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Thread: Sust and Prop ?

  1. #1
    Killzone's Avatar
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    Sust and Prop ?

    I am getting ready to start a cycle with some Sust, Deca , Tren E and few Dbol Tabs and I was thinking about adding in some Test Prop with the Sust. I was planning on taking 250mg of Sust E3D along with 200mg of Deca, 75mg of Tren E. 25 mg of Dbol for Weeks 1-3. I was thinking about adding in Test Prop at 50mg E3D to beef up the Sust. Does anyone have an opinion on this? Also, is it ok to take Test Prop E3D if taking it with Sust etc. Any help on this topic would help. I have never taken Prop before. I know it has a short half life. Input Please

  2. #2
    ramsay_1 is offline Associate Member
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    Im pretty sure prop has to be taken ED or at the most EOD because it has such a short half life. doing this will keep your blood levels reasonably stable, im taking prop @ 60mg ED.

    also with the sus because it has a propionate esther it should be pinned EOD aswell, but saying that my last cycle was 500mg sus @ 250mg mon and 250mg thurs and I had good gains

  3. #3
    inevitable's Avatar
    inevitable is offline Member
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    id shoot the prop EOD
    sus EOD to keep the levels stable.

  4. #4
    Killzone's Avatar
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    Is 250mg EOD Sust and 50 mg of Prop EOD too much test. I have never done more than 750-900. I have done about 4 cycles in the 750mg per week range. That would put my mg up around 1200 or so. Any thoughts.

  5. #5
    Killzone's Avatar
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    Cycle Plan?

    Would like an opinion on this cycle. Want to know if it is too much or not.
    Sust EOD 250mg Weeks 1-12or14
    Deca EOD 200mg Weeks 1-10
    Test Prop 50mg EOD Weeks 1-12or14
    Tren E 75 mg EOD Weeks 1-5
    D Bol 25 mg per day Weeks 1-3

    Didn't know if I should start the Tren later or not
    Also, I usually only do between 750mg to 900mg of test.

    This would be around 1200 a week. I have done about around 10 cycles before and am pretty experienced with gear. I still like to get others opinions on frequency and dosages. My height is 6 foot and my weight is around 215 and I usually stay pretty lean. Would like to maintain my weight around 225 or so. Feedback please.

  6. #6
    Consistency's Avatar
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    sust at 250mg eod and prop at 50mg eod would be 950mg a week. Seems a bit high but you said you've done 900mg before. Its up to you, you know your body and how it reacts to test more then we do.

    I would run the test e for 8 weeks and up it to 100mg EOD thats 350mg a week. Do you have any anti e's and PCT ready?

  7. #7
    Killzone's Avatar
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    Anyones thoughts. This is a big cycle. Don't know what I should change or tweek. I am not opposed to switching it up, taking some away, extending the length, adding something different. I like to mix it up a little and looking for some sound opinions

  8. #8
    Killzone's Avatar
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    I have letro, nolva, clomid, some HCG , Dutast etc. I do have Test E but wasn't planning on using it this time around. I only have a couple of bottles. So you think I should up the Test Prop or the Tren E. 100mg eod. I was thinking about saving the tren E maybe to take with Winny, etc. What are your opinion on that. Do you think this cycle is too much over the top. Maybe I should take the prop out all together and save it for a rainy day. Also, do you think the Deca is too high of a weekly dosage. I have never taken it over 600 before.
    Last edited by Killzone; 10-17-2007 at 08:14 PM.

  9. #9
    Consistency's Avatar
    Consistency is offline Extraordinarily Exorbitant
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    Quote Originally Posted by Killzone
    I have letro, nolva, clomid, some HCG, Dutast etc. I don't really have Test E. So you think I should up the Test Prop or the Tren E. 100mg eod. I was thinking about saving the tren E maybe to take with Winny, etc. What are your opinion on that. Do you think this cycle is too much over the top.
    my bad bro, I meant TREN E not test e. Also I messed up my math, your proposed cycle of test would be 1050mg a week.

  10. #10
    Killzone's Avatar
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    Also, how much of PCT quanities should I take for a cycle with these high dosages. I probably won't use the letro unless I see some signs of gyno. I was think of doing the HCG about mid to late cycle to save my nuts.

  11. #11
    Consistency's Avatar
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    Also, If if were to do the cycle I would drop the prop during the cycle and add it to the end. Stop the sust at week 13 and run 100mg prop ED for 4-5 weeks, this way all the compounds will "clear" your system and you can run the prop right up to PCT. I've done this twice and it seems to help with pct and is a good way to solidify your gains... just a thought

  12. #12
    Killzone's Avatar
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    Is running the Tren E for 5 weeks long enough to make gains or not. Also, should I run it at the same time as the D bol

  13. #13
    Consistency's Avatar
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    if it was tren acetate then 5 weeks would be enough. I would do it for 8 weeks, if you dont have enough for that then I would save it for another cycle because you already have enough compounds.

    Also is this a bulke or cutter?

  14. #14
    Killzone's Avatar
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    Is it bad to take the Deca in 200mg shots EOD. I know it is a long ester but it should still work well.

  15. #15
    Killzone's Avatar
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    Also, can I still take the Tren EOD as well.

  16. #16
    Consistency's Avatar
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    deca can be taken once a week, but EOD is fine actually even better. Tren E can be taken twice a week but again EOD is even better.

    Now I'll let some others chime in so you can get some more opinions

  17. #17
    SNUKA's Avatar
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    i would shoot them both eod just add 50-75mgs of prop for the first 4 weeks or so you would be good to go. if you took sus alone you would get 30mg of prop eod and this wouldnt have an impact on the start of your cycle

  18. #18
    turk1968 is offline Associate Member
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    i always add prop in to sust for the first 4 75mg shot eod making your sust contain 105mg of prop. I find this with a oral kick start for 4 weeks gets you gaining immediately instead of waiting 3/4/5 weeks for the decanoate ester in the sust 2 build up which is what you get most of the gains from .Then after the 4 weeks knock the prop on the head. It is alot of test but more that half is relatively fast acting but i am a fan of test and dont take alot else with it a bit of eq or tren a. Just find it easier to come back from during and after pct.

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