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  1. #1
    dominant1 is offline New Member
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    the most important thread of the week

    Hey bros, I need a whole lot of help this time around.

    (this could be in the steroids , supplements, workout section, as well as the lounge. So I just put it in here since this is the forum that gets the most hits.)

    I wanna make this as brief as possible so I might jump around a lot to do that.

    I've been on this board back than, got a lot of knowledge for workout tips, diet, etc. Now I'm on here asking for big help.
    See...long story short. I went into a deep depression. So bad I was hospitalized to get a diagnosis. My diagnosis came back as Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and that makes me depressed. So basically OCD and Major Depression. I was in the process of doing a steroid cycle. I was planning on doing in like march or may. Now I'm not sure I can because I'm afraid that the steroids could make my OCD worse, which is very very bad right now may I say. The depression got me very lazy so I stopped going to the gym as well as many other activities. I don't even enjoy sex anymore. I want to get back into the gym but I feel so unmotivated to even get out of bed to piss. Even though I know working out will help my depression and OCD. So let me cut to the chase to my questions:

    1: Will working out give me my energy back? I have none. Maybe the medication I'm on for OCD and Depression is helping me lose my energy. But it is very harsh I'm always tired.
    2: How do I get my motivation back for the gym?
    3: Will using steroids make my OCD and Depression worse?
    4: Will using pro hormone make my OCD and depression worse?
    5: Could steroids or pro-hormones interfere with how the ocd and depressant meds work?

    I have more questions and need more help but let's start the thread at least. Also not to mention, if you guys have any tips on overcoming OCD and depression please add too. I need all the help I can get bros. Please let's all get together and push your boy out the fire.
    Last edited by dominant1; 11-01-2007 at 02:33 AM.

  2. #2
    dupa95's Avatar
    dupa95 is offline Banned
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    I am not a doctor. This is my own observaton. I have mild to moderate depression. When I am on cycle my depression is totaly gone, BUT and listen to this well. When i come off a cycle my depresion gets worse. But everyone is defferent. The info I was given is that you will live with your depression for the rest of your days. The ocd you will learn to keep in remission.

  3. #3
    bigtomo1 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by dupa95 View Post
    I am not a doctor. This is my own observaton. I have mild to moderate depression. When I am on cycle my depression is totaly gone, BUT and listen to this well. When i come off a cycle my depresion gets worse. But everyone is defferent. The info I was given is that you will live with your depression for the rest of your days. The ocd you will learn to keep in remission.
    what dupa95 says is spot on,i too suffer with depression quite bad and when im on cycle im on a high but then sink back into depression once i come off,my doctor also told me that once you have depression bad enough youve got it for life you just learn to cope with it better as time goes by,personally if i stop going to the gym due to my depression the longer i have off the worse it gets due to guilt and i start looking in the mirror at my body shrinking and soffening up which makes me feel twice as bad,the hardest thing to do after a lay off from the gym is the 1st day back!! trust me my friend force yourself in there no matter how shitty you feel,after the 1st day is out the way everytime gets easier and getting back in the gym will elivate your mood so its kind of like a win win situation,good luck and keep us posted.

  4. #4
    Marinos is offline Junior Member
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    I have this one friend who is rathy... "gloomy", so to speak. Done a 6 week cycle of Dianbol- never seen him so happy in my life. A few weeks after his last test injection (about another month and half later) he was worse then before. Steroids , assuming they have a positive affect on ur pesonality, will only provide you with a band aid solution, which simply temporary. They most certainly will not "fix" the problem, and you could end up worse then what you started with.

