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  1. #1
    Sicilian30's Avatar
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    Reguarding a PM: To all the youngsters out there: Everyone please read

    I had to post a thread guys after a 15 year old person (I won't mention his name here), PMed me and asked me to help him with a cycle. I must admit it got me alittle worried, concerned and depressed. Here is the PM he sent me and my reply:
    I just wanted to hopefully reach some young bruthers out there 15 years and older, wanting to do cycles. Please don't, and do research, wait till you are older and your body will thank you later!
    I took the guys name out to protect him:

    15 year old requiring advice on an anabolic cycle.
    I am too inclined to do this. Perhaps I am risking too much, but I do not believe anything can talk me out of it, I am far too impatient and commited , by nature.

    I am in need of advice of the ideal cycle to maximize gains and definitely minimize growth plate closure and other nasty side affects.

    To my understanding, oxandralone is the only steroid which does not fuse growth plates. However, are there any better alternatives which are nearly as safe?

    I am in need of advice on creating the ideal cycle for my age, so I would not end up regretting this.

    I have read many of your posts and you seem very knowledgable, and I would be obliged if you can help this 15 year old out in making a safe and effective cycle.

    My nutrition and training is fairly optimal so this should not be of concern.. But I do not know how many calories I would need to eat while on a cycle, perhaps BW x 30? But right now I do not know what to consider, so I would GREATLY appreciate it if you would help me out.

    Thank you sincerely,

    Re: 15 year old requiring advice on an anabolic cycle.
    I hate to be a jerk, but at 15 I will refuse to help such a young person make up a cycle. I will not be responsible for any outcome on someone or your age. I don't mean to sound like a butthole, but at 15, I would not even consider a cycle, until I was at least 25. YOu have so many advantages right now at 15, your test levels are just kicking in and the way to take advantage of that is the take in suppliments like creatine and glutamine. I have many many years of experience with AS and suppliments and I have seen 15 year old guys like you develop sides from AS that last their entire lives. Gyno, high blood pressure, growth stunts and so forth. YOu are at the prime age to let your own natural levels of testosterone work their magic. AS will shut down your TEst levels, and you will never get them fully back again. THen you will have to be on gear for the rest of your life or go see a doctor to obtain drugs to adjust your hormone levels. I don't do AS but I have done them in the past, and I am twice your age, and I have made mistakes and seen many guys make mistakes at young ages. I have seen guys that have had lactating nips at 16 years old because they didnt' know how to do a cycle, and now to this day they suffer with lumps, swollen nips, gyno and other symptoms that shorten their lives. I know you dont' want to hear all this, but at 15, no one I mean no one should be considering a cycle. It is not safe, not recommeneded and surely look at the long term risks that are involved. I know at 15, you can't see all that, because you think you are indestructable. But remember what you do today affects you tomorrow. THere are tons and tons of suppliments that are reguarded as safe for someone you age, that will almost just as good as AS, without all the side effects and health problems.
    There was a young kid not to long ago who was your age, got a hold of some DNP and died because he didn't know how to use it, nor did he realize he had health problems. The guy who sold it to him, not knowing his age, has a guilt that you can't imagine, not to mention was tried for murder. I wish you all the best, but I am telling you and heed my warning, try some suppliments, and in a few years with some training and knowledge, you will be ready. Good luck! Sorry I can't help you.


    My point here is, younger brothers, don't do AS you will regret it for the rest of your lives. I owe this guy a thanks for being honest with me and telling me his age, but I refuse to help anyone at that young age. I hate to be such a sentimental guy, but hey, I have children, and surely would not want any harm to come to them because of it. I hope this guy takes my advice and others his age on the board think about the long term effects on AS and other drugs (for that matter), and make the right choice and don't do them.

  2. #2
    broncojosh's Avatar
    broncojosh is offline Senior Member
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    good reply bro. Lets just hope that he, and all the other youngesters out there take your advice. At that age you see today, and don't worry about tomorrow.

  3. #3
    4plates's Avatar
    4plates is offline Banned
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    i just got the same pm from the same young man,and i didnt respond to it.
    1 i will not give advice to anyone under age 20,and thats pushing it.

    2, his vocabulary and typing skills looked a little to advanced for someone of age 15.and my quess is its someone older(feds) looking to crack down on boards like this for helping minors!maybe im just parinoid!

