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Thread: Enlarged Heart

  1. #1
    ochana25's Avatar
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    Enlarged Heart

    can your heart grow on just test or is it just with growth hormone

  2. #2
    Kratos's Avatar
    Kratos is offline I feel accomplished
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    heart is a muscle, although a different kind of muscle, so you do the math.

  3. #3
    MuscleScience's Avatar
    MuscleScience is offline ~AR-Elite-Hall of Famer~
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    No, you would have to be an extreme endurance athlete or carry a lot of body wieght for it to grow to a size that would cause pathology. Its very rare in other words.
    Last edited by MuscleScience; 10-31-2007 at 10:20 PM.

  4. #4
    AnabolicBoy1981 is offline Anabolic Member
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    most weightlifters and athletes have non symptamatic enlarged ventricals...ehnhanced or not

  5. #5
    Amorphic's Avatar
    Amorphic is offline Veritas, Aequitas ~
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    left ventricle hypertrophy can occur with aas use as well as ancillaries (caber comes to mind). nothings written in stone though, there are conflicting reports on this issue

  6. #6
    bigtomo1 is offline Junior Member
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    its rare but can happen with both aas and gh.

  7. #7
    JasonR is offline Member
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    how dangerous is enlarged heart

  8. #8
    XNathan's Avatar
    XNathan is offline Associate Member
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    How put your heart in risk of pathological hyperthrophy?

    Increase your blood pressure
    - more resistance mean more power output and adaptation is hyperthrophy of left ventricle. Just simply increase circulation volume (salt, simple sugars, estrogens from AS), make your vesels more rigid just eat enough cholesterol and saturated fats, simple sugars and smoke... atherosclerosis will do this for you.

    Put into your system some drugs
    - GH, sympatomimetics and others drugs who increasing hearth rate and power of constriction (clenbuterole, ephedrine, albuterol dopamine agonist and related drugs).

    Lift and hold your breath
    - your intrathoracal pressure will rise to hundreds mmHg do it really offen.

    Finally I have an enlarged heart!!! My heart need more oxygen but my coronary vesels are narrowed my BP is high and need to be higher to supply my heart. So this heart must work more and increase power output and become even larger... this lead to heart failure.

    When you are athlete who use healthy diet and is educated. And your hearth is enlarged from resitance training. There is not grate chance of problems when you can supply your enlarged heart dont worry. Just keep your cholesterol low and TG also and dont smoke.

  9. #9
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    That seems to be what the news media says everytime a celebrity athlete dies all of a sudden. I'd think I'd have to do more with ur genetics and family history. But u can't have an f'ed up heart from being lazy and eating fast food all the time. I'll take my chances with the athletic route.

  10. #10
    MuscleScience's Avatar
    MuscleScience is offline ~AR-Elite-Hall of Famer~
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    it generally only causes a problem in athletes when the size of the heart starts to infringe on the outer serous layer that encapsulates the heart. It can enlarge to the point were this cover with normally does not come into contact with the heart begins to rub against it. There is a viscous fluid between the heart and this sac, which prevents friction and also protect the heart from infection. if the heart starts to rub on this sac then both the heart and the sac can be irritated. If this occurs it can lead many pathological conditions. Fluid can actually start to accumulate and cause pressure on the heart itself that will reduce cardiac output and normal circulation around the coronary arteries. I have worked with elite level endurance athletes that have a enlarged heart and they have no problems. Its normal for well trained individuals. I would say your at a very low risk of any type of symptoms with this.If your concerned however see your doctor of course.

  11. #11
    bigtomo1 is offline Junior Member
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    an enlarged heart is not good period!!
    an enlarged heart is a heart that is not working as it should and can be fatal,it will not be pumping properly,i was told this by a doctor when i feared id got one(i hadnt thank god).

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