  5. #5
    crawdaddy's Avatar
    crawdaddy is offline Associate Member
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    JUST MY CONCERNED OPINION. I feel into what felt like a sick depression when I came off my first cycle, but I knew it was because of an uneducated attempt at using AAS. I had no PCT. My t levels plummeted. Once I got them back to normal I felt fine. If you were diagnosed without the influence of post cycle drop of T,I would think you need to fully gain control over the depression before starting a cycle. I AM OBVIOUSLY NOT A DOC AND THIS ONLY MY OPINION. Good luck with this, and make sure you seek as much advice before making a decision. Serious depression is not something to mess w/. No one is going to like a jacked up super OCD depressed dude. Later

  6. #6
    cookiemonstR's Avatar
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    I get depressed to alot, especially during the winter, when i get cabin fever just studying and staying inside all the time. I think there's no better medication than getting out of your house and working out. Besides OCD wouldnt be so bad for working out, you could do a set, than ask yourself if you did it, so you do it again, than question whether you did it right, and do it again, than again, and by the end you'd be huge.

  7. #7
    dedic8ed1's Avatar
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    Listen buddy everyone goes through the blues in life you'll get past it.I have to say that anabolics is not the answer.To put it plainly you must be an emotionaly stable individual or else the drug could make your condition even worse.

    My advice to you would be get into something that your interested in that doesn't require drugs,or just train and keep your diet and nutrition in check, following strict training guidelines is enough to keep anyone busy.Set yourself some short realistic goals and once you acheive something that takes pure will and dedication this will boost your moral on a level where anything is possible.

    Here's your motivation

  8. #8
    largerthannormal's Avatar
    largerthannormal is offline Productive Member
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    100% agreed..steroids are not the answer! all drugs affect your state of mind good or bad. i think all of us get a bit depressed when we end a cycle but i think his problem is a bit deeper and he should defenalty stay away from AAS. although not to say when im on there is nothing in the world that could make me mad. im always in a good mood!. to say the least im currently off! grrrrrrrrrrr!

  9. #9
    sphincter is offline Member
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    I have to agree with what has been said here... I have weird manic depressive episodes where I get totally self destructive but when on cycle I'm GREAT and that's part of whuy my wife is soo cool with my juicing. She likes how it makes me feel. That being said... would cruising negate teh comedown effect of completeing a cycle?? if so, maybe try cruising for a little while at low doses and see what happens. but again; I'm no doc and I'm sometimes (quite often) a little crazy so don't listen to me.

  10. #10
    dominant1 is offline New Member
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    thanks for the posts so far guys. My thoughts are that i'm gonna get back in the gym no matter how hard it is for now, i'll just suck it up and go. Maybe in the march or april i'll feel better enough to start juice, im not sure now only time can tell. This leaves me with two questions: When I was in the hospital I met a guy who also has ocd and he was using steroids for 2 years straight. He started getting images and thoughts of killing his parents so he checked himself in the hospital. That scares me very much. Can OCD get worse with steroids?

  11. #11
    sphincter is offline Member
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    IMO juice, like alcohol and other drugs, don't ":make" you do anything but simply can amplify what/who you already are.. if you're nuts then the juice or the sauce can, at least feasibly, make it worse.

  12. #12
    millionairemurph's Avatar
    millionairemurph is offline Senior Member
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    Im am not a doctor either, but i would advise against adding any aas into the mix until you at least have a handle on your other problems, if not have them solved. Aas is not a cure for depression or ocd
    good luck

  13. #13
    Amorphic's Avatar
    Amorphic is offline Veritas, Aequitas ~
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    agree with everyone else, steroids are a temporary band aid on the wound.

    going to the gym will release endorphins and will make you feel good, regardless of aas use. you should work on training naturally along with seeing a qualified md or psychiatrist/medical professional for further advice.

    we're not the right ones to answer this question other than to say that you shouldnt use the aas.