    3 after giving advice to alot of folks through pm,the next question is(you got it) do you know a source,and im not even going there!

    4 i dont use steroids and i dont know anyone who does!!!!!!
    Last edited by 4plates; 08-31-2002 at 11:22 AM.

  4. #4
    Ozzy's Avatar
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    Originally posted by 4plates
    i just got the same pm from the same young man,and i didnt respond to it.
    1 i will not give advice to anyone under age 20,and thats pushing it.

    2, his vocabulary and typing skills looked a little to advanced for someone of age 15.and my quess is its someone older(feds) looking to crack down on boards like this for helping minors!maybe im just parinoid!

    3 after giving advice to alot of folks through pm,the next question is(you got it) do you know a source,and im not even going there!

    4 i dont use steroids and i dont know anyone who does!!!!!!
    Dude , I thought the same thing about his vocabulary !!! I don't think your being paranoid , it very well may be the FEDS. I get pm's asking for sources and I don't know any.

  5. #5
    xxxl83 is offline Productive Member
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    Good post there have been alot of younger guys asking for help with this issue who don't fully understand what they might suffer in the end.

    Second at 15 how much training and nutrition experience can he really have? Maybe a year or two?
    Those of us who have been around the around the iron game for a long time (about as long as this kid's been alive or longer) are still learning everyday.

    4 Plates,
    Good post you've made some very good points.


  6. #6
    Aragorn's Avatar
    Aragorn is offline Senior Member
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    Bump for you Sicilian

  7. #7
    cooksbrut is offline Associate Member
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    someone will wind up giving this "kid" advice and they come cracking down....Then I will be reading in Newsweek how internet websites try to pull in teens into AS useage as if it was herion. thats how they twist everything around and get public support.

  8. #8
    Big_Dippin's Avatar
    Big_Dippin is offline Associate Member
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    I think you did the right thing with the reply. 15 is way to young to think about AS. Great post!!

  9. #9
    RON's Avatar
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    Apparently he has sent that out to a lot of us.

  10. #10
    iron4life79's Avatar
    iron4life79 is offline Retired Moderator
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    holy shit. nice reply sicilian30. youre to be commended for your honesty and being so forthright with the young brother.

    peace bb79

  11. #11
    Shredz is offline Respected Member
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    I would have to say I rank that up there with the best replies I have ever heard. Good job might just have saved this kid a whole lot of problems.

  12. #12
    partyboynyc is offline Anabolic Member
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    got that pm too

    had to drop knowledge on him

  13. #13
    BASK8KACE is offline Anabolic Member
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    Excellent post, Sicilian30.

    I have a feeling that it is a reporter trying to make some sort of story. However, if it is a 15 year old, then he should heed your advice.

    It can be a struggle when you get pm's like this. Part of you wants to help because you're afraid that he'll get bad info elsewhere and hurt himself...Part of you wants to keep him safe by saying, "I can help you, but I won't because it's not time for you to be doing this--you're too young."

    You did the right thing, Sicilian...BUMP.

  14. #14
    nyteen27 is offline Junior Member
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    Definite BUMP

  15. #15
    zwarrior99's Avatar
    zwarrior99 is offline Junior Member
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    All i think that this will result in the guy still using the gear, but doing it unwisely, and will end up worse, than he would of with advice. Just my 2 cents.

  16. #16
    tanguy is offline Associate Member
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    way to young. i had friends that started at 15. they were getting it from their older brothers. they never stopped and are massive now. still not healthy though. a mans body isnt even developed yet.
    Last edited by tanguy; 08-31-2002 at 07:29 PM.

  17. #17
    Aragorn's Avatar
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    Originally posted by zwarrior99
    All i think that this will result in the guy still using the gear, but doing it unwisely, and will end up worse, than he would of with advice. Just my 2 cents.
    The thing is anyone can do a great cycle without having to ask a question. There are plenty of threads out there, you just have to wade through a lot of general stuff though. It can be done though even by a 15 year old.

    The advice Sicilian gave is the best advice to preach since this is AR and we do care about what we put into our bodies, and how old somebody is. We don't want to be black labelled for helping children who live next door to us or down the street or around the world and I wouldn't want my child to be the one getting the advice just because he asked nice.

