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Thread: Albuterol Hype

  1. #1
    ecivon is offline Member
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    Albuterol Hype

    A lot of attention is being paid on connecting Albuterol with weight loss. That connection is over-hyped. Think seriously about it before you spend your money on something that may have more of a placebo effect than anything else. No corporate segment in the world is more aggressive, opportunistic and predatory than the pharmaceutical industry. They will go to immense lengths to identify, market and monopolize money making drugs. The three most money making areas for drugs is sex enhancement, age longevity and weight loss. Think about it -- if Albuterol truly had weight loss charateristics inherent in its use, the pharceutical companies would have jumped all over it, massive hyped (marketed) it up and sold it for immense profits long ago. It ain't happening folks!

    Albuterol is a beta adrenergic drug that CAN lead to weight loss in a round of bout way, not not as promoted/pushed as say clenbuterol , or ECA/ECY combinations are in steroid circles.

    Several years ago, athletes found that albuterol could be used to improve performance. Athletes discovered that taking albuterol will allow you to recover in one day from a workout that usually would take three days. You recover faster and can do more work and become a better athlete, hence you lose some weight as a result.

    However, because albuterol can improve athletic performance, the International Olympic Committee banned it and any athlete caught taking it in pill form can be banned for life from international competition.

    Without intensive athletic participation Albuterol offers nothing for weight loss in a passive environment, but that would be true with many other compounds as well, as far as offering any weight loss characteristics.

    The best, healthiest and safest way to lose weight is hard work and great
    diet, there is no magic bullet.

  2. #2
    Merc.. is offline Steroidpedia
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    Quote Originally Posted by ecivon
    A lot of attention is being paid on connecting Albuterol with weight loss. That connection is over-hyped. Think seriously about it before you spend your money on something that may have more of a placebo effect than anything else. No corporate segment in the world is more aggressive, opportunistic and predatory than the pharmaceutical industry. They will go to immense lengths to identify, market and monopolize money making drugs. The three most money making areas for drugs is sex enhancement, age longevity and weight loss. Think about it -- if Albuterol truly had weight loss charateristics inherent in its use, the pharceutical companies would have jumped all over it, massive hyped (marketed) it up and sold it for immense profits long ago. It ain't happening folks!

    Albuterol is a beta adrenergic drug that CAN lead to weight loss in a round of bout way, not not as promoted/pushed as say clenbuterol , or ECA/ECY combinations are in steroid circles.

    Several years ago, athletes found that albuterol could be used to improve performance. Athletes discovered that taking albuterol will allow you to recover in one day from a workout that usually would take three days. You recover faster and can do more work and become a better athlete, hence you lose some weight as a result.

    However, because albuterol can improve athletic performance, the International Olympic Committee banned it and any athlete caught taking it in pill form can be banned for life from international competition.

    Without intensive athletic participation Albuterol offers nothing for weight loss in a passive environment, but that would be true with many other compounds as well, as far as offering any weight loss characteristics.

    The best, healthiest and safest way to lose weight is hard work and great
    diet, there is no magic bullet.
    Opinions are like assholes everyone's got em and here's mine ( opinion of course LOL)

    Albuterol and clen both work in the same manner ( on beta 2 's ) clen has longer active life then albut but are basically brothers..

    Clen can cause heart problems that arnt so common with albut . Albut has other things that are benifical over clen also IMO..

    For albuterol to be effective for fatloss it has to be used through out the day in about 5 hour intervals ( due to short active life) and in the proper doses..( not inhalers peeps)

    Plus think bout it ephedrine is an effective fat burner and is not a drug picked up by the fda as a weight loss pill ..

    You are TOTTALY correct theres no magic pill.. Diet and training are everything . So hard work is how you get to where you want to


  3. #3
    Merc.. is offline Steroidpedia
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    Bumper ???

    Thoughts ???


  4. #4
    Kratos's Avatar
    Kratos is offline I feel accomplished
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    All stimulants will increase metabolism, and decrease appetite to a degree. Take ritilan, now that will take some pounds off ya, but it's not marketed for weight reduction. For some reason the powers that be have decided it would not be efficacious to market it for such a purpose.

    Diet + albuterol > Diet without albuterol

    Eating pork rinds and drinking beer in front of T.V. + albuterol = you get fatter

  5. #5
    Merc.. is offline Steroidpedia
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kratos
    All stimulants will increase metabolism, and decrease appetite to a degree. Take ritilan, now that will take some pounds off ya, but it's not marketed for weight reduction. For some reason the powers that be have decided it would not be efficacious to market it for such a purpose.

    Diet + albuterol > Diet without albuterol

    Eating pork rinds and drinking beer in front of T.V. + albuterol = you get fatter
    What if I eat them outside and not infront of the tv can I still lose weight ???

    Good post kratos !!!

