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  1. #1
    jabez is offline Junior Member
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    next cycle question

    i had been planning on running test prop and test ace for my next cycle for quite sometime. however, i have recently changed my mind. ive decided that i wanted to go for bulking rather than cutting in this next cycle. so now i have to decide on a new cycle. i was thinking of a test e/ dbol or a50/ and maybe deca . all of this followed up by proper pct consisting of hcg aromasin novaldex and vitamin e. which would all look something like this:

    1-12 test e @ 600mg week
    1-4 a50/or dbol @ 50mg daily
    1-10 deca @ 400mg week
    10-16 hcg @ 300iu daily
    14-18 aromasin @ 25 mcgs daily
    14-18 nolvadex @ 100 mcgs daily

    my goals are to gain about 20 + pounds. my current stats are: 5'9" 180lbs about 9-10%bf. this will by my second cycle so im still pretty new to all of this. any suggestions would be greated appreciated.
    Last edited by jabez; 08-19-2007 at 05:24 PM.

  2. #2
    jon77 is offline Banned
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    Hey Jabez, what was your first cycle like? Compounds used? Need to know this before any input. I will tell you IMO to leave out the deca for now. Also, how old r u?

  3. #3
    jabez is offline Junior Member
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    im 21. my first cycle was andropen 275 ran at 550 a week for 12 weeks. gained quite a bit of weight, but i was told you wont see the results like in your first cycle. is this true?

  4. #4
    bpm1's Avatar
    bpm1 is offline Anabolic Member
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    lost in translation
    i think that looks solid, do it, well planned IMO
    and dont leave out the deca (cant figure out why he posted that)

  5. #5
    jon77 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by jabez
    im 21. my first cycle was andropen 275 ran at 550 a week for 12 weeks. gained quite a bit of weight, but i was told you wont see the results like in your first cycle. is this true?
    Did you have a pct plan at the end of your first? Your discipline,diet and proper pct will determine the results of your cycle. It is true that the more cycles you do, in time you will not have the same gains you've achieved in past ones. But, with that being said,and at your age, you have a good opportunity to blow your first cycle away if you do this one correctly. IMO, I would run test e for 10 weeks @ 500mgs E 5 D. Research frontloading as I would do this as well. Imo, deca is not for me. We all are different and want to try different things. However, I would leave that alone til next cycle, AND after you have researched it more. Test E only will make you very happy in 10 weeks! Trust me

  6. #6
    jon77 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by bpm1
    i think that looks solid, do it, well planned IMO
    and dont leave out the deca(cant figure out why he posted that)
    Thats why I use IMO's my friend. For conflicting posts such as this.

  7. #7
    jabez is offline Junior Member
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    o ran nolva/clomid/l-dex as my pct on my first cycle. only lost about 8 pounds. which was mainly water. when i first started my diet and lifestyle wasnt too healthy. that changed about a month in when i quit smoking completely and moderated my drinking. now i barely even drink. my diet has always been fairly solid. its difficult to get in those meals every 2 to 3 hours with work and such.

  8. #8
    jabez is offline Junior Member
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    any more feedback?

  9. #9
    jabez is offline Junior Member
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    come on somebody

  10. #10
    jon77 is offline Banned
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    Read post #5 again my friend...this shall work fine providing you stick with it,maintaining diet and discipline.

  11. #11
    BOOST's Avatar
    BOOST is offline Member
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    Looks Solid Bro

  12. #12
    bpm1's Avatar
    bpm1 is offline Anabolic Member
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    lost in translation
    Quote Originally Posted by jon77
    Thats why I use IMO's my friend. For conflicting posts such as this.
    i wasnt trying to be dick, that being said if this is a second cycle and he's already run a test only cycle its logical/beneficial to add another compound in there. that being said it is also left to ones personal preference as to what they want to do but since his proposed cycle included deca i would say go for it. deca is the logical next choice/addition for one looking to bulk IMO. peace

  13. #13
    jon77 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by bpm1
    i wasnt trying to be DICK, that being said if this is a second cycle and he's already run a test only cycle its logical/beneficial to add another compound in there. that being said it is also left to ones personal preference as to what they want to do but since his proposed cycle included deca i would say go for it. deca is the logical next choice/addition for one looking to bulk IMO. peace
    Ok, really no need for name calling It merely seemed that you came into this thread with out noticing a couple of things. 1) 21yrs old is still a little too young to be using AAS, but since he already had a first cycle under his belt...ok.
    You never asked about first cycle experience or diet, which I feel is important to know about someone. 2) IMO....deca is not a good choice for 2nd cycle,
    especially if your only 21 yrs old. SO...WITH THAT BEING SAID, it's not my fault that paying attention to detail is an area that you lack experience in.

  14. #14
    repdanger is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jabez
    but i was told you wont see the results like in your first cycle. is this true?
    Depends on many factors. My second cycle was actually better than my first.

  15. #15
    TEST_ME!'s Avatar
    TEST_ME! is offline Associate Member
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    looks solid bro,im gonna be doin a similar cycle run nolva at 10mg ed through out,but others may not agree.

  16. #16
    jabez is offline Junior Member
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    ive read up a little more on frontloading and decided im going to do it. but 1.2gs of test every week sounds extremely high

  17. #17
    bpm1's Avatar
    bpm1 is offline Anabolic Member
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    lost in translation
    Quote Originally Posted by jon77
    Ok, really no need for name calling It merely seemed that you came into this thread with out noticing a couple of things. 1) 21yrs old is still a little too young to be using AAS, but since he already had a first cycle under his belt...ok.
    You never asked about first cycle experience or diet, which I feel is important to know about someone. 2) IMO....deca is not a good choice for 2nd cycle,
    especially if your only 21 yrs old. SO...WITH THAT BEING SAID, it's not my fault that paying attention to detail is an area that you lack experience in.
    wow, nice attitude, good luck lasting round here! i dont recall him asking IF he should cycle so i gave good advice and ur about the first person who thinks deca isnt good for a second cycle but hey i never jumped down ur throat for that as u r entitled to ur opinion as i am to mine but whatever i did disagree with u and u odviously take that very personally, as for attention to detail i very clearly stated i wasnt trying to be a dick but u misinterpreted that as well, anyway chill a little no offense was intended so dont take it that way

  18. #18
    jon77 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by bpm1
    good luck lasting round here!

  19. #19
    Njord's Avatar
    Njord is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jabez
    ive read up a little more on frontloading and decided im going to do it. but 1.2gs of test every week sounds extremely high
    What do you mean by every week? Frontloading is only done in the first week.

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