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Thread: My First Jab

  1. #1
    skycowboy's Avatar
    skycowboy is offline Junior Member
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    Exclamation My First Jab

    …or perhaps I should have titled it “My first Five Jabs” since that’s how many times it took to get the gear in. I’m a well known shot-a-phoebe. Ever since I was 10 years old I’ve passed out when getting a shot. I really don’t understand why; I know it’s no big deal. I’m not afraid of pain and shots really don’t hurt that much. It’s just the thought of a needle penetrating my muscle that I guess freaks me out.

    …Anyways it went like this this morning: I went to the gym and did cardio, came home, went into the bathroom, got the gear out, took a shower, got out, took everything out of their wrappers, popped off the top of the glass amp, pulled the Galenika Test E into the syringe through the 22GA pin, switched out that pin with a new 26GA pin, sat on the tub and stopped. I sat on the tub with the pin just above the skin of my right thigh. I sat there, trembling, heart racing and I thought to myself, dude calm down; it will all be worth it. I actually calmed myself down and finally after about 5 minuets in the same position, I did it. I pushed the pin slowly but firmly through the skin and into the muscle. The crazy thing was IT DIDN’T HURT! In fact, I couldn’t even feel it until it was almost all the way in. Once it was in and I started to aspirate , the freak in my brain must have realized “hey…there’s a pin sticking in my muscle” and the lights started to dim. I had no choice but to abort so I pulled it out. I pulled myself together, quickly regrouped and stuck it again just next to where I jabbed it before. Same thing again…had to pull it. The next time I switched legs and tried two more times; still no good. Finally, the fifth time, I sat on the floor so that if I did lose it, I wouldn’t have far to fall. I back to the right side and jabbed, aspirated, and started pushing. I pushed very firm with my thumb and it went in very slow. I could feel the gear going in and it was all I could do not to lose it. After it was finally done I was on my knees with my head on the floor to try to get the blood back into my head. I came close to passing out, but didn’t.

    I was surprised that the spots where I jabbed but failed was not sore. The spot I did get the gear in was a little tender. As the day went on, the other spots became a little tender and now they feel the same as where I did get it in. They are all just a little sore; not bad at all.

    All in all, this experience was no big deal. I just wish I could convince the little freak in my head (who I seem to have no control over) of that. To those who have never done this but are considering it and don’t have a little freak, I say it’s a piece of cake. To those like me who want to do this but have a mental hang-up, I say bite the bullet and just get through it; you’ll survive.

    They say that the first time is the toughest and it’s all down hill after that. I hope they’re right, but I must say that I’m not looking forward to Sunday for the next jab.

  2. #2
    Juicy J is offline Associate Member
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    its all good bro. when i did my first time i must of sat there about ten minutes just staring at the syringe thinking...this is how jay cutler got where he is, this is the secret. it then took another 10 minutes to push the needle through, but it all gets easier from there on.

  3. #3
    BOOST's Avatar
    BOOST is offline Member
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    26GA Christ it must have took forever to go in, shoot legs with 23GA 1 inch

  4. #4
    3bd's Avatar
    3bd is offline Anabolic Member
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    It's nothing but a thing dude. My first time I had the phone in my hand with my bro on the other end talking me through it all... "... aspirate , huh, what?"

    Pretty soon though, you'll be drooling at the thought of your next pin.

  5. #5
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
    Panzerfaust is offline Ron Paul Nuthugger
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    Good lord, honestly AAS is not for you then. There is no way you can keep that up because:

    A. You will be a pin cushion
    B. You will have serious scar tissue buildup
    ***No source checks!!!***

  6. #6
    Idunno is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by muriloninja
    Good lord, honestly AAS is not for you then. There is no way you can keep that up because:

    A. You will be a pin cushion
    B. You will have serious scar tissue buildup

    C) we'll all die from lau***n reading ll your posts 'cause I thought that was some funnny Sheit!!

  7. #7
    J*U*icEd's Avatar
    J*U*icEd is offline Anabolic Member
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    LI, NY kidd!!
    ohh man... injecting is cake... i actually enjoy the actions and sensations associated with injections... but thats just me.... have fun brotha!


  8. #8
    godkilla's Avatar
    godkilla is offline Senior Member
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    i hope u get over your phobia soon because if this is what you have to endure everytime you take a shot, i dont see you doing many cycles. you should prolly get someone else to inject you until you get use to it.

  9. #9
    SpawnsWorld's Avatar
    SpawnsWorld is offline New Member
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    You will get used to it, its like sex, the first time your nervous, then u look forward to getting some more. When i was a teen, i use to get my leg drained because it would build fluid up. Talk about pain. I dont even know the size of the needle or syringe, but they use to take about 3 syringes out of one leg to drain it. That freakin sucked, lol.

  10. #10
    Idunno is offline Banned
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    I had my knee drained of almost 60cc's of fluid by a 16ga needle whe nI blew it out back in my military days... that F'in HURT!!

  11. #11
    SpawnsWorld's Avatar
    SpawnsWorld is offline New Member
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    Yea, I hear ya. Especially when the u can feel the needle touching the inside of your knee after its all drained out. Did they do a cortisone injection?

  12. #12
    AandF6969's Avatar
    AandF6969 is offline Made Up Of Wires
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    You forgot to wipe the top of the bottles and your leg with an alcohol swab.

  13. #13
    millionairemurph's Avatar
    millionairemurph is offline Senior Member
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    if i inject into a nerve or get blood or whatever and have to reinject i change needles. If i draw out of an amp i change needles because my pin gets dulled from touching the glass. Use a new pin EVERYTIME you inject, they are so cheap.
    Glutes are painless and delts can be too! Im not a doctor but i dont think hum,ans have all that many nerves beyond the skin. I never feel anything once past the skin. I also make sure to run a drop of the gear down the needle before i inject to lube the needle, kind of twisting it to get it all the way around..

  14. #14
    locowhiteguy77 is offline Junior Member
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    Welcome to the darkside..It get's easier. Just get your mind on somethin else, then poke.

  15. #15
    Second2None's Avatar
    Second2None is offline Banned
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    when you said " i had to abort " i started lau***ng so hard i started crying, thats some funny sh-t
    check this out S p o t i n j e c t i o n s . c o m
    glutes are the best imo 25g 1.5 inch you wont feel a thing

  16. #16
    SuperK's Avatar
    SuperK is offline Associate Member
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    something similar happened to me in the early days, it's called an anxiety attack. i think your now ready for the delt.

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