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Thread: fat loss

  1. #1
    CParrott55 is offline New Member
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    fat loss

    I have been lifting for about two years now and im currently in the sixth week of my ten week cycle of test and eq. I am 6'0 and weigh 225lbs. I did the first five weeks with 400mg of test and 200 of eq, the last five weeks im just doing eq. I don't know if that is normal but that is what i was told for my first cycle. I have already gained alot of strengh and muscle mass. Now i am curious to know how i can lose this fat weight i have around my waist line that has been there ever since i can remember. I am around 15 percent body fat now and alot of that seems to be around my waist. I am not currently doing any cardio because i heard that i will lose some muscle if i do. I eat more than enough protein and try to keep carbs out after six pm. Please let me know what i can do for myself to make this better. thanks

  2. #2
    XBiker's Avatar
    XBiker is offline Retired Vet
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    Over there.

    Re: fat loss

    Originally posted by CParrott55
    I have been lifting for about two years now and im currently in the sixth week of my ten week cycle of test and eq. I am 6'0 and weigh 225lbs. I did the first five weeks with 400mg of test and 200 of eq, the last five weeks im just doing eq. I don't know if that is normal but that is what i was told for my first cycle. I have already gained alot of strengh and muscle mass. Now i am curious to know how i can lose this fat weight i have around my waist line that has been there ever since i can remember. I am around 15 percent body fat now and alot of that seems to be around my waist. I am not currently doing any cardio because i heard that i will lose some muscle if i do. I eat more than enough protein and try to keep carbs out after six pm. Please let me know what i can do for myself to make this better. thanks
    Do some cardio. Cardio is good for you. As long as you are not doing something like 1 hour per day, you should not lose much if any muscle mass.

  3. #3
    bigkev's Avatar
    bigkev is offline Scamming Traitor
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    xbiker is right about the cardio. but diet is the most important thing when it come to cutting all of that mass up. there isnt a drug that has ever been made that can take the place of a good diet. clen can help, as can eca. just combine it all with a good diet.

  4. #4
    dumbells101's Avatar
    dumbells101 is offline Senior Member
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    Yes Xbiker is correct on the cardio...but how old are you, and how long have you been trying to lose the mid section? Also have you planned your post cycle, cause if not you'll also lose the gains or most of them from your cycle. Once you are finished you'll need to increase your cardio more and cut back a bit on your training since you'll be more catabolic and have no test production. Try a thermogenic for sure and get good sleep. Be careful

  5. #5
    CParrott55 is offline New Member
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    I am 22 years old, and i have no idea what do to for my post cycle. I was planning on doing some clen and cytomel in a couple of weeks, but i have no idea how much cardio to do, or how long. i haven't put a lot of effort in the past to lose my midsection but now it has to go. please advise further as to what i can do to keep my gains and lose this fat.

  6. #6
    elkins31's Avatar
    elkins31 is offline Junior Member
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    Maby start some creatine post cycle and add in cardio. This should help you keep some gains and the cardio will knock off fat. Do your cardio in the morning before you eat. Walking is the best for around 30 to 45 min at a medium pace. Throw some clen into it and it will melt off.

  7. #7
    dumbells101's Avatar
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    You will need some clomid to help bring your body's test production back to normal. As long as there is too much test in the body then you won't produce any. Clomid @ 100mg for 10 days and 50mg for 10 seems to be the normal cycle amount...but get a few other opinions by reading some of the threads on post cycles. Knowledge is power my man, and you have access to a ton of it on this formum.

    As for how much cardio...30-45 minutes 4x per week first thing in the am on an empty stomach with just a cup of coffee will yield the best fat burning results.

    Hold off on the cynomel and clen for a few weeks and just focus natural bodyfat loss untill you're "clean" then remember to alternate the ECA stack and clenbuterol 2 weeks each.

  8. #8
    CParrott55 is offline New Member
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    thanks for the advice, when should i start clomid since i am still doing another 4 weeks of eq?

  9. #9
    dumbells101's Avatar
    dumbells101 is offline Senior Member
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    Begin clomid 2-3 weeks post. let me say again that you should do some searching on clomid to get more info. There have been many threads on the subject of post cycle. good luck

  10. #10
    Molle_23's Avatar
    Molle_23 is offline New Member
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    cardio in the morning would work well bro, also primobolan is wonders I think, and clen vs eca to use when cutting!

  11. #11
    contraction is offline New Member
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    post cycle-take creatine and clomid...some of the above threads showed the dosages. Some people may argue with me on this but after a cycle I like to wait 2 or 3 weeks till I start the fat loss.
    The reason for this is to allow the natural test to start back up and to let my body get use to holding the weight.

    When I do the fat loss I do the HIT system and take the ECA stack-there are more advanced cycles out there that have you take clen at the end of your cycle to loose some fat and hold the muscle but I have never tried this so I can't give advice on it.

  12. #12
    Ron C is offline New Member
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    Re: fat loss

    Originally posted by CParrott55
    I have been lifting for about two years now and im currently in the sixth week of my ten week cycle of test and eq. I am 6'0 and weigh 225lbs. I did the first five weeks with 400mg of test and 200 of eq, the last five weeks im just doing eq. I don't know if that is normal but that is what i was told for my first cycle. I have already gained alot of strengh and muscle mass. Now i am curious to know how i can lose this fat weight i have around my waist line that has been there ever since i can remember. I am around 15 percent body fat now and alot of that seems to be around my waist. I am not currently doing any cardio because i heard that i will lose some muscle if i do. I eat more than enough protein and try to keep carbs out after six pm. Please let me know what i can do for myself to make this better. thanks
    Your in the same boat as me. What really helped me to finally start taking the middle down was three simple things removed from my diet. Milk(makes you bloated and has sugar in it), cokes or diet cokes(blocks digestion of foods w/carbonation in it-what goes in must come out-the faster the better, and salt(causes too much water retention). I cut those out and did cardio about 4 days a week and ate real clean.Works for me.

  13. #13
    poppapump58's Avatar
    poppapump58 is offline Member
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    keep your protein intake high and you shouldnt lose any muscle at all. If you do, a little muscle loss is alot better than fat.

  14. #14
    CParrott55 is offline New Member
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    thanks for all your help guys. im gonna give it all i got and hopefully lose some bf

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