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  1. #1
    flexasist's Avatar
    flexasist is offline Junior Member
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    May 2002

    Am totally lost, advice on bulking please

    hi everyone

    am looking to start a bulking cycle, not done a cycle for quite a while now. looking to use HGH also in the cycle as i have a fair bit of nordatropin.

    i have noticed there are lots of new products on the market since the last time i used any gear so am a bit confused. looking to put more quality mass on rather then be holding water.

    this cycle needs to ba a base for a big cutting cycle in the summer.

    25, 4 previous cycles
    253lbs, around 18% BF
    Sups: cyclone, hmb, glutimine, multi vits
    last cycle: 12 week cycle, hgh was run for 5 months.
    hgh 4i.u eod, testoviron 500/wk, eq 600/wk, anadrol 50mg/ed 4 wks.

    i dont wanna mix to many products as i think the gear will work well, having had time out.

    any ideas?

  2. #2
    Haro3 is offline Anabolic Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    tren = the new staple to all my future cycles cant go wrong with it man especially if you want the lean mass gains, bulker/cutter it doesnt matter that stuff dominates if you havent used it before....definately recomend. but hey your bigger than me so you must know what your doing as it is! jus my $.02

  3. #3
    flexasist's Avatar
    flexasist is offline Junior Member
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    May 2002
    @ haro3, not done a cycle for a while bro so confused. is tren also known as parabolan and would you stack that with just test max, or all test? will look more into this oil as am not to firmilier with it

  4. #4
    Haro3 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by flexasist View Post
    @ haro3, not done a cycle for a while bro so confused. is tren also known as parabolan and would you stack that with just test max, or all test? will look more into this oil as am not to firmilier with it
    parabolan is tren hex i believe...? which is tren yes but i would look into tren acetate (shorter aster drier gains) and i just stacked it with prop some argue to run test higher than your 19-nors but i think test sucks and aside from sexual benefits of it im only runnin it at an hrt dosage for now on around 250-400 mg a week depending which test im using and i run my 19's higher but thats what is workin for me right now..

  5. #5
    Haro3 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Dec 2004
    parabolan is also about 2 times the $ as tren acetate or enanthate so something else to consider

  6. #6
    basshead69 is offline Associate Member
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    Oct 2007
    I would run tren a and Test E this would be a good cycle for your goals

  7. #7
    buffgator's Avatar
    buffgator is offline king of mass
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    dude you have not done a cycle in a while, your receptors are fresh. Just stick to some basics.
    Test e 500mg per week
    d-bol 40mg ed
    tren e or deca 300-400mg per week
    hgh 2ius ed 5 days on 2 days off
    arim .25-.5mg ed.
    You should not gain water because of the arim and you should not gain fat because of the hgh. You will gain plenty of size though.

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