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  1. #1
    Morgoth is offline Associate Member
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    Long time serious lifter, looking to use juice for the first time.


    I have recently joined this site and am looking for some answers, like so many others. I have and am still doing research and reading what I can, but I need help to point me in the right direction.


    Age :26
    Height: 5’11
    Weight: 175
    # years training: 8
    Diet: High on protein, complex carbs. Nearly nil on fat (only fat I get is from beef, and on my once/week cheat day)
    Training: Heavy, 6-8 reps to build muscle mass.
    Anabolics/Steroid usage: Never.

    Now, I have been training for a long time (5 days/week for 8 years with hardly any breaks), and my training has been hardcore. I know I don’t weigh much, but that is because I could not afford the diet, nor did I ever use anabolics.

    However, for the past 2 years I have been able to afford the diet I am on, and as a result my body is low on BF and high on lean, quality muscle. I also lift a LOT heavier than others of my weight category. Again I have a lot of muscle on my body, but it is lean and ripped with low bodyfat, thus my 'low' weight.

    I want to start anabolics because the type of physique I want is unattainable without their usage. (I want to look like, say, an upper tier amateur. The kind you see on M&F/MuscleMag covers and training shots.)

    I recently came into contact with a bodybuilding professional (who has been taking/cycling anabolics for years) and after some time talking he recommended Dianabol pills.

    2 five/mg pills a day for a total of 10mg dianabol for one month (aka one cycle). He claims I don’t need any anti-estrogen as side effects will be extremely minimal (slight swelling in the joints for instance). Also, while pills will have an averse affect on the liver, he claims if my body responds favorable to Dbol , I can start taking injections in the future.

    I want to know:

    Is this a good start to a bodybuilding cycle?
    Should I also purchase an anti-estrogen? If so which one, and when should I use it (post cycle?)
    Is Dbol the drug I am looking for? I want gains in muscle mass, yet also want to stay lean (with ripped stomach if possible, which I already have)
    Is there any risk of side effects with 10mg dose/day? Such as man-boobs, acne, sever depression?
    My first cycle should last for 1 month correct?

    Any kind of help and/or advice would be welcome. Please note I am very new to steroids , have never used them, so please keep that in mind when replying. (try to use as few abbreviations as possible). Also note I am also doing manual research and reading, but I am also looking forward to ordering and using my first anabolics, thus this post.

  2. #2
    m8intl is offline Associate Member
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    Dbol only is a horrible cycle; you never want to do this.

    You're doing it backwards bro. If you're ready to cycle, which at 5'11 175 I have my doubts, you should start with an injectable like test e @ 500mgs a week. Do more research, eat more food, and get your diet/training in check.

  3. #3
    Grappler13's Avatar
    Grappler13 is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Morgoth

    I recently came into contact with a bodybuilding professional (who has been taking/cycling anabolics for years) and after some time talking he recommended Dianabol pills.
    Hello Morgoth:
    There are ass many opinions about AAS (roids in general) as there are assholes :-) so keep in mind that in mind with regard to the responses you get. I'll give you a few acronyms here but you will eventually learn a whole lot more. Personally, I doubt that a Pro would recommend that you run dbol @ 10mg a day for a month and then see if you tolerate well for later injections. Firstly, 10mg of dbol every day (ed) is very light in general and I think most of the bros here would agree that even that light dose would be far harder on your liver than injectable test, even a pretty heavy cycle of test. Also, you mentioned that the physique you want is unattainable without AAS and I would disagree with you although I allow it will be easier with AAS :-)

    Do yourself a BIG favor and keep lifting very hard and eating very well and read read read read read up. DO NOT buy anything AAS or take anything AAS until you have could tell me why a lot of your first post is kinda silly (I am not picking on you, my first post was could probably find it if you looked around :-) and you know various PCT theories by heart and the reasoning behind them, are familiar with the profiles of Test-e/c/ prop and Tren and Deca and Dbol and Winny and Anavar and the theories and debates about oral only cycles and what Liv-52 and Milk Thistle do and what a 1st and second generation SERM are and the potential problems with overuse of HCG as well as why you would even know what HCG is, what fertility drug you might want for PCT but might make you cry and be grumpy and bitchy.

