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  1. #1
    Mars2you2 is offline New Member
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    Question ANADROL-50 for medical use

    Anadrol -50 for medical use


    Hello. I am really not sure if anyone can help me on this... I am a 40y/o female that has severe Bone Marrow Failure... the doctors at NIH (top research hospital in the country) are starting me on a 12wk cycle of Anadrol-50 / 50mg a day for a week then slowly increase the dosage to probably 100-150mg a day (ouch)... and I am having a real hard time and am very nervous, not knowing and trying to understand what this drug will do to me, my body, my mind... It is hard to find research on it from a medical i am hopefull that someone here might shed some light on what I can "truly" expect out of this drug. The hopes are that it will increase my RBC (so i can quite getting so many blood transfussions) but I was on 800mg of Danazol for over a year for the same reasons, and it really cause more pain than benefit for me. If you have any coments or advice, all would be appreciated.

  2. #2
    Coop77's Avatar
    Coop77 is offline Senior Member
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    99% of the members here are male. I doubt there are many females present that have first hand experience with anadrol and its effects on the female body. You might try asking in the female forum.

  3. #3
    Mars2you2 is offline New Member
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    I did post in the female forum as well. I am just desperate for some answers... and most women would not be taking such a high dose. Thank you though. I appreciate your reply.

  4. #4
    XNathan's Avatar
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    Hopefully your RBC will rice but posible sides are virilization and alteration of liver functions (elevated transaminases) but you can use liver protectants like Liv-52 or other.

    Your doctor must evaluate positives and negatives of this treatment. but you will be under medical care with all tests so for you is just decision betwen increased RBC with benefits on your status with posible negative sides like deeper voice, enlarged clitoris and facial hair growth, oily skin etc.

    Personaly I would try lower dose 25mg a day and than go up to max 75mg a day. 25mg dose should be safe but maybe not so effective.

  5. #5
    Alfamale's Avatar
    Alfamale is offline Associate Member
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    Im not a doctor but i have alot experience of AAS and at 150 mg/day of anadrol you are goin to have all the negative sides. I can understand that this it is a last resort but YOU have to deside if it is worth it not your doctor.
    Is there not any other AAS that will work simulary to Anadrol that have less sides? If there is any injectible AAS it would be better for your liver.
    I really havent got a clue on this one but I wish you the best.

  6. #6
    rodge's Avatar
    rodge is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    the responds you get here will all be speculation as we are no doctors but anadrol will give a female def some seriues sides esp at that dose. if its to get your rbc up then i would put my money on boldone as that would prob have less sides on a female. have you talked to your doc about alternatives???


  7. #7
    dupa95's Avatar
    dupa95 is offline Banned
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    Would'nt anavar be a better choice for the lady??????

  8. #8
    rodge's Avatar
    rodge is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by dupa95
    Would'nt anavar be a better choice for the lady??????
    normally that would be the only safe option imo but i think here condition is more severe and would require more drastic actions.


  9. #9
    goose is offline Banned
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    Your on the right track,Anadrol -50 Oral is used to treat the following:
    A Hereditary Progressive Anemia of Unknown Cause, Low Blood Counts due to Bone Marrow Failure, Anemia due to Depressed Bone Marrow.But adrol-50 is just a cheap (I think older) alternative to EPO which when known how it is used is very safe for a female.Let me warn you very complex to use.
    Recombinant human EPO has been used in the treatment of the anemia of CRF since 1986. Good luck...

  10. #10
    rodge's Avatar
    rodge is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by goose4
    Your on the right track,Anadrol -50 Oral is used to treat the following:
    A Hereditary Progressive Anemia of Unknown Cause, Low Blood Counts due to Bone Marrow Failure, Anemia due to Depressed Bone Marrow.But adrol-50 is just a cheap (I think older) alternative to EPO which when known how it is used is very safe for a female.Let me warn you very complex to use.
    Recombinant human EPO has been used in the treatment of the anemia of CRF since 1986. Good luck...
    nice. thnx goose, did'nt think of epo.


  11. #11
    J*U*icEd's Avatar
    J*U*icEd is offline Anabolic Member
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    oouch thats a ruff doseage for a woman, but good luck with everything... and i hope your doctor knows what hes doin!!

  12. #12
    dupa95's Avatar
    dupa95 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by goose4
    Your on the right track,Anadrol -50 Oral is used to treat the following:
    A Hereditary Progressive Anemia of Unknown Cause, Low Blood Counts due to Bone Marrow Failure, Anemia due to Depressed Bone Marrow.But adrol-50 is just a cheap (I think older) alternative to EPO which when known how it is used is very safe for a female.Let me warn you very complex to use.
    Recombinant human EPO has been used in the treatment of the anemia of CRF since 1986. Good luck...
    NICE POST!!!!!!!!!

