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  1. #1
    timidator34 is offline Junior Member
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    Sep 2006

    Exclamation hospitalized/possible blood infection from gear...

    hey guys, well i need some experienced advice. 2 weeks ago noticed a lump on the inner thigh close to my groind. in a few days it got redder and started to heat up. then i got a fever and sick to the point where i thought i was gonna die due to the fever hitting 104 and shaking then sweting and constant repeating itself. i took a lot of tylonal for the fever bit really never did to much..

    after 2 days of this fever my gf took me to the hospital. they did all sorts of testing. to make a long story short i was in the hospital for 8 days with constant fevers. on day 6 i seriously thought about killing myself"i am not crazy but i tell u what anything would have been better then no sleep,crazy fevers, resting heart rate would go up from 120 and shoot to 170 and go back to 120 again".

    so they say my liver enzymes went up to 400 then down to around 250 "normal is 40" my spleen was enlarged, and gullbladder hurt and was enlarged. i am thinking wtf i am 23 and all this shit is happening what could i have possibly done.. well the do 2 surgerys 1 under my arm pit and the 2nd by the infectred area by my groind. they took a bunch of enlarged lymphnodes to see if i have lymphoma...
    the test all came back negative to cancer and they really dont know what caused the sickness other then the area on my leg that looked like a blood clot and was infected..

    the day i got sick it was 2 weeks since last inj of test 500mg, eq 400 mg, and i was taking tren the first 5 weeks or so of the 8 week cycle. i have also been taking hgh 4iu's 5 days a week...
    they think it could be from the steroids either dirty gear that set off the lymphnodes and cause soem sort of infection, or the hgh "and i know thiks is stupid but a few times i would use the same insulin syringe and needle 2 or 3 times instead of being really sterile like with the aas. could i have got this infection or sickness from the hgh needle since i used it more then once and somehow got bacteria of some sort in my body and this is why i was sick..

    reason being is i am scared to use my gear again or any gear ever due to this. any input would be very much appreciated.. sorry its so long...


  2. #2
    timidator34 is offline Junior Member
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    Sep 2006
    i dont know if i can say what gear it was but maybe some of you know of certain gear to watch out for. if so i can pm u or u pm me and i will tell u what i was using. thanks in advanced..

  3. #3
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    If you know you used non-sterile practices I wouldn't assume it's the gear.

  4. #4
    Atomini's Avatar
    Atomini is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by timidator34
    and i know thiks is stupid but a few times i would use the same insulin syringe and needle 2 or 3 times instead of being really sterile like with the aas. could i have got this infection or sickness from the hgh needle since i used it more then once and somehow got bacteria of some sort in my body and this is why i was sick..
    You just answered your own question.

  5. #5
    frignugs's Avatar
    frignugs is offline Associate Member
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    making a comeback.....
    Hope you recover well, but let this be a lesson...never cut corners with IM injections....scary sh!t

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