    That should get you started. Keep lifting and don't take anything and ignore asshole responses from anyone here: if they don't have anything constructive to add to your thread, ignore them and they shouldn't be bothering to post anyhow!


  4. #4
    InsaneInTheMembrane's Avatar
    InsaneInTheMembrane is offline Anabolic Member
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    Hey, Welcome to the board!

    That was a good intro post. Off the bat, I would say your diet needn't be completely nil of fat, in fact having a fair amount of good fats (mono and poly-unsaturated fats, essential fatty acids, etc...) is crucial. Other than that, you would have to post your diet for us to make a proper assessment. Alot of times, people claim they have flawless diets and suffer gut wrenching wake up calls from educated board members upon asking for a critique

    As for your age, 26 is an acceptable age to start, so no problems there. This bb professional of yours who is suggesting a light dbol only cycle is subscribing to a notion that some here will applaud while others will disapprove. Yes, Dbol cycles are typically ran for 4 weeks, and while some believe it's a great mass builder on its own for newbies who want to start on orals, others will say it's only a good kickstart to a longer injectables cycle because you wont keep the gains you make on dbol alone. A good portion of gains from dbol is water and fat (yes!) apart from more lean mass.

    The next issue is the dosage, 10mg a day is considered low to the more common use of 30-50mg/day. I can only say the logic here is that your bb adviser just wants to give you a slight edge in your workouts, probably to help push past your plateau. This is wise on his part perhaps, easing you into cycling slowly and giving you only enough to keep you motivated. As for post cycle therapy (PCT) with antiestrogens and SERMs, that, even he cannot assume that you wont need it. Every body tolerates sides from different compounds differently. Dbol does have a strong tendency to shut down your natural test production and spike estrogen levels; it would be foolish to say that a 4 wk cycle of 10mg will not have any effect...It will! To what extent, I cannot say. You would be well advised to get yourself atleast some nolvadex or arimidex (or aromasin get the picture) to use during cycle to control your estrogen levels (reduce bitch tits chances) and post cycle to help shore up natural test productions. Look up the stickies in the PCT forums for more info.


  5. #5
    sonnygll's Avatar
    sonnygll is offline Member
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    Yea, I say fat schmat! It's a non-issue. It just fills out the rest of your calories. Generally the carbs go real low while cutting, so you eat quite a bit of fat. Then for bulking you need more carbs, so maybe you don't eat quite as much fat. Of course you have to eat more in general so it's not that much less.

    I'll go out on a limb here and say your diet might need a little tweak. Try eating around 250 grams of protein a day, and eat 500 more calories per day than you are eating right now. You already know about whey protein and post workout carbs right?

    Make sure your workout is mostly made up of free weights. Make sure the vast majority of your workout is comprised of different variations of squats, deadlifts, bench, rows, chins, dips. And no tricep kickbacks under any circumstances! lol For some reason people always want to do endless hours of isolation. That's like a pre-contest type thing where an already huge guy is working on muscle size ratios to get a good even look. You gotta concentrate on those mass builders I mentioned. And use dumbbells too. It's especially important for proper chest development.

    Do that for a couple years and build up some more muscle naturally. Then you can get yourself some test e or cyp 250, like 2 vials or 20 amps. Front load the first week, take an AI with it and get a good PCT planned. Take a few months off, and THEN you can take more test and run some dbol with it. But you gotta do all that other stuff above first, so It's going to be close to 3 years before you should get your hands on any dbol.

  6. #6
    ecivon is offline Member
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    One of the problems inherent with your age is impatience, goes with the territory. Be patient, there is no hurry to start any aas. Though it may not be what you're hoping to hear, it is what you should be being told.

    Your age is somewhat okay to start, but I personally think peeps should be over 25 at the minimum.

    What I will mention is diet, diet and more diet -- it is the foundation and essence of growing. Study diets appropriate for lifting/training and give lifting hell for a couple of years and then consider cycling. AAS compounds can and will raise hell with certain parts and functions of your body, many times permanently if done incorrectly, so travel informed and wisely.

    And for the record fat (the right kind) is extremely (vitally) important for the well being of anyone, especially athletes and those in training. Too lean of a diet and you can develop a toxicity to protein that will cause you serious problems. Anyone can lift weights, anyone can poke with a needle, but it is all about diet, the number one influence on what happens inside your body.

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