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  1. #1
    notauser is offline Junior Member
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    Jun 2007

    cycle/vacation dilemma

    let's say i'm done with 4 weeks of pct, and right after that i go on vacation, say 1-2 weeks. during this time i'll hope to relax, so i'm definitely not going to watch my food too closely, although i will try to get high cals with quality macros - but we know that on vacation sometimes it's difficult, and if i have to worry about my meals, it won't really be a vacation!

    question: can i regain the lost mass in around 1-2 weeks without cycling?
    for eg someone who is 180 natural and 200 juiced.. if he loses 10lbs in that 2 weeks, can he ever get back to 200 or stay at 190? (note that 200 is past his natural limits, hence my question)

    i'll prob bring some casein shakes along to last me in between meals.. i bet everyone's just going to be eating 3 meals a day. and maybe when i'm in the country i'll look for some bread to bring around so at least i have some small pro/carb meals that aren't too troublesome.

    training wise highly depends on where we'll be going.. chances are i'll be staying in a hotel, so i'm thinking they'd at least have a gym/pool. worst case scenario i'll just work out in my room with whatever i have.. low intensity of course.

    reason for doing the above is that i believe for maintainence of muscle not much food/training is actually needed (but training is still required as a stimulus else your muscle won't have a reason to stay), but that's just what i think. and with regards to the above, how much weight would a person possibly lose if he doesn't eat well for 1-2 weeks but still trains?

  2. #2
    jon77 is offline Banned
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    Feb 2006
    A good diet and proper pct will dictate how much of your gains you will maintain.
    I see what your saying about being on vacation and all. And yes we are all tempted at times to do things we should stay away from. Just be smart about it.
    Don't walk into an all u can eat pizza joint and start raping the place. Still try to maintain your 6 or so meals a day, cutting calories and substituting things as needed. Assuming your staying in a 5 star hotel, make good use of their fitness room every morning before breakfast. If they do not have one, get up a little earlier and go jog a mile up the road and a mile back. Pushups, crunches, and leg raises should already be on your agenda......
    Have a good vacation

  3. #3
    notauser is offline Junior Member
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    Jun 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by jon77
    A good diet and proper pct will dictate how much of your gains you will maintain.
    I see what your saying about being on vacation and all. And yes we are all tempted at times to do things we should stay away from. Just be smart about it.
    Don't walk into an all u can eat pizza joint and start raping the place. Still try to maintain your 6 or so meals a day, cutting calories and substituting things as needed. Assuming your staying in a 5 star hotel, make good use of their fitness room every morning before breakfast. If they do not have one, get up a little earlier and go jog a mile up the road and a mile back. Pushups, crunches, and leg raises should already be on your agenda......
    Have a good vacation
    hi, thanks for the response, gotta clear up one part, i'm past the part of the maintaining pct gains because i'm already done with pct.. so at the end of 4 weeks of pct what i'm left with should be what i can maintain on a normal day..

    yes as you said in the second part, no going into a pizza joint and raping the place, making use of fitness room/doing some bodyweight stuff daily.. however if i go sightseeing and stuff, getting 6 meals a day isn't always possible yeah? most likely we'd be going with tour groups so there are some fixed itineraries..

    i'm just wondering if i can get back what i lost during that 1-2 weeks naturally in the next few weeks, and how bad will the loss be? i'm thinking 1 week shouldn't be THAT bad right..

  4. #4
    jon77 is offline Banned
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    Feb 2006
    Sorry man, your first sentence made it sound like you were approaching pct.
    Anyways, during the days you are walking, sightseeing, ect, try rounding up some high calorie protein bars. I would also include some granola bars. Now, after returning from vacation, resume your normal diet, and maybe even throw another meal in for maintenance. Continue training hard in gym. Increase your poundages when you can. Remember your cardio. Hope this helped..

  5. #5
    notauser is offline Junior Member
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    Jun 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by jon77
    Sorry man, your first sentence made it sound like you were approaching pct.
    Anyways, during the days you are walking, sightseeing, ect, try rounding up some high calorie protein bars. I would also include some granola bars. Now, after returning from vacation, resume your normal diet, and maybe even throw another meal in for maintenance. Continue training hard in gym. Increase your poundages when you can. Remember your cardio. Hope this helped..
    good idea on the granola and protein bars.. i can't believe it never struck me at all!

    thanks for your response and input man.. sure helped alot!

    bumping for more responses regarding the gaining back of lean mass and some rough figures based on experience..

  6. #6
    jon77 is offline Banned
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    Feb 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by notauser
    thanks for your response and input man.. sure helped alot!
    No problem, that's what we do in here, learn and help others....

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