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  1. #1
    fitguy is offline Anabolic Member
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    steroid gains?does it fade by time

    i am starting to believe that steroid gains fade by time even if someone used it below his max natural limit,its a life style u must keep cycling at least every now and then as u slowly loose the muscle mass u gained while on cycle by time,even if your diet and training is in check,i am not sure if i am right or not and thats why i am looking for feedback from the experts here cause i am a newbie in steroid use ,i have read too much but ran only 3 cycles of test only so who am i to tell..thanks

  2. #2
    ricker35910's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fitguy
    i am starting to believe that steroid gains fade by time even if someone used it below his max natural limit,its a life style u must keep cycling at least every now and then as u slowly loose the muscle mass u gained while on cycle by time,even if your diet and training is in check,i am not sure if i am right or not and thats why i am looking for feedback from the experts here cause i am a newbie in steroid use,i have read too much but ran only 3 cycles of test only so who am i to tell..thanks
    i say false, you should be able to put good weight on just from EATING. sure it's hard work but it can be done. anabolics just make it easier but remember most of the weight you gain from aas is water weight.

  3. #3
    mario_ps2's Avatar
    mario_ps2 is offline Associate Member
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    Well eventually it will from my experience even if you have your diet and training
    in check. You just got to keep cycling. This is my opinion and results that I have had.

  4. #4
    Atomini's Avatar
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    Something's wrong with your diet and/or training, then.

  5. #5
    mario_ps2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini
    Something's wrong with your diet and/or training, then.
    I have considered that thought many times.. though when I'm off cycle I usually
    don't count my calories anymore and I tend to eat more protein and less carbohydrates [I do try to maintain around my daily calorie intake ] because I start to get fat around my belly.

  6. #6
    customworksking's Avatar
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    I feel it's all diet and how u wrkout I found i wrk harder when on a cycle then's that extra edge that I am off I made sure to pick it up and keep the cycle drive!....some ppl can look at weights and get big and some can not so,it will be harder to keep for some and not for others..imo

  7. #7
    Amuuzeng's Avatar
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    TIME will kill all gains eventually. We all get old. We all are affected by time no matter what. As a group bodybuilders fight aging, but it will catch up, so yes your gains will can grow old, or fight it tooth and nail (with or without steroids ). "Natural" means nothing to time. I look at AAS and muscle gains like money, money doesn't make you happy, but it sure does help.

  8. #8
    Brent_G's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by customworksking
    I feel it's all diet and how u wrkout I found i wrk harder when on a cycle then's that extra edge that I am off I made sure to pick it up and keep the cycle drive!....some ppl can look at weights and get big and some can not so,it will be harder to keep for some and not for others..imo

    careful you dont injure yourself. Ive seen lots of people that try and continue that heavy lifting and tear something.

  9. #9
    Jeff1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini
    Something's wrong with your diet and/or training, then.

    I am no Jay Cutler i have been off the juice for two years but still managed to keep some what a good body..

  10. #10
    vitor is offline Anabolic Member
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    Everything you gain over your natrual limit will eventually fade if you stay clean long enough, but you will be able to hold your genetic max w/o AAS.

    Although, with GH, IGF you can create new muscle cells which will be a permenant change which will make your genetic max higher, AAS doesnt seem to be able to this according to studies...

  11. #11
    Okiman is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by vitor
    Everything you gain over your natrual limit will eventually fade if you stay clean long enough, but you will be able to hold your genetic max w/o AAS.

    Although, with GH, IGF you can create new muscle cells which will be a permenant change which will make your genetic max higher, AAS doesnt seem to be able to this according to studies...
    I think I heard somewhere that there's some evidence that Oxandrolone may contribute to actual tissue growth.Anybody else know anything about this?

  12. #12
    Sir Lifts-a-lot's Avatar
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    you will lose size and strength with time but yiou just have to keep on keeping on in the gym and with eating and it will help to keep your gains for a good while.

  13. #13
    fitguy is offline Anabolic Member
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    yes but not forever even if you managed to have a good diet and workout..

  14. #14
    Big's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fitguy
    yes but not forever even if you managed to have a good diet and workout..
    planning on living forever?

  15. #15
    Ir0n's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ImaGetBigger
    planning on living forever?

  16. #16
    Renesis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ImaGetBigger
    planning on living forever?
    Why not?

  17. #17
    fitguy is offline Anabolic Member
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    i mean for a long time,even if you kept on working out and eating right..

  18. #18
    Mr Tick's Avatar
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    Good question fitguy i was wondering the same thing. So say a person at 150 took aas and got to 200. Say his genetic potently was 210. So with out doing any more aas just keeping in the gym and keeping his cal intake and protein up. How soon would he expect to start having loss if any? Would it take him 8 years of naturally training to fall back to 160? I know no one knows exact answers but what do yall think on something like this?

    Firguy not trying to hi jack just trying to ask the same thing in a different way.

  19. #19
    Big's Avatar
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    The thing is this question is impossible to answer in such a general way. Everyone is different with different genetics, one person could keep all of the gains while another person doing the exact same thing could lose theirs. It's hard to ask a hypothetical question and expect a definitive answer.

