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Thread: bulker

  1. #1
    Second2None's Avatar
    Second2None is offline Banned
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    Apr 2007


    Whats up guys im 28 5'8" 168 9% bf diet is perfect and so is training
    just got done with a shoulder injury from 7 months ago everything is good to go now, for the last 7 months i have been shreading down from 180 14% bf on clen and t3 with lots of cardio.
    My question is im leaned out nicely sixpack and all,
    but i want to put on weight i want to bulk to like 187-192 and try to keep the same bf% atleast around there,
    i have
    20ml of 300mg deca
    30ml of 250mg sust.
    i also have t3 , proviron ,
    clomid & nolvadex for pct
    could i run
    600mg week of deca
    1250mg week of susta
    for 5 weeks and keep the rest for next cycle
    i like shorter more harder cycles , works best for me & less off time
    im open to any advise and could i fit the t3 in the to keep bf down
    Thanks alot

  2. #2
    hosam4ever's Avatar
    hosam4ever is offline Anabolic Member
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    Apr 2005
    how many cycles have u run b4 ? any way short cycles is ok but wirth short easter those doses fr 5 weeks is not enough at all 2 bulk & build some muscles imho run a full cycle with the compounds u have on hand
    & u can ru n a smaal dose of t3 like 25 or 50 mcg it will help in keeping the fat away if u want

  3. #3
    Second2None's Avatar
    Second2None is offline Banned
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    Apr 2007
    this will be my 4 cycle, i was thinking that to, well i can get some more and
    run it at that dose

  4. #4
    hosam4ever's Avatar
    hosam4ever is offline Anabolic Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    it gonna be better

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