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  1. #1
    bigdog123's Avatar
    bigdog123 is offline Junior Member
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    5Alpha-Reductase vs Aromatase Inhibitor... Experienced ppl plz help !!

    Sup i`ve been a long time lurker reading some random stuff alot but now it`s slowly time to prepare for my 1st cycle

    I won`t even bother explaining my cycle i`ll just say that i`m really considering Enan. maybe with d-bol but i dont know yet im still reading.... :P

    Anyways i wanna know whats the difference between a 5AR (finasteride) and a AI (letro??) when it comes down to a cycle.

    1. i know that 5AR inhibitor help prevent the androgenic effects of Test without compromising the anabolic effects (which is good ) do you guys think its a plus to have one??

    2. Is an AI usefull in a cycle thats dosed under 500mg / week?? i know every person is different but Is it really worth it to inhibit the conversion of estrogen during a Test cycle?

    3. should nolvadex still stay in the mix?? i`ve read that it isnt an Anti-estrogen but more of a SERM....

    ----> I was thinking, for my Cycle (probably gonna go for 12 weeks):
    Test enan + maybe another ... , nolvadex on hand (bitch tits), hcg (PCT) , finasteride (counter sides,prevent the binding with 5AR)

    all opinons are

    p.s. is there really a bad roid rage on test E ?? i read that you get more agressive but what is more?? lol just curious

  2. #2
    Marinos is offline Junior Member
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    1. i know that 5AR inhibitor help prevent the androgenic effects of Test without compromising the anabolic effects (which is good ) do you guys think its a plus to have one??
    If the 5AR inhibitor u have in mind is Finasteride, it will only aid in type 2 DHT, which is mostly for hair loss. Type 1 DHT inhibitors like MK-386 is mostly for acne. If u opt for dutasteride, u successfully block both.

    Although DHT doesn't play a roll in muscle building (a known one anyway) it does play a roll in sex drive, stregnth and energy.

    2. Is an AI usefull in a cycle thats dosed under 500mg / week?? i know every person is different but Is it really worth it to inhibit the conversion of estrogen during a Test cycle?
    I'd have them on standby, and use them only when u start to notice signs of gyno or excessive bloating. Its good to see ur natrual limits, and its easy to prevent symptoms escalating into real problems once they begin.

    Note: DHT is also a type of anti-estrogen, if u ran dutasteride or Fin, be sure to use an anti estrogen at all times.

    3. should nolvadex still stay in the mix?? i`ve read that it isnt an Anti-estrogen but more of a SERM....
    I'd use it mostly for PCT, as its known to afect IGF-1, so not so suitable while bulking.
    Last edited by Marinos; 11-05-2007 at 08:00 AM.

  3. #3
    bigdog123's Avatar
    bigdog123 is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks for the reply
    So if i use dutasteride it would be good to use an other anti-estrogen because the dutasteride killed the first one whcih is DHT??

    Than i guess ill just keep it on the side for the sides and some nolva ??

    im thinking of leaving out the AI (arimidex )

  4. #4
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Personally for the cycle you are considering I wouldnt bother taking any of that stuff. Just have an AI like Adex on hand for the potential gyno sides. Both AI and Dut and Fin and know to potentially affect your gains, so dont use them unless you have to. How old are you by the way and what are your stats ?

  5. #5
    bigdog123's Avatar
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    i'm 22, 5 years lifting, gone from 155 lbs to 201 lbs 5'10" i took off maybe 2 months in 5 years for resting, im pretty steady i love training 4-5 times minimum depending on my programs.
    i know thats alot of stuff for a cycle i just wanna get it sorted out b4 i start anything.
    i'm not planing to use all of them just to be careful and have them on hand just in case.

    For sure i'm gonna use the nolvadex for the gyno
    If i add deca ill go with the arimidex

    Can anyone give me an input on what PCT with an only test cycle .... clomid??

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