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  1. #1
    eddy tye's Avatar
    eddy tye is offline Associate Member
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    anyone ever shoot (sus test) once a week?

    thinking of a sus test+deca cycle

    but like anyone i guess,i dont wanna shoot eod...

    anyone ever did this once a week,thanks for the help

  2. #2
    celticd's Avatar
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    one or the other

    from what i make out u are thinking of running sust,test n deca together,yes?
    if u dont wana inject ed go with test e as u can get away with weekly injects compared to sust which ideally needs to be shot eod or even ed
    if youre thinking of combining both together its a waste of cash and will cause havoc on blood plasma levels
    if ure planning a short cycle use sust as its faster acting compared to test e which takes a while longer to kick in

  3. #3
    ricker35910's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by eddy tye View Post
    thinking of a sus test+deca cycle

    but like anyone i guess,i dont wanna shoot eod...

    anyone ever did this once a week,thanks for the help
    it's a waste of money bro imo.. you should atleast do twice a wk. how much deca do you plan on running?

  4. #4
    eddy tye's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ricker35910 View Post
    it's a waste of money bro imo.. you should atleast do twice a wk. how much deca do you plan on running?
    so twice a week on the sust and once a week on the deca ,right?

    not shure yet on the amounts of the two but i'll post up before i go at it and see what everyone says...

  5. #5
    celticd's Avatar
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    go with an amp of sust 250mg x2 a wk and
    1oomg deca x2 a wk,so you have a cycle like this
    500mg sust
    200mg deca
    if you throw in some dbol or a50 over the 1st 4 wks you have a great bulking cycle for a beginner
    u shouldnt run that cycle any longer than 10wks for a 1st time
    8wks be even better and youll make great gains if ur diets in check
    best of luck and dont be afraid of the injections youll actually look forward to doin them in a weird type of way once you get confident,use a site with pictures to help you

  6. #6
    Big's Avatar
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    as I have told you in the past, sust contains prop which should be shot eod. The chances for unwanted sides greatly increases as blood levels fluctuate, and shooting sust once or twice a week is a great way to bring on those sides. I understand you don't want to shoot eod, so just get some test e or test cyp. If your source can't get it find another source or wait till they can get that, if you are going to do it, do it right.

  7. #7
    eddy tye's Avatar
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    thanks for the help,

    so twice a week for the deca and twice a week for the sust,four injections a week!!!

    if so how should i pan that out?

  8. #8
    goose is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by eddy tye View Post
    thanks for the help,

    so twice a week for the deca and twice a week for the sust,four injections a week!!!

    if so how should i pan that out?
    why not shoot them at the same time?

  9. #9
    eddy tye's Avatar
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    so mix the deca and the sust test in one vial?

  10. #10
    Dizz28's Avatar
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    in the same syringe before your inj.

  11. #11
    jxlk's Avatar
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    im doin 250 sust three times a week. rotate injection sites and youll be fine. it dont hurt much anyways

  12. #12
    sphincter is offline Member
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    suck in the sust into your syringe from the vial/amp of sust and then suck in the amount you need of deca from it's own, seperate vial/amp and then you have both things in a single shot.

    and for the record EOD is NOT 2xweek as your post (#7) seems to be imlpying.

  13. #13
    Big's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sphincter View Post
    and for the record EOD is NOT 2xweek as your post (#7) seems to be imlpying.
    even though myself and others have made countless posts recommending shooting sust eod, some posters in this thread told him twice a week is ok, which is what he wanted to hear, so he is going with that.

  14. #14
    sphincter is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ima******ger View Post
    even though myself and others have made countless posts recommending shooting sust eod, some posters in this thread told him twice a week is ok, which is what he wanted to hear, so he is going with that.

    Ohh, O.K.. I just wanted to be clear on what was going on here I guess some people ask questions until they get the answer they like or want to hear

  15. #15
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    once a week is fine.. hell sust made for HRT so depending on dosage u can get away w/ 1x Per wk administrations

  16. #16
    eddy tye's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa View Post
    once a week is fine.. hell sust made for HRT so depending on dosage u can get away w/ 1x Per wk administrations
    are you being sarcastic?

    i hope it seems pepole have mixed reveiws on this,my source say's once a week is fine too so???

    i looked into your profile (taiboxa) and it seems you'v been around here for a while...maybe a little to j/k i would expect you know about AAS as much as the next guy

    thanks for the help,all of you

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by eddy tye View Post
    are you being sarcastic?

    i hope it seems pepole have mixed reveiws on this,my source say's once a week is fine too so???

    i looked into your profile (taiboxa) and it seems you'v been around here for a while...maybe a little to j/k i would expect you know about AAS as much as the next guy

    thanks for the help,all of you
    The first cycle I did was sust and my source told me to shoot one amp every 5 days. Luckily I had done my own research and knew to shoot it EOD. Just because a guy sells you steroids doesn't mean he is an expert on how to administer them

  18. #18
    eddy tye's Avatar
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    i understand...

