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  1. #1
    ChuckLee's Avatar
    ChuckLee is offline Scammer
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    First long cycle help

    Well I'm resolved now.
    I have been exposing my body to gear cycles tryouts from about 10 months since now, finished out three cycles and after I have subscribed to this forum I finally understood WHY my gains were so unsignificant and so short-term durable...
    My wrong was, due to bad advices asked to the wrong people, the fact that I've always used long esters in a maximum of 6-8 weeks periods, so the peak gains came out in the last two weeks and then I usually stopped the therapy.
    Anyway, I have always kept the test on small dosages (tried sust, test e/c), with a poor PCT therewith. And these were bad things, I know.
    Finally I've found the RIGHT people here where I can find the RIGHT answers and the RIGHT advices and suggests (I thank you all for that).
    So I've decided next year to start my first long serious cycle, like this:

    Weeks 1-10: Test C @ 400mg/week
    Weeks 1-10: Deca @ 250mg/week
    Weeks 1-4: Anadrol @ 100mg/day (then taper down weeks 5-6)

    Weeks 11-12: Clomid @ 100mg/day
    Week 13: Clomid @ 50mg/day
    Weeks 11-13: HCG @ 5000IU/week

    Some questions: is the Drol sufficient at 100mg/day? I'm not a first user of this oral compound so I'm guessing if I could lift up the doses; thinking to add some tabs of winny the last four weeks (after drol) should be a bad idea? And for the dosages?

    I'm sure I'll receive a lot of extremely useful informations from you experienced guys and I thank you in advice.
    Last edited by ChuckLee; 11-08-2007 at 07:28 AM.

  2. #2
    ramsay_1 is offline Associate Member
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    hiya bro glad youve done some reading and learnt by your mistakes. your cycle def looks a lot better than the ones you have ran before but heres how i would run it

    Weeks 1-10: Test C @ 600mg/week
    Weeks 1-8: Deca @ 400mg/week
    Weeks 1-4: Anadrol @ 100mg/day NO NEED TO TAPER DOWN

    Weeks 11: Nolva 40mg everyday and aromasin 25mg everyday
    Week 12: Nolva 40mg everyday and aromasin 25mg everyday
    Week 13: Nolva 20mg everyday and aromasin 25mg everyday
    Week 14: Nolva 20mg everyday and aromasin 25mg everyday

    Ok, so you might ask why i have changed a few things. heres why:

    1. I increased the deca to 400mg a week because running this compound any lower wont really do much apart from the fact your joints will feel a bit better. so if your looking for the gains/strenght deca has to offer id stick to 400mg

    2. Now that your deca has increased so does your test. before you were running it at 400mg which is ok but seeing as you have ran a few cycles before, your test should be higher than your deca to keep your libido up.

    3. As deca is a 19-nor it is very suppresive so it is advised your test is ran 2 weeks longer.

    4. Clomid is a poor choice for PCT alone. a PCT should normally include a SERM eg nolva, clomid, cyclofenil and an AI eg aromasin, letro, anastrozole. So i have gone with nolva and aromasin because A this is what i use and B most of the guys here use the same.

    Hope this helps a bit bro, anyone else want to comment???
    Last edited by ramsay_1; 11-08-2007 at 09:55 AM.

  3. #3
    ChuckLee's Avatar
    ChuckLee is offline Scammer
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    Thanks mate, I apreciate a lot your help.
    But I would consider mine a "first" cycle because previously I used to take 200/250mg per week of test, this is why I choosed the 400mg/week way now.
    For the deca I presumed 250mg was low, so I'll surely take it up, plus for 2 weeks less than test.
    PCT: I know that Nolva could be better than Clomid as SERM, but where is my natural test rebooster? Shouldn't I need HCG for this purpose? Clomid helps a bit too in this role...

  4. #4
    bigdog123's Avatar
    bigdog123 is offline Junior Member
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    Getting ur natural T up after the cycle will be the essential ( since we all know that deca is very supressive on test ). HCG , nolva, and clomid will be good from what i can get from mr.Roberts
    Also since deca stimulates the progesterone receptors, the use of Caber should be effective to combat this problem , again accordingly to anthony roberts.But i dont have a clue how to dose or simply use this...hmm ...any vets here??

    And like ramsay said, you should stop the deca at least 2 weeks b4 the test

    anyways i suggest u read the deca thread of anthony roberts in the steroid profile forum
    good luck with ur cycle!

  5. #5
    ramsay_1 is offline Associate Member
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    caber can be purchased from lion and its normally taken when prolactin/progesterone sides occur eg gyno or loss of libido. 0.5mg every 4 days is the recomended dose. lions caber, 10pumps = 0.5mg. the best way to moniter your prolactin/progesterone levels is to get bloodwork done.

  6. #6
    Johny-too-small's Avatar
    Johny-too-small is offline Vive Memor Leti
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    Run the deca 10 weeks and the Test 12. 8 weeks of deca, is once again for you, too short...

    Week 1-12: Test C @ 500 mg/ew
    Week 1-10: Deca @ 400 mg/ew

    Also, you should go 5-6 weeks w/ pct and Id think about hcg while on. Good luck.

  7. #7
    ramsay_1 is offline Associate Member
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    i agree with johnny

  8. #8
    ChuckLee's Avatar
    ChuckLee is offline Scammer
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    Thank you all

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