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  1. #1
    eckstg is offline Associate Member
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    Which would expect most strength mass gains from?

    Ok i wanna keep this simple and if your diet/training was in check which of these following cycles would you expect to gain the most strength and mass from?

    1) test enanthate 2400mg week 10 weeks
    2) sustanon 3000mg week 10 weeks

    3) test enanthate 1600mg / trenabol 600mg week 10 weeks
    4) test enanthate 1200mg / trenabol 900mg week 10 weeks
    5) test enanthate 1000mg / trenabol 1050mg week 10 weeks
    6) test enanthate 800mg / trenabol 1200mg week 10 weeks
    7) test enanthate 400mg / trenabol 1500mg week 10 weeks

    8) sustanon 2000mg / trenabol 600mg week 10 weeks
    9) sustanon 1000mg / trenabol 1200mg week 10 weeks
    10) sustanon 500mg / trenabol 1500mg week 10 weeks

    11) test enanthate 1600mg / deca durabolin 800mg week 10 weeks
    12) test enanthate 1200mg / deca durabolin 1200mg week 10 weeks
    13) test enanthate 800mg / deca durabolin 1600mg week 10 weeks
    14) test enanthate 400mg / deca durabolin 2000mg week 10 weeks

    15) sustanon 2000mg / deca durabolin 800mg week 10 weeks
    16) sustanon 1500mg / deca durabolin 1200mg week 10 weeks
    17) sustanon 1250mg / 1400mg deca durabolin week 10 weeks
    18) sustanon 1000mg / 1600mg deca durabolin week 10 weeks
    19) sustanon 500mg / 2000mg deca durabolin week 10 weeks

    Alright I am not sayin im planning any of these for a future cycle and not asking your recommendations for a cycle im simply asking which of these would you expect to gain the most muscle and strength from?

    I hope anythony roberts or pinnacle would chime in on this one.

  2. #2
    Kratos's Avatar
    Kratos is offline I feel accomplished
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    I don't feel like doing division so no answer from me
    Age/stats/cycle experience so others may reply

  3. #3
    lightwaytbaby's Avatar
    lightwaytbaby is offline "Anabolic Reviews Affliction"
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    to each his own my man...depends on what you like, and what your cycle histpry/stats are...and to be honest every one you listed up there sucks, and or does not make sense. and i dont think pinn will be replying anytime soon...

  4. #4
    buffgator's Avatar
    buffgator is offline king of mass
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    dude its been years since I have taken calculas

  5. #5
    Kratos's Avatar
    Kratos is offline I feel accomplished
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    try this approach
    My stats are X
    I was thinking Test/deca or test/tren
    What would be a good cycle?
    so much less typing

  6. #6
    eckstg is offline Associate Member
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    I know its a stupid way to ask about different cycles way i did above and i didnt mean for it to seem mathmatical and heres another way to ask one of the underlining questions i meant from the cycles above.

    Would a low test enan cycle say 250mg and high trenabol say at 750mg together for a cycle be better than vice versa? Or would it possibly be better to keep both at close to same mg apeice on a cycle?

    This i understand can be preference and results vary from individual but from your experiences what would you go with for mass and strength?

    Another question of cycles above would you go with the higher mg/ml sustanon over the slightly less dosed enanthate ?Same also for the trenabol would you go with slightly lesser dosed trenabol or higher dosed deca ?

    I don't know how all cycles above suck would you care to explain lightwaytbaby?Is it just a couple compounds at higher doses make it suck and maybe less high doses and needs more compounds or what?

  7. #7
    Kratos's Avatar
    Kratos is offline I feel accomplished
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    I thought I pumped you enough times for stats, age, cycle experience but apparently not, impossible to give miligram number without. Deca and Tren are going to be stronger than test as far as building mass, enough of either compound + hrt dose of test is going to give good resuts.
    Last edited by Kratos; 08-13-2007 at 10:24 PM.

  8. #8
    muscle_20's Avatar
    muscle_20 is offline Member
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    8 looks like it would give a lot of power for sure!

  9. #9
    Second2None's Avatar
    Second2None is offline Banned
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    test enanthate 400mg / trenabol 1500mg week 10 weeks
    let me know on how that much tren feels after week1

  10. #10
    Kratos's Avatar
    Kratos is offline I feel accomplished
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    I thought read it real quick thought he was talking about total gear for the cycle. If those are weekly doses I don't see one that isn't retartedly too much gear.