    This isn't for argumentive sake, rather just another point of view.


  18. #18
    demetri's Avatar
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    Great Advice

    I found myself questioning my values when a guy approached me at the gym to get juice for his son. I told him and his kid (just turned 18) that I thought it was a bad idea.

    The father agrees but he said he can't deny his son anything that he would do himself.

    At 15 a person is way too young to be making any kind of informed decision about their health and appearance. You may have done your "research" but 15 years is not enough time to have figured out your body ... especially when you consider that it has not finished changing yet.

    That conversation with that father and son had me thinking that it was time to quit bodybuilding all together.

  19. #19
    trimunex's Avatar
    trimunex is offline Senior Member
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    Great replies Fellas! See this is the sh!t that you won't see in the media. They won't tell the public how there are more respondsible AAS users out there than irrespondsible. The media & gov't only release information on the few negative cases/stories that happen. Well, there is no reason for me to preach to the choir...just wanted to get that out!


  20. #20
    Ex_banana-eater's Avatar
    Ex_banana-eater is offline Junior Member
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    Gentlemen, if I may, I wish to comment on the topic of disccusion.

    The PM you recieved was not from a federal agent, but my friend (of similar age). He had a query related to what steroid /stack to take, and no hidden federal agenda.

  21. #21
    McBain is offline Member
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    I agree at 15 your body hasn't finished changing. There are plenty of people out there who can't gain muscle until they are in their late teens or even early 20's. Haven't you guys noticed how some people just naturally gain muscle when they go from say seniors in high school to early college years. Sure some of them workout but some just seem to gain muscle naturally.

  22. #22
    Big Rush's Avatar
    Big Rush is offline The Juice Man
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    Maybe Doofy could help design a killer cycle for him , in all seriousness though: great reply sicilian..

  23. #23
    swoll is offline Junior Member
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    I also thought "his vocabulary and typing skills looked a little to advanced for someone of age 15"... first thing that crossed my mind when reading. But 15... yea thats young. Im young too but at least in college

  24. #24
    Arnold_Is_God's Avatar
    Arnold_Is_God is offline Junior Member
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    i agree, im 19 and the soonest i would ever consider to do a cycle is a year and a half from now.

  25. #25
    BELLICOSE's Avatar
    BELLICOSE is offline Banned
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    damn, i'm 17 and on my second cycle and wouldn't have it any other way.
    Yes, 15 is too young, but there is not a certain age when you body is magically ready to do steroids .
    If a teen has at least two years of hard training under his belt. Eats 6 meals a day and eats enough to support muscle growth, gets enough rest, and wants to juice. Well then more power to him.
    If he meets that criteria, then he is ready.

  26. #26
    Willys is offline New Member
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    I'm new and building trust. But after reading that I agree with the Bro's assesment that it is a trap!! Sounded way too good for some 15 yr.old asking for that kind of advice. Also it kills me when I hear these freakin'guys like the 17 yr.old saying 15 is TOO YOUNG. I'm 46 and been through shit I wouldn't want anyone else to go through when it comes to drugs. The changes juice can make on a youngster - I don't even want to think about it. That kids parents should be monitoring his computer!! Holy Crap!

  27. #27
    Sicilian30's Avatar
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    Thanks, guys, glad most of you feel the same way I do, and I hope some of the younger guys are reading this and having second thoughts about doing a cycle. Unfortunately, we all get swept up in the "greatness" you hear about AS and doing cycles, but there is a double side to that as well, the side effects naturally. I feel that as a person with some years experience, in training, dieting, etc, it is important, and Prudent to way all the costs of anything, including AS. I wasn't trying to put this guy down, I just hoped to reach out to some of the younger bruthers here, and try to let them know that AS are not the end all do all.
    Thanks for the support fellas, glad you guys are with me on this one.

  28. #28
    Tobey is offline Retired IRON CHEF Mod
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    Well the rules of the board dose state that one has to be 18 years old to have access to the site. There are both moral and legal reasonings behind this rule. I do not think that we will have to worry about any future pm's from this guy.

  29. #29
    projectsherv is offline Associate Member
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    bro, those pm's are definatly the feds trying to crack down on this board. It makes me sick to see what this country is coming to, do they have nothing better to do but to do this kind of crap?

