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Thread: Anavar?

  1. #1
    MaGiCJNG is offline Associate Member
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    Just curious as to everyone's thoughts who have used Var. I was thinking of doin 60 to 80 mg ed. Is it good for fat burning (which is what i would like)? I was thinking of taking it with 400mg of test e.


  2. #2
    spywizard's Avatar
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  3. #3
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
    Panzerfaust is offline Ron Paul Nuthugger
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    I thought for a moment that link was Captains Var log.

    ***No source checks!!!***

  4. #4
    MaGiCJNG is offline Associate Member
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    My bad. 27 years old 5'8 175 lbs at around 15% bf. Want to drop that (just read anavar is good for that). Macros are around 50p/30c/20f at around 2500 - 3k calories.

    Firstly i was thinkin of dropping the cals to strictly around 2500. I think the macros are good but i just wanted to know what you guys think of test at 400 a week and maybe 60 mg ed of var. How long should i run var for if this is a good stack?

    Sh!t is expensive as f*ck too damn!

  5. #5
    largerthannormal's Avatar
    largerthannormal is offline Productive Member
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    should of been on here yesterday!

  6. #6
    MaGiCJNG is offline Associate Member
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    Haha SORRY! I posted this and had to get some work done and didnt check it till now.

  7. #7
    frignugs's Avatar
    frignugs is offline Associate Member
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    making a comeback.....
    Diet will drop you bf% I think you can make gains without aas.....

    but a 10-12 week test cycle @ 400-500 with var thrown in for the last 8 weeks @ 60mg a day is a good lil run..

  8. #8
    MaGiCJNG is offline Associate Member
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    Thats exactly what i was lookin for. cool thanks.

  9. #9
    Consistency's Avatar
    Consistency is offline Extraordinarily Exorbitant
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    Yeah if you have a solid diet and ran test e and var at something like this you'll yeild some great results

    wk 1-10 test e 400mg
    wk 5-12 Var 75m ed

    Id run some liquidex to keep water off and of course PCT

  10. #10
    spywizard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Consistency
    Yeah if you have a solid diet and ran test e and var at something like this you'll yeild some great results

    wk 1-10 test e 400mg
    wk 5-12 Var 75m ed

    Id run some liquidex to keep water off and of course PCT
    yep.. without checking your macros.. i'd suggest if you aren't getting the results you are looking for with this cycle.. you need to add more EFAs to the diet..
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  11. #11
    MaGiCJNG is offline Associate Member
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    Firstly, thanks for the comments...i appreciate them.

    Well from what i understand a diet high in protein/efa's will get you very lean. I just gave my macros as of now. I was thinking of dropping my cals to around 2,500 and have a macro of around 50p/20c/30f or 45/25/30. What do you guys think? My goal right now is to get as much knowledge as possible from you guys (way more experienced) as i can before i start. I wont be starting until the beginning of the year so i have a little while before i get what i feel would be ideal for me.

    Secondly, consistency, just curious as to why running the var 2 weeks after the test. Dont take this as me doubting you, i'm more of a junkie when it comes to learnin sh!t so i was just curious as to why you suggest that.

    One last thing, which was my downside to my first two cycle's is the damn PCT. I just DONT UNDERSTAND it fully. I read lots of articles on here but just still dont get it haha. Obviously, certain cycles would yield different types of PCT. What would be ideal for this cycle? This is what i would do but again i this is my downfall as i just cant seem to grasp what type of PCT to do for what type of cycle.

    20mg of Nolva for 4 weeks
    20mg of Aromasin for 4 weeks

    Would that be ideal? Should i add anything in or not use either of the above?


  12. #12
    Consistency's Avatar
    Consistency is offline Extraordinarily Exorbitant
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    For most if not all cycles, people recommend PCT to consist of Clomid and nolvadex . For 3 weeks looking like this day 1: 300mg clomid, day 2-10 100mg clomid, day 11-21 50mg clomid and 10-20mg of nolva ED. PCT is used to get your natural test up and going as soon as possible to keep you from losing gains due to low test levels. It basically makes your body recover from the AAS.

    There are different times when to start pct for different AAS due to half lifes. You start PCT 14 days after your last Test enan injection andonly 3 days after your last Var dose. So you run the var 11 days past the Test and that way the PCT times match up. Taking the var past the test will also help solidfy some of the gains as your test levels are dropping. Hope this helps

  13. #13
    MaGiCJNG is offline Associate Member
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    Dude your the man. Thanks a lot bro that clears up a whole bunch for me. I appreciate it.

    So i shouldnt bother with the aromasin ? Just stick with the clomid/nolva and i shouldnt be concerned with anything else for PCT right?

  14. #14
    Ashop's Avatar
    Ashop is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MaGiCJNG
    Just curious as to everyone's thoughts who have used Var. I was thinking of doin 60 to 80 mg ed. Is it good for fat burning (which is what i would like)? I was thinking of taking it with 400mg of test e.


    If you DIET right you can use it in cutting phase.

  15. #15
    MaGiCJNG is offline Associate Member
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    Oh yea my diet is great as of now...and will be excellent by the time i start (beginning of the year). Thats why i figure to drop my cals to a strict 2500 a day. That should be good enough i assume.

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