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  1. #1
    RICK79916's Avatar
    RICK79916 is offline Junior Member
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    Aug 2007

    ****3-month Unanswered Question****

    I am currently in the 5th week of a 10 week cycle:

    Sust 250- 500mg wk
    Winny- 50mg EOD (I know it should be every day)
    Novaldex 20mg ED

    Here is the issue:

    I will be separating from Military Service soon...and due for a complete physical in late October. The physical will contain: complete bloodwork (7 vials of blood for all kinds of shit) ; an EKG, and other stuff I cannot recall. I know it will be somewhat extensive.

    - Is there anything I can do...or am I completely f*cked?

    - Today I bought some : Vitamins E and C, Milk Thistle, Cod Liver Oil, St Johns Wort, and Centrum

    I also have some HCG and Aromasin in my arsenal ...and know I need to buy some herbals to assist with the cholestrol

    - Will I have to cut my cycle short?

    ********I have relentlessly researched this issue online...and on this forum to no satisfaction. Actually, there are a few others still waiting for an answer on the ***Confidential Bloodwork Forum***

    Is there anyone out there with some concrete knowledge?**********

    Last edited by RICK79916; 09-09-2007 at 06:28 AM.

  2. #2
    TheArtist's Avatar
    TheArtist is offline Member
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    I can't give you a solid answer to your question, I can only parrot what i've read here and there. But i do believe the only issue you may have is some abnormal readings from your bloodwork.... Unusually high test levels... high RBC... stuff like that. but I don't think it's gonna just pop up and say you're juicing. Though i could be wrong, as i've been many times.. lol. But anyway, I'm with you on this one, I'd like to have some more knowledge on this as well.
    Also, there's a post that stays bumped about all of the time, something about steroid clense, supposidly ridding the body of all aas in X amount of time... I dunno how effective it is, but you may want to look into that, if you're in a bind.

  3. #3
    39+1 is offline Banned
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    youll be fine there there not gonna test you for steriods are they?

  4. #4
    Dizz28's Avatar
    Dizz28 is offline I reject your reality and substitute my own
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    question was already answered yesterday

    Here's the link: post#7

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