  20. #20
    farrebarre's Avatar
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    for my own experience, sure with every cycle i gain more and if i dont work out i lose alot of my gains (normal), but when i start working out again after maybe 3-6 months, i gain just as fast as if i was on cycle, i mean seriously i see results after my very first workout, my theory is that i grow fast till i get just about the size i was before i stopped working out and then to grow past that i need some more gear... dunno if it sounds stupid lol

  21. #21
    critic7's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fitguy
    i am starting to believe that steroid gains fade by time even if someone used it below his max natural limit,its a life style u must keep cycling at least every now and then as u slowly loose the muscle mass u gained while on cycle by time,even if your diet and training is in check,i am not sure if i am right or not and thats why i am looking for feedback from the experts here cause i am a newbie in steroid use,i have read too much but ran only 3 cycles of test only so who am i to tell..thanks
    i think u were right, just look at Arnold now and some of his old pics when he used to cycle. i bet u will see a big difference.

  22. #22
    Big's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by critic7
    i think u were right, just look at Arnold now and some of his old pics when he used to cycle. i bet u will see a big difference.
    certainly he looks different, but the question was if diet and training doesn't change will you lose your gains once gear is stopped. How do you know his diet and training didn't also change?

  23. #23
    bpm1's Avatar
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    lost in translation
    i think in most cases if a person continues working out properly and eating properly most if not all gains can be kept, keep in mind im talking bout normal guys like u n me not mr olympia, i think they r in a diff situation as they r at physical maximums and id assume they need to be on all the time to maintain that kinda physique

  24. #24
    bpm1's Avatar
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    lost in translation
    Quote Originally Posted by ImaGetBigger
    certainly he looks different, but the question was if diet and training doesn't change will you lose your gains once gear is stopped. How do you know his diet and training didn't also change?
    u know this has changed, hes a politician now, i'll bet he works out very little, hes fryin bigger fish now.

  25. #25
    Big's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bpm1
    u know this has changed, hes a politician now, i'll bet he works out very little, hes fryin bigger fish now.
    I agree, which seems to make it an invalid argument to use him as evidence in the initial question.

  26. #26
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    back in the states
    evenually u will loose them but i lift with a 70 year old who can bench 365

  27. #27
    Maldorf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mario_ps2
    Well eventually it will from my experience even if you have your diet and training
    in check. You just got to keep cycling. This is my opinion and results that I have had.
    This is how it was for me, and most experienced in this will tell you the same thing. If you want to maintain the level of development you reached while on cycle you are going to have to use some AAS to maintain that. Now the amount you use to maintain wont have to be near the amount you used during the cycle, but you cant go without for months on end and expect to keep most of what you put on.

  28. #28
    fitguy is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maldorf
    This is how it was for me, and most experienced in this will tell you the same thing. If you want to maintain the level of development you reached while on cycle you are going to have to use some AAS to maintain that. Now the amount you use to maintain wont have to be near the amount you used during the cycle, but you cant go without for months on end and expect to keep most of what you put on.
    whats your stats bro..

  29. #29
    Maldorf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fitguy
    whats your stats bro..
    take a look at my bio.

  30. #30
    critic7's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ImaGetBigger
    certainly he looks different, but the question was if diet and training doesn't change will you lose your gains once gear is stopped.
    i think some of the gains achieved will "gradually" fade away as fitguy mention.

    How do you know his diet and training didn't also change?
    isn't that obvious?

  31. #31
    Big's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by critic7
    isn't that obvious?
    My point was that it is obvious. I don't see how someone could use Arnold as an example of how you lose your growth when gear stops and exercise and diet stay the same when it is highly unlikely that his exercise and diet have stayed the same.

  32. #32
    fitguy is offline Anabolic Member
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    if the answer of my question is yes then i think gear isnt the best way to go since you will spend money,time ,effort and will go through different sides to be in a good shape that wont last too much but i guess if that was the case no one would have used gear,right?

  33. #33
    MagicalTrevor is offline New Member
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    this is very disappointing...

  34. #34
    Big's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MagicalTrevor
    this is very disappointing...
    what is?

  35. #35
    MagicalTrevor is offline New Member
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    didn't want to take gear for years.....

  36. #36
    Big's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MagicalTrevor
    didn't want to take gear for years.....
    there haven't been (and couldn't be) any definitive answers in this thread, as everyone is different with different genetics. However, if you thought you would cycle a few times then be huge till you're old, then yes, I could see how you would be disappointed.
    This video is a repost, but it is informative and could be enlightening for those concerned with cycling "too long"

  37. #37
    MagicalTrevor is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ImaGetBigger
    there haven't been (and couldn't be) any definitive answers in this thread, as everyone is different with different genetics. However, if you thought you would cycle a few times then be huge till you're old, then yes, I could see how you would be disappointed.
    This video is a repost, but it is informative and could be enlightening for those concerned with cycling "too long"
    this video was very much of this site is about dispelling the idea that steroids are one seems to say this kinda stuff...

    still the old guys that have taken gear for years have weird necks and guts....even with no body fat...

  38. #38
    critic7's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ImaGetBigger
    when it is highly unlikely that his exercise and diet have stayed the same.
    how do u know his diet and exercise have stayed the same all these years? do u know him personally?

  39. #39
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    NO, they do not fade if your diet and training are as they should be... otherwise AAS would be pointless and no one would ever come off.

  40. #40
    Big's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by critic7
    how do u know his diet and exercise have stayed the same all these years? do u know him personally?
    If you will read my post, I said that it is highly unlikely that his diet and exercise have stayed the same. I base that opinion on common sense given his current position, so I can see how it has evaded you, considering some of your posts.

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