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Thread: HCG what gives with the profile??

  1. #1
    The original jason Guest

    HCG what gives with the profile??

    Ok you guys heres one for you in the profiles for this site it stats the use of HCG for long time could cause delays in recovery and permanent disfunction of the nads.

    <b>"The athlete should inject one HCG ampule every 5 days. Since the testosterone level remains considerably elevated for several days, it is unnecessary to inject HCG more than once every 5 days. The effective dosage for ath-letes is usually 2000-5000 I.U. per injection and should-as al-ready mentioned-be injected every 5 days. HCG should only be taken for a few weeks. If HCG is taken by male athletes over many weeks and in high dosages, it is possible that the testes will respond poorly to a later HCG intake and a release of the body's own LH. This could result in a permanent inadequate gonadal function. "</b>

    Now I dont agree with this high doses of hcg 2000iu and above is what causes problems with estrogen thats why it is suggested to use 500iu's per day also the fact that if you do it that way it stops the leydig cells in your testes from becoming desensitized to LH so when u stop ur nads can restart easier. I have tried it that way but not for a full cycle I was just going to start one using hcg 500iu's ed now I was reading that and it has worried I have always liked Bill Roberts and read alot his stuff this is what he says about it

    <b>"It therefore is useful for maintaining testosterone production and/or testicle size during a steroid cycle. Use of this drug in the taper is rather counterproductive, since the resulting increased testosterone production is itself inhibitory to the hypothalamus and pituitary, delaying recovery. Thus, if this drug is used, it is preferably used during the cycle itself. A daily amount of 500 IU is generally sufficient, and in my opinion usage should not exceed 1000 IU per day.

    Daily administration is superior to less frequent administration.

    Doses over 1000 IU are noted for their tendency to cause or aggravate gynecomastia, and also act to desensitize the testicles to LH."</b>

    What I really want to know is what experinece have u had anyone done it ed for 8 weeks or more 500iu ed??? had any problems?? which do U think is right ar profile or what Bill R says


  2. #2
    The original jason Guest

  3. #3
    The Iron Game Guest
    daily for 8 weeks, lemme know how it goes. I hate with passion and feel there is no need for this in most people. I also agree with you on lower doses being much better than larger less frequent doses.

  4. #4
    The original jason Guest
    ok bro I will do anyone else surely some of you guys must have some ideas on this?? I just hate to have small nads lol


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    College Station, Texas
    I am just about to finish a one month supply of hcg, 2500i.u. eod post cycle. Guess how I knew how much to take? From a medical doctor in Houston, Havard graduate and is in private practice with tried and true methods. I can give you his name and phone number is you would like to discuss all the fine details/medical jargon with him. I've been dealing with him on faith alone for more than a year without any problems. His post cycle plan for his clients are often somewhat different than many of the experts on this board. HCG is a very contriversial item in case you have not noticed.

  6. #6
    The original jason Guest
    well bro good luck to you but I have never in my whole career ever seen anything written anywhere that the amounts you are talkin about are safe in fact everythign disagrees with that but good luck no thanks on the number im not in your country


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2001

    Smile HCG what gives with the profile

    Two weeks after my cycle I have used 1000 iu ed for 10days then 2weeks of clomid 100mg ed and my natural test jumps right back.

  8. #8
    The original jason Guest
    HCG should not be used post cycle due to slowing down the recovery process any serious comments??


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Van City
    I think that's one of the most misconceptions about HCG, that people run it with clomid for recovery although when done like this it totally defeats the purpose of running the clomid in the first place making the clomid useless...

    Here's a good post from elite clearing up some things on HCG and clomid..

    Originally posted by Nimrod 25

    Lets Clarify: Clomid vs. HCG

    Clomid: After a cycle is over, Clomid at 50 mg/day is usually very effective in restoring natural testosterone production. It acts by blocking estrogen receptors at the hypothalamus and pituitary. If androgen levels are not elevated, this is enough to cause production of at least normal amounts of LH, or often more LH than normal. During the cycle Clomid cannot prevent inhibition, though some think using it during the cycle will allow a faster recovery afterwards. That is not proven though. If nothing else, though, it is useful as an antigyno/antibloating agent during the cycle.

    HCG: This does nothing with regard to inhibition of the hypothalamus and pituitary. Rather it acts like LH, and causes the testicles to produce testosterone just as if LH were present. It is useful then for avoiding testicular atrophy during the cycle. The best dosing method is to use small amounts frequently: 500 IU per day is sufficient, and 1000 IU may optionally be used. The amount may be given as a single daily dose or divided into two doses. Administration may be intramuscular or subcutaneous. More is not better: too much HCG can result in downregulation of the LH receptors in the testes, and is therefore counterproductive. Overdosing of HCG can also result in gynecomastia.

    If a cycle lasts 8 weeks or longer, I think it is best to use HCG during the cycle if possible, as described above. HCG should not be used during the recovery itself since it will increase androgen and estrogen levels, which will be inhibitory to the hypothalamus and pituitary.

    Clomid use should begin, if it was not used during the cycle, as soon as androgen levels drop enough that recovery becomes possible. This would be about two weeks after the last injection of long acting steroid esters, assuming reasonable doses such as 500 mg/week. Clomid use should start with 300 mg on the first day (50 mg six times) to quickly get blood levels as high as needed, and then maintained with 50 mg/day. This is needed because of the half-life of the drug. It should be continued until one is sure that natural testosterone production is back and testicle size is returned to normal.


  10. #10
    The original jason Guest
    thats a good post thanks bro, however it doesnt really answer my questions I totally agree and always recomend people stop hcg use before or at the end of a cycle post cycle it is counterproductive. Ok in the post it says about to much hcg can cause downregualtion of the LH receptors in the testes but nothing about long term use anyoone used 500iu's ed for 8 weeks or more? with or without problem?? im sure more people have ideas about this if so lets hear em??


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