .

  8. #8
    Igifuno's Avatar
    Igifuno is offline AR's Italian Tonic
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    Quote Originally Posted by dakota851
    hey guys,just bought some winny,new to this(injecting,b4 it was oral) and my question is how much am i to inject a week,i weigh 210 .lbs.i also bought some clen,when and how often should i use that?how long should i run this cycle?thanks alot for your time and any info will be greatly appreciated.
    start your own thread, bro. some don't like it too much when thier threads are hijacked..... welcome to AR.


  9. #9
    Amorphic's Avatar
    Amorphic is offline Veritas, Aequitas ~
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    I'd drop the winny and substitute masteron in its place.

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