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  1. #1
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    Jan 2007

    Winter Bulking Cycle w/ Inusulin

    I posted a question a few weeks ago about the effects of insulin in reguards to bodybuilding. I did sum researching and asking around, have decided to give it a try for my upcoming winter bulking cycle that I'm planning to start after Halloween. Its as follows:

    Test E 900grm/week x 12wks
    Deca 600mg/weekx12wks
    Humalog 4IU PWOx 6 week max
    Anadrol 50 50mg/day wk1 100mg/day wk2 100mg/day wk3 and 50mg/day wk4

    LIke I said this is pretty far off almost 2 mo. away so I got sum time to make adjustments any insight as to goin up or down on the dosages. I feel like I'm gonna get blasted here for the insulin part but if anybody wants to chime in their 2 cents feel free to do so. I plan on monitoring myself as far as the insulin goes I Know thats a must and keeping sugar foods nearby in case nething were to happen.

  2. #2
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    tapering drol is fine i suppose, though i wouldnt taper DOWN. i would start low to better assess the effects of it on you then gradually increase dosages periodically to achieve desired effects

    insulin at 4iu aint really jack.. and is kinda pointless imo. i would definitely urge you to try to up ur dose fairly rapidly to around 10-12iu pwo and find a dextrose ratio that is low but not so low u wanna die.

    i do not understand such a high dosage of test as it seems to give diminishing returns when u exceed 500-700mg/wk let alone 900.

    i have ran insulin up to a total of 40iu per day (10iu am 30iu pwo, and saw very lil from it.. got fat though and felt like SHIT)

    i personally think if u are going to run insulin, to get anything outta it i would run it w/ igf.

    as for the duration of running insulin i have spoke w/ a few nutritionist/biochemist/endocrinologist and they all kinda came to a similar conclusion when running slin pwo.

    firstly if you are one of those people who use dextrose pwo then insulin would be a MUCH BETTER CHOICE as the workload on ur pancreas to manufacture enuff insulin to offset the large amounts of dextrose one consumes pwo is very taxing thus using insulin pwo instead is kinda of a good deal as it gives ur pancreas a break since its working all day long w/ the meals you consume (assuming ur not an atkins tard) thus the run time can be extended practically indefinitely and imo the gains from insulin seem to become BETTER w/ time as its gains originate from supersaturation of muscle cells to aid in RECOVERY, so its a more mild/gradual anabolic effect.

  3. #3
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    Jan 2007
    OK thanx Tai, I was kinda auspisious about running insulin in the first place. And I think i'm probably gonna hold off on it, and run it with IGF I do think that would be best. Well I was gonna do 900mg/week because the test i buy is dosed a 300mg/ml. And I'll keep the drol at 100mg/week after week 2 assuming the sides areen't too bad I had considered goin up to 150mg/day on week 3 and 4 but I think 100mg/day will work just fine. Appreciate the advice.

  4. #4
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by jaysunderstudy
    OK thanx Tai, I was kinda auspisious about running insulin in the first place. And I think i'm probably gonna hold off on it, and run it with IGF I do think that would be best. Well I was gonna do 900mg/week because the test i buy is dosed a 300mg/ml. And I'll keep the drol at 100mg/week after week 2 assuming the sides areen't too bad I had considered goin up to 150mg/day on week 3 and 4 but I think 100mg/day will work just fine. Appreciate the advice.
    100mg should be just fine for for drol... probably only side you will suffer is lack of appetite.

    test shud be fine at 600mg/wk any higher just seems to increase estrogen related sides w/o increasing gains at all since tests effectiveness is in its anticatabolism and not anabolism

  5. #5
    vitor is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    test shud be fine at 600mg/wk any higher just seems to increase estrogen related sides w/o increasing gains at all since tests effectiveness is in its anticatabolism and not anabolism
    Testosterone is anabolic , it promotes nitrogen retension in the muscle to a large degree.

    Testosterone also binds to the androgen recepter and will promote all of the AR-dependent mechanisms of muscle grow.

  6. #6
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by vitor
    Testosterone is anabolic , it promotes nitrogen retension in the muscle to a large degree.

    Testosterone also binds to the androgen recepter and will promote all of the AR-dependent mechanisms of muscle grow.
    im aware of the mechanics behind it.
    im just saying that its not as potent anabolically as dhts or nor's

  7. #7
    Amuuzeng's Avatar
    Amuuzeng is offline Junior Member
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    HumaLOG is very fast acting so starting at 4IU and adjusting from there makes sense. There are several types of insulin , eg, R, N, 70/30, etc, all having different lenghts of action (Lantus being the longest). Be very careful and start low. Injecting has an effect on de-regulating your current receptors and can lead to actual diabetes.

    My 2cents

  8. #8
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    Jan 2007
    Ok I'll take the test down to 600mg/week then. Like u said Tai, that should yield better results and save a lil money in the process. Thanx for the advice I'm really lookin forward to diving into some A-Bombs too. I've got too many L/XL shirts I need to stretch out. lol.

  9. #9
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    Ok Tai, got 1 more question if that much is true about not goin too high on test then why do alota of the pro's use exceedingly high doses? 1grm or more? 'Wouldn't that principle hold true for them as well?

  10. #10
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by jaysunderstudy
    Ok Tai, got 1 more question if that much is true about not goin too high on test then why do alota of the pro's use exceedingly high doses? 1grm or more? 'Wouldn't that principle hold true for them as well?
    you really know what the pro's run?! Do tell!

  11. #11
    Amorphic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jaysunderstudy
    Ok Tai, got 1 more question if that much is true about not goin too high on test then why do alota of the pro's use exceedingly high doses? 1grm or more? 'Wouldn't that principle hold true for them as well?
    Remember, pros are at like 300 pounds offseason and are aiming for completely different goals than most of us here, not to mention they are ON cycle all the time. their needs and requirements for anabolism are vastly different

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