Alright, I've been having a few questions that have been bothering and confusing me. I live in a small town and finally found a local source. I've been friends with him for a while and I'm pretty sure if I asked him for some gear he would pick some up for me. I am 19 years old and am moving to a city for university. Seeing how I won't find a source for a while that is as trustful as this one, is it ok if I were to pick up some before I move. I have decided on the cycle that would suit me and would like some advice. I will take testosterone enanthate at 500 mg/week. How long would you guys run this compound and for a first cycle, would it be effective if ran alone. Also, for PCT what would be recommended? I have four years training experience and two and half years of diet. Both training and diet are pretty good. The only thing that's holding me back is my age. Any comments. If age is the only factor holding me back, I would still like cycle and proper PCT advise.
