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  1. #1
    Atomini's Avatar
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    Now that i've got everything and i'm ready to start, help me clear up some things.

    I've got everything for my first 10 week cycle ready. I have a few final questions i'm hoping some here can clear up for me. First, i'll outline my cycle,

    Weeks 1-10 = 500mg Testosterone Cypionate per week, and 25mg Aromasin daily

    Weeks 11-15 (POST CYCLE THERAPY ) = 10mg Nolvadex daily, 25mg Aromasin daily, 1,000 IU Vitamin E daily


    - I have heard and read that 25mg Aromasin daily is actually way more than one needs to control estrogen and that lower doses will do the same thing and save me money in the long run. Is this true? And if so, what is the lower dosage on average that holds the same effect?

    - As I am using Nolva for my PCT, I am only using 10mg daily. Should I actually be using 20mg daily instead? From what I see, 20mg seems to be the average dose.

    That's about it for my questions, as i'm pretty confident in this cycle and I can't wait to start.

  2. #2
    sitries is offline Associate Member
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    i would personally use more nolvadex . 40mg daily for 1st few days and then taper it off to 20mg throughout the next few weeks and finally down to 10mg. also, shouldnt you wait til the test is totally out of your system before you start the PCT. With a longer acting ester like cyp id wait at least 2 weeks then start PCT. good luck

  3. #3
    kfrost06's Avatar
    kfrost06 is offline Banned
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    For your first question I would not use any aromasin and instead use proviron . The proviron will make your test work better and act as a mild AI. No need to jump on a strong AI like aromasin before you even know if your gyno prone. I would still order it and have it on hand, in case of emergency and also for your PCT. I always recommend an AI(like aromasin) and SERM(like nolva) for PCT. GL

  4. #4
    RA's Avatar
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    Personally I would do what frost said and not run aromasin during but keep it hand...and I like sitries idea of bumping the nolva to 40 but I would do it a couple weeks at that dose and then lower it.

  5. #5
    Atomini's Avatar
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    You see, I originally planned this cycle out to use Proviron as the AI during the cycle. But then I had a ton of people telling me Proviron is a very weak AI, so that is why I opted for aromasin . I already have it, so there's no point in deciding NOT to use it at this point.

    With that being said, I just need an answer to the dosage question. The strength of the AI is mostly dose-dependant, correct? So what is a relatively mild/moderate dosage I can use with it?

    EDIT: Oh, and yes, I made a mistake on the PCT start time. It's supposed to start on week 12, not 11.
    Last edited by Atomini; 08-17-2007 at 10:49 AM.

  6. #6
    kfrost06's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini

    You see, I originally planned this cycle out to use Proviron as the AI during the cycle. But then I had a ton of people telling me Proviron is a very weak AI, so that is why I opted for aromasin . I already have it, so there's no point in deciding NOT to use it at this point.

    With that being said, I just need an answer to the dosage question. The strength of the AI is mostly dose-dependant, correct? So what is a relatively mild/moderate dosage I can use with it?
    Everyone responds differently, start out w/o it and if you show signs of gyno then start taking it. Most people will not need it on that dose of test. You limit your estrogen and you get side effects and can decrease your gains.

  7. #7
    RA's Avatar
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    Proviron is a weak ai but you dont need an elephant gun while on cycle unless your doing large amounts of test.

    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini

    You see, I originally planned this cycle out to use Proviron as the AI during the cycle. But then I had a ton of people telling me Proviron is a very weak AI, so that is why I opted for aromasin . I already have it, so there's no point in deciding NOT to use it at this point.

    With that being said, I just need an answer to the dosage question. The strength of the AI is mostly dose-dependant, correct? So what is a relatively mild/moderate dosage I can use with it?

    EDIT: Oh, and yes, I made a mistake on the PCT start time. It's supposed to start on week 12, not 11.

  8. #8
    Atomini's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by roidattack
    Proviron is a weak ai but you dont need an elephant gun while on cycle unless your doing large amounts of test.
    Love the analogy. But you still maintain that even a low dose of Aromasin is still unnecessary?

  9. #9
    Stock's Avatar
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    I'm in week 10 of my 12 week cycle and I used aromasin when I needed to, like the first 5 weeks I was on dbol , and it kept the bloat off. For me, when I started to feel bloated, I took no more than 5mg per day. You should not need 25mg ed of it during your cycle with that much test. When you start to get a little bloated, take it for 2-5 days and it should go away. I plan to use 20mg of nolva during PCT.

  10. #10
    kfrost06's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini
    Love the analogy. But you still maintain that even a low dose of Aromasin is still unnecessary?
    There's no way of knowing until you start your cycle. Some people will not need it some will. If your body starts to aromatize a large amount of the test then yes you will need it. You do a few cycles and you willknow how your body responds to the test, till then it's kinda of a wait and see.

  11. #11
    Atomini's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stock
    I'm in week 10 of my 12 week cycle and I used aromasin when I needed to, like the first 5 weeks I was on dbol, and it kept the bloat off. For me, when I started to feel bloated, I took no more than 5mg per day. You should not need 25mg ed of it during your cycle with that much test. When you start to get a little bloated, take it for 2-5 days and it should go away. I plan to use 20mg of nolva during PCT.
    Excellent answer, thanks! I was thinking of dropping the dose down to half (which would be 12.5mg everyday), but that makes me much more satisfied that 5mg suffices. Saves on money and how much Aromasin you have left over.

  12. #12
    pr0digy9daniel is offline Associate Member
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    I agree with the others who say keep it on hand, theres usually no need to run anything on cycle with the kind of cycle your doing, unless you start getting gyno or bloating or side effects become visible, then you can just start at a low dose and ramp it up to reverse it.

  13. #13
    RA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini
    Love the analogy. But you still maintain that even a low dose of Aromasin is still unnecessary?

    Yes...if you had proviron I would just take that instead but since you dont just put the aromasin on the shelf in case you need it and basically see how you react like frost said.

  14. #14
    godkilla's Avatar
    godkilla is offline Senior Member
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    unless your gyno prone i wouldnt bother running aromasin during cycle. keeping some on hand is a great idea though.

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