  14. #14
    dominant1 is offline New Member
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    well what im trying to figure out is if there is any proof of aas causing or worserning ocd. because the doctors are saying that aas can produce ocd but i dont think it's true. they showed me a article talking about aas causing ocd but it made no sense all it basically said was aas causes ocd, the same way it said aas can cause a small penis. It had no hard evidence, just someone's opinion. So i'm basically trying to find some core evidence.

    thank you

  15. #15
    bigtomo1 is offline Junior Member
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    i doubt you will find any real concrete evidence but do remember ignorant people like to blame steroids for alot of problems,that said i wouldnt rule out steroids making ocd worse!!
    my advice as i stated earlier would be to drag yourself in the gym no matter how shitty you feel and trust me as time goes by you will feel a whole lot better within yourself.i wouldnt think about touching steroids just yet,wait till your depression has lifted somewhat and youve learnt to cope with it better,if your like me you will no when you feel mentally stable enough to cope with the possible sides and possible come down from taking aas,hope this helps,keep us posted.

  16. #16
    BigDog69's Avatar
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    I have mild depression and the first thing the doctor did a test for was to see if my test levels were normal. She said there is a direct corolation between test levels and depression in men. I can only imagine what your body goes through after a test cycle even with good pct. It sounds like AAS would definitely make things worse in the long run. As for getting the gym, it will make you happier on several levels including lowering your BF which will raise your natural test production and lower your estrogen production thus helping with the imbalance. Also from a motivational stand point I am most depressed in my life when I feel that I am getting nothing done, so setting goals and accomplishing them will probably help. Good luck man.

  17. #17
    dominant1 is offline New Member
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    thanks a lot for all the help guys. ill keep you guys posted

  18. #18
    TOOBAD is offline Associate Member
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    Has your doctor put you on any type of anti-depressants? Trust me, THEY WORK! Sometimes it takes a lot of trial and error to find the one that works for you, but it is worth it! Some work on serotonin and some work on dopamine, the two chemicals in the brain that effect your mood. My wife suffered from depression after our daughter was born and she had mild OCD. Celexa (SSRI) was a god-send for her! She has been on it for 5 years and she has a much better quality of life. I myself take Webutrin which acts on dopamine and cabergoline as well. It works for me until I start a a cycle then I don't have to take anything until it is time to come back off.

    I am not sure what caused my depression, could have been something I was born with or perhaps it stems from my childhood or whatever. The bottom line is that it sucks, however, there are very effective medications out there, you just have to find the one that is right for you. Good luck!

  19. #19
    dominant1 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ckurth6 View Post
    Has your doctor put you on any type of anti-depressants? Trust me, THEY WORK! Sometimes it takes a lot of trial and error to find the one that works for you, but it is worth it! Some work on serotonin and some work on dopamine, the two chemicals in the brain that effect your mood. My wife suffered from depression after our daughter was born and she had mild OCD. Celexa (SSRI) was a god-send for her! She has been on it for 5 years and she has a much better quality of life. I myself take Webutrin which acts on dopamine and cabergoline as well. It works for me until I start a a cycle then I don't have to take anything until it is time to come back off.

    I am not sure what caused my depression, could have been something I was born with or perhaps it stems from my childhood or whatever. The bottom line is that it sucks, however, there are very effective medications out there, you just have to find the one that is right for you. Good luck!

    thanks man. Yes i am on meds but they arent working right now so my doctors are looking for better meds out there. What i'm trying to figure out is if you can take anti depressants with steroids or not. Like i said im not gonna try to get into steroids right now but in the future i would like to and i'm wondering if it'll mess up the way my meds work once i am on them.


  20. #20
    topnotch is offline Member
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    everyone so far has given good they said don't use anything until you have a control over your problems already...i'm seeing a correlation of things here though, and thought I would throw this out there...for the guys who said they have mild depression...when your on cycle, you feel great no problems at all...b/c you have higher test levels..when you come off you have very low test levels even down to none, and you feel worse than before...i dont know if i mis-understood or not but were you in the middle of a cycle? and just stopped? then your test levels may not be back to normal...or what my opinion is you may have low levels anyways, which can cause advice would be to speak w/ your doctor, and have some test levels run, and see an endocrinologist b/c that could be part of the cause

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