  30. #30
    zwarrior99's Avatar
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    Lol i think some of you guys are a bit too paranoid.. I dont see how giving advice to a minor can be a crack down on the board. Its protected under the 1st admendment.. Whats the crime in helping someone by giving them some advice.. Just my 2 cents.

  31. #31
    Ex_banana-eater's Avatar
    Ex_banana-eater is offline Junior Member
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    Originally posted by projectsherv
    bro, those pm's are definatly the feds trying to crack down on this board. It makes me sick to see what this country is coming to, do they have nothing better to do but to do this kind of crap?
    Gentlemen, as I have pointed out earlier in this thread, the teen in the heat of this debate is infact a teen, and not a federal agent. He is a comrade of mine and has now reconsidered his AAS usage.

  32. #32
    Sicilian30's Avatar
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    EX_banana, as Tobey stated, you are supposed to be 18 years of age to join the board, and I hope what you saying is true. But it stills makes me wonder????????

  33. #33
    zwarrior99's Avatar
    zwarrior99 is offline Junior Member
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    Written by Buff Stuff on WBB:

    If you are curious as to why taking steroids or Prohormones as a teenager is more dangerous here is your answer. As a teenagers your testosterone levels are already elevated.
    In addition to all this testosterone supplementation can cause "crashes" that can lead to psychological problems. As a teen most do not know who they are and are not as rational as an adult (generally). So a teen would not be able to deal with the problems as well as an adult (generally).
    Testosterone is also a CNS stimulant, so can cause side effects such as anxiety. As a teen, since your body is still developing, the side effects of anxiety can be _permanent_. There is a moderator on anabolicreview that took steroids starting at 16 or 17. Around 23 or 24 I believe he started experiencing panic attacks. He is now on paxil (a prescription medicine used to treat anxiety disorders) for the rest of his life. The doctor said they often see cases of people coming in around mid twenties with anxiety disorders that juiced at an early age. While the connection between early juicing and anxiety orders is not clearly documents there seems to be substantial evidence to suggest there is a connection. Will it happen to everyone? Of course not, but the risk is there.

    Since your endocrine system is still developing during the teen years any AAS (steroids) or prohormones can potentially have a PERMANENT effect on your endocrine system. Some of the effects can include, lower testosterone production (for life), and impotency.

    Post cycle crashes are also very common due to the fluxuations in hormone levels. This can lead to serious depression, even if you are a happy go lucky kind of guy. Everyone reacts differently, hence why it is a good idea to start off on a very mild cycle (no more than 350mg/test per week, and if you are a teen I would say no more than 200mg/test per week). Of course for a teen it would be best to take something like primo or anavar as these are the safest; however if you choose to add test make sure the doses are kept low.


    (As a side note PH's are crap. Stay away from them. They are side effects in a bottle. Their aromatization to estrogen is often much higher than actuall steroids and the PH's won't even yield good results. Basically PH's are a waste of time and money and could possibly be riskier than taking a mild steroid ).

    Sure some side effects arn't to harmful, but what about not growing? and maybe not having kids because your endocrine system got messed up before it was done developing..

  34. #34
    adaptations's Avatar
    adaptations is offline Member
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    Yo sicilian....i got the SAME PM....word for word....
    Thats pretty odd.......

  35. #35
    Sicilian30's Avatar
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    Zwarrior, that is a very very interesting and educational read.
    Adaptations, that is weird. Sounds like a Fed, or DEA agent trying to make a score? Good to know bro! I don't think the fella will be posting here any longer, or sending out PM's for that matter.. LOL.

  36. #36
    partyboynyc is offline Anabolic Member
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    i wasn't trying to shoot him down

    i wasn't even really looking out for him when i gave him the good advice i did. i just fucking hate kids of all ages so i was just trying to get rid of him. kids sucks.they're so stupid

  37. #37
    gymnut4u's Avatar
    gymnut4u is offline Member
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    BIG BUMP ::::: for the reply bro , I cant see anyone on this board that has the knowlage shareing it with a 15 year old , but I will have to give him this much atleast he did pm some peeps to try to get the info instead of just buying some shit and takeing it with out the knowleage to use it right !

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