  11. #11
    Maldorf's Avatar
    Maldorf is offline Senior Member
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    Those are rather high doses, especially most of the tren choices. Tren is very powerful and most of those doses would have you feeling like crap. Of those choices #12 looks the best to me, but we dont know the experience level of the user. I assume it is many years, since the doses are all so high.
    I think many experienced vets would say that most of us rely too much on AAS and dont pay enough attention to our training methods and diet. Most people wouldnt need near the doses of any of those regimes. I have found out that more isnt better. Your body reaches a point where no matter how much AAS you put in it isnt going to grow anymore.

  12. #12
    ron123's Avatar
    ron123 is offline Junior Member
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    I agree with the rest those doses seem huge, give some stats and past cycle experience.

  13. #13
    Amorphic's Avatar
    Amorphic is offline Veritas, Aequitas ~
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    Insane amounts of test in these cycles, they all seem absurdly high.

  14. #14
    PetrX is offline Associate Member
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    Yea those doses seem way too high...I was thinking of doing 200/week of Deca with Dbol as my first cycle , then i saw 800 to 2000/week???
    I was like man maybe im doing something wrong lol

  15. #15
    Titleist's Avatar
    Titleist is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by PetrX
    Yea those doses seem way too high...I was thinking of doing 200/week of Deca with Dbol as my first cycle
    I wouldn't advise that as a first cycle bud.

    BTW, those doses aren't insane for someone that has been cycling for a long time, with a spot-on diet and training regimen. However, they shouldn't be attempted by the average joe. Those doses come with experience.

    To answer your question, 19-Nors are going to be the better mass/strength builders. A TRT dose of Test should be all you need to keep you libido intact, although I'd recommend adding in Cabergoline as well.

  16. #16
    bpm1's Avatar
    bpm1 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maldorf
    Those are rather high doses, especially most of the tren choices. Tren is very powerful and most of those doses would have you feeling like crap. Of those choices #12 looks the best to me, but we dont know the experience level of the user. I assume it is many years, since the doses are all so high.
    I think many experienced vets would say that most of us rely too much on AAS and dont pay enough attention to our training methods and diet. Most people wouldnt need near the doses of any of those regimes. I have found out that more isnt better. Your body reaches a point where no matter how much AAS you put in it isnt going to grow anymore.
    this is why i like u, well said, i concur

  17. #17
    Kratos's Avatar
    Kratos is offline I feel accomplished
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    Quote Originally Posted by PetrX
    Yea those doses seem way too high...I was thinking of doing 200/week of Deca with Dbol as my first cycle , then i saw 800 to 2000/week???
    I was like man maybe im doing something wrong lol
    200 mg of deca + Dbol
    You are doing something wrong but for different reasons

  18. #18
    eckstg is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Titleist
    I wouldn't advise that as a first cycle bud.

    BTW, those doses aren't insane for someone that has been cycling for a long time, with a spot-on diet and training regimen. However, they shouldn't be attempted by the average joe. Those doses come with experience.

    To answer your question, 19-Nors are going to be the better mass/strength builders. A TRT dose of Test should be all you need to keep you libido intact, although I'd recommend adding in Cabergoline as well.
    OK so i see the deca is a 19-Nor compound & tren is a 17beta-Hydroxyestra so from your opinion the deca will give more mass and strength opposed to the tren?

    What exactly is a TRT dose of test?I would imagine 500mg week would be well over a trt dose so possibly just 250mg week?

    Also anytime i run a cycle with compounds goin over 1000mg/week i do HCG @ 500ius & 20mg nolvadex a day for 10 days strait every 6-8 weeks on cycle so would this replace adding cabergoline?This is first time i ever heard of cabergoline.

    I could tell while i was doin the 500mg tren enan a week i was always in a depressive pissy mood and seemed either the nolvadex or hcg improved my mood alot when i started using it into cycle as i mentioned above.So far second week into just a test enan and test prop cycle seems my mood is a hell of alot better than when i was doin test and tren cycle.

    Anyways im gonna research this cabergoline you mentioned to see what its about but if you have time what could you say the benefits of it are and would it be useless if using the hcg/nolvadex like i mentioned above?

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