    Gmy (lol)

  6. #6
    ecto9's Avatar
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    Albuterol; not to impressed with.
    Last edited by ecto9; 09-30-2007 at 10:23 AM.

  7. #7
    ecivon is offline Member
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    Here's the rub ... Like the reports/studies illustrate, albuterol is only effective in weight loss as a result of enhancing performance. Those in BB and those seriously into other sports/activities fit into that upper segment/percent of those working their bodies to the extreme that would benefit from albuterol.

    They already have excellent diets, know the limits of their bodies and physical capabilities andmight/could benefit/use albuterol. Those that aren't in that special category of athlete/body builder would not gain the same benefits. Looking for something to lose weight/BF % simply by taking a supplement will not gain a thing.

    Diet and work is the only way -- that is what athletes and BB'ers do -- work their asses off and get the benefits of turbocharged metabolisms. Those that are more passive, or looking for a magic wand won't find it.

    We are what we put in our mouths and what effort we are going to expose our muscles to. Your body/muscles will tolerate only a certain level of calories/fats/carbs in relation to the amount of energy we expend and convert that intake to fuel to either hold the weight we have, lose weight, or gain weight. Too much unused fuel (excessive eating), the wrong grade of fuel (diet) and not burning enough of that fuel by increasing your metabolism you will gain weight, or not lose it. There is nothing that exists to change that around.

    It is all about a great and balanced diet and working the body -- good for mind and soul.
    Last edited by ecivon; 08-14-2007 at 12:05 PM.

  8. #8
    Merc.. is offline Steroidpedia
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    Quote Originally Posted by ecivon
    Here's the rub ... Like the reports/studies illustrate, albuterol is only effective in weight loss as a result of enhancing performance. Those in BB and those seriously into other sports/activities fit into that upper segment/percent of those working their bodies to the extreme that would benefit from albuterol.

    They already have excellent diets, know the limits of their bodies and physical capabilities andmight/could benefit/use albuterol. Those that aren't in that special category of athlete/body builder would not gain the same benefits. Looking for something to lose weight/BF % simply by taking a supplement will not gain a thing.

    Diet and work is the only way -- that is what athletes and BB'ers do -- work their asses off and get the benefits of turbocharged metabolisms. Those that are more passive, or looking for a magic wand won't find it.

    We are what we put in our mouths and what effort we are going to expose our muscles to. Your body/muscles will tolerate only a certain level of calories/fats/carbs in relation to the amount of energy we expend and convert that intake to fuel to either hold the weight we have, lose weight, or gain weight. Too much unused fuel (excessive eating), the wrong grade of fuel (diet) and not burning enough of that fuel by increasing your metabolism you will gain weight, or not lose it. There is nothing that exists to change that around.

    It is all about a great and balanced diet and working the body -- good for mind and soul.
    Begin in the fitness industry I can not agree more . If you ever look at my post you will see me stressing this to EVERYONE!!!!! Using the proper training /diet protocols is whats going to get you where you want to be PEROID........


  9. #9
    ZiOh6's Avatar
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    Thats the problem.. People buy pretty much anything that mentions weight loss in the description and sit on their fat asses and checking the scale every 10 minutes. I do believe there are enhancers for weight loss such as clen , albuterol and even green tea extract worked great for me. Bottom line is, there is no magic product that will burn fat on its own..

  10. #10
    ecto9's Avatar
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    I like the fact that you can be on anabolics and cut calories way back and lose fat, but not lose any muscle

  11. #11
    ecivon is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ecto9
    I like the fact that you can be on anabolics and cut calories way back and lose fat, but not lose any muscle
    On the surface, what you are saying doesn't make any sense. If you are on a cycle you must be working out and if you're working out then you MUST increase caloric intake through a planned out and thoughtful diet. Food/diet is the fuel for your muscles to grow, without it you will NOT grow.

    Further, you can reach a point in caloric intake deficiency that you can start to eat your own muscle fiber.

    Cutting calories does not mean losing weight, working more and controlling a balance in your caloric intake relative to the amount of energy you are expending (work, athletics, lifting) will displace fat. You cannot have a caloric deficiency whether you are a passive couch potato, or a grunting athlete, you just need to work, no matter how it is defined, to lose, or control weight issues.

  12. #12
    sonnygll's Avatar
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    albuterol works great. You have to get the continuous release tablets though. Because of it's short life, and the increase in side effects with high doses. Volmax 8MG, 1 tablet twice a day is the way to go. It sped up fat loss for me. Take taurine to prevent cramps. It has been shown to be anti-catabolic too. Of course lifting heavy and eating a lot of protein is even more anti-catabolic. You get a very slight boost in strength and endurance, about the same as creatine.

    Other things that have proven science behind them for fat loss are MCT, Oolong tea, and fish oil (if you are deficient in ***** 3). Metformin if you have any insulin resistance. Of course any stimulant too. Albuterol is up there at the top though. It's way safer then cytomel or DNP , which are the only 2 things that work better.

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