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  1. #1
    Mr. Warpath is offline New Member
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    Washington state

    Exclamation looking for good advice on 2nd cycle.

    Im 26 years old, roughly 180 lbs, with 11% body fat. Just looking for some good input on a 2nd cycle. I'm looking to put on 15lbs of mass. I would like to stick with a basic cycle. I just finished a 12 week cycle of Test E at 500 mg per week and dbol at 25 mg per day, and gained 8-9 pounds of mass. I do a pretty strict alkaline diet which has been great. I felt like the dbol hurt my endurance and increased my muscle fatigue last cycle., which is very important to have in my line of work. Does anyone have any good recommendations on a bulking cycle that will help with muscle fatigue or increase my endurance? Any help would be great.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    insane asylum
    8-9 pounds gained of your first cycle???You messed up some were.
    maybe look into adding,say deca with test its always a good bulker.
    Whats your height?
    And what did your pct look like?

  3. #3
    Mr. Warpath is offline New Member
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    Washington state
    I have always had a hard time gaining weight dude. When I got out of high school in 2000, I weighed 130 lbs. I have lifted consistantly since then, and got to around 171 lbs. I hit a plateau after that. My diet was pretty clean, except for the occasional beer, and my calorie intake was over 4000 every day. I am 5' 9", and my pct consisted of tapering clomid down from 300mg per day for 4 weeks, and 1000iu of hcg per wk. That 8 pound weight gain was after my water retention came down.

  4. #4
    Mr. Warpath is offline New Member
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    Washington state
    ok, so you are suggesting deca . Is that going to have a negative effect on my endurance? I know Tren is bad for that. I felt good on dbol , but I noticed I got tired much quicker with it in my cycle.

  5. #5
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    how long has it been since you finished the last cycle, and when do you plan to start the next?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    insane asylum
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Warpath
    I have always had a hard time gaining weight dude. When I got out of high school in 2000, I weighed 130 lbs. I have lifted consistantly since then, and got to around 171 lbs. I hit a plateau after that. My diet was pretty clean, except for the occasional beer, and my calorie intake was over 4000 every day. I am 5' 9", and my pct consisted of tapering clomid down from 300mg per day for 4 weeks, and 1000iu of hcg per wk. That 8 pound weight gain was after my water retention came down.
    I understand what your saying about being a Hard gainer,god knows when I started training It was really hard to gain and keep anything . It was mainly due to my training and eating methods And given your stats I would speculate thats were your problem is,Also your pct for your last cycle sucked,regardless I cant say How dbol /test/deca cycle will affect you,everyones diffrent but its a great bulker and Its never personally affected my endurance negativly and Ive ran that cycle a couple times.
    Good luck

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