  13. #13
    goose is offline Banned
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    Infact the few people I have met that have used EPO,say it makes you feel damm good,it`s very Therapeutic but it`s dangers are very real if you dont know how to use it,like insulin and more complex to use.

  14. #14
    XNathan's Avatar
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    Doctor must use just FDA autorized drugs. In our country Anadrol isnt in our pharmacies and can speculate about availability of human grade boldenone . She can go with some black market stuff but must have full support from her doc and very good source.

    EPO is safer than any AS, also more expensive but not so expensive like others hematopoetic growth factors.

    Consult doc. Hope you will be fine.

  15. #15
    Dizz28's Avatar
    Dizz28 is offline I reject your reality and substitute my own
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    Well Anadrol is available for use in the US and is approved for anemia and red blood cell deficiencies so she can be prescribed it here.

    What makes me mad is when people act like they are doctors and try to give people advice on what they should take and what dose they should take it at. All she was asking is experience with this medication in females. She already said she is seeing ACTUAL doctors at an ACTUAL medical research facility and this is what they are advising her to take. I'm sure they go over the risks and alternatives with her...these are people that do this for a living.

    Stop telling her "You shouldn't take that, you should take this...."

  16. #16
    Mars2you2 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by rodge
    nice. thnx goose, did'nt think of epo.


    Gentlemen.... not quite sure what EPO is, but I will definately ask my doctor about far (day 5) I have really just experienced severe headaches and moderate fatique. oh, and 2 lbs of weight gain (that i am not looking forward too!) but anyway, I appreciate the information. Thanks!

  17. #17
    Mars2you2 is offline New Member
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    XNathan-- your right, and being in the Military (dep) they are VERY perticular on the med. perscribed...we orgininally were going to do a cycle of Deca -durabolin , but again, too much red tape to go thru, and NIH (in Bethesda, MD) would have to send it to my doctors here in Texas, and then, It suddenly wasn't as redily we went with the Anadrol -50 (which like DIZZ replyed IS a available and FDA approved drug for blood deficiencies). These Doctors would NEVER take me "black-market"..
    I do have a perfect Bone Marrow Match with one of my brothers, but they hesitate to do a Transplant & are studying my sibs to see if my condition is genetic or not... until then...I keep searching for some answers.

  18. #18
    yautja's Avatar
    yautja is offline Junior Member
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    yea i think EPO would be good.

  19. #19
    Maldorf's Avatar
    Maldorf is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mars2you2
    Gentlemen.... not quite sure what EPO is, but I will definately ask my doctor about far (day 5) I have really just experienced severe headaches and moderate fatique. oh, and 2 lbs of weight gain (that i am not looking forward too!) but anyway, I appreciate the information. Thanks!
    Yeah, I got headaches too when on higher doses. That anadrol really will help your RBC count a lot. I do wonder why they dont do the EPO. My father in law just had open heart surgery and they gave him EPO or something very similar to raise his blood count right before surgery.

  20. #20
    Vitor Ennnergy's Avatar
    Vitor Ennnergy is offline Junior Member
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    Anadrol is not the first line treatment of aplastic anemia, but in some cases it is really useful as second of third line , if the other failed.
    And yes, the dosages is all that high , lower dosages unfortunately did not show results.
    I had some female patients having as much as 150mg/day of hemogenin (brazilian anadrol) , and some had all sides and some had only little sides... seems that there is an individual tendency of suffering hard on sides or not.
    EPO only will help in specific kind of anemia due to kidney failure od producing endogenous EPO. Nothing related to aplastic anemia , the one that anadrol can be useful.
    Hope that helps.

  21. #21
    Mars2you2 is offline New Member
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    Vitor fm Brazil... after 10 yrs. of BMF (celularity is less than 5%), it is now to the point where i need blood transfussions more frequently. I do take Aranesp (500 mcg) twice a week... i inject myself with 10cc of B-12 as i see needed (sometimes do it daily if needed), we have tried the Danazol 800mg a day (nothing but joint pain & pitted edema), so now we trying this cycle of the Anadrol for 12 wks. tomorrow is my first blood test since i started... i have now extreem fatigue (daily) and severe headaches. There has been at least 3-4lbs of weight gain. Are you a Doctor in Brazil, since you spoke of your patients? I welcome any information I can get in my quest to feel better and lead a semi-normal lifestyle. thanks. Elaine.

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