  19. #19
    Geeezer's Avatar
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    Geeeez, If your going to do a cycle why not do it the best way EOD.
    Dont cheat your self with a bad cycle

  20. #20
    celticd's Avatar
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    hey bro..
    i dont wana put u on a downer here,but u should do a little more research into cycles and AAS in general,by all means buy wat u wana use for ure cycle..but dont rush into anything,i bet if u study and ask around youll be happier in the long run,its ur body,so its ur choice if u wana jump in the deep end
    read up on on an anti estrogen which you will need to use during ure cycle and also pct,which is just as important as the cycle itself
    best of luck
    dont be afraid to ask lots of ? we gotta start somewere

  21. #21
    SNUKA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by scottythebody View Post
    The first cycle I did was sust and my source told me to shoot one amp every 5 days. Luckily I had done my own research and knew to shoot it EOD. Just because a guy sells you steroids doesn't mean he is an expert on how to administer them
    this couldn't be more true

  22. #22
    Kratos's Avatar
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    It will work once a week, just more ideal to take it eod. Like 40% of the test in there is of esters that should be eod. Injecting once a week you are just wasting some and having much more unstable blood levels.

  23. #23
    eddy tye's Avatar
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    stable blood levals,

    like as in test will flux: up and down/more or less,through out the cycle? and as i read up on sust test i would come to beleave that as a new comer to this world,

    that the prop in the test is why it's better to shoot eod? if so then the % stated above in your post would be more like 25-30% of the test that likes to be shot eod?

  24. #24
    Kratos's Avatar
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    testosterone propionate , 30 mg; testosterone phenylpropionate, 60 mg;
    Should be shot eod min (30+60)/250=36%

    testosterone isocaproate, 60mg;
    Should be shot 2x a week

    and testosterone decanoate, 100 mg.
    Can be shot once a week

    The flux up and down can increase sides, acne, and general unhappyness. Best results are acheived with stable blood levels.

  25. #25
    Crest is offline Senior Member
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    surley if sust is made to release over a week or two weeks (not sure which) you could inject say 3ml in one go and not have to inject for a week as the esters would be releaseing when they are supposed to and because of the amount you inject at one go, there would be a high enought amount gear in you system for high levels throughout the week ...... just a thought

  26. #26
    goose is offline Banned
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    I love it,your taking on tai!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by eddy tye View Post
    are you being sarcastic?

    i hope it seems pepole have mixed reveiws on this,my source say's once a week is fine too so???

    i looked into your profile (taiboxa) and it seems you'v been around here for a while...maybe a little to j/k i would expect you know about AAS as much as the next guy

    thanks for the help,all of you

  27. #27
    eddy tye's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by goose4 View Post
    I love it,your taking on tai!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    not shure what you mean but im guessing its all in fun

  28. #28
    goose is offline Banned
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    I make fun of tai all the time.

    AAS is fun,just do it right,just like girls you have to screw them right to have fun...

  29. #29
    eddy tye's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by goose4 View Post
    just like girls you have to screw them right to have fun...
    acctuly that's not

  30. #30
    Ashop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by eddy tye View Post
    thinking of a sus test+deca cycle

    but like anyone i guess,i dont wanna shoot eod...

    anyone ever did this once a week,thanks for the help
    some of my finest gains came in my early years of SUST every 7 days.
    Now most people do EOD or 2X per wk.

  31. #31
    dedic8ed1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ALIN View Post
    some of my finest gains came in my early years of SUST every 7 days.
    Now most people do EOD or 2X per wk.
    I just mentioned the same thing on the latest Equipoise thread and got hosed like it was a shitty suggestion.I mean back in mid and late 90's all the education like this wasn't available,but I guess with the prop in it and the science behind it how can you argue.

  32. #32
    goose is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by eddy tye View Post
    acctuly that's not

    I know anal is good too...

  33. #33
    eddy tye's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by goose4 View Post
    I know anal is good too...
    ONE WORD!!!



  34. #34
    eddy tye's Avatar
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    thanks for the info guys,

    glad ya'll came out of your shells and spoke ur minds...

    thanks,i knew it couldent be that bad but we will see i guess? i think it's gonna go good,

    my diet and training are gettin more intence and better every day

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