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Thread: Cycle questions

  1. #1
    DDog330 is offline New Member
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    Cycle questions

    I'd like to start a tren cycle but I'm worried about the sides... I have 4 years of AAS experience but have never tried Tren Acetate..I am 5'6" and weigh 160lbs currently. I have test 250 to stack with it as well. My main concern is the sexual sides. I have a few girls i'm involved with and would hate to lose them. Anyways, how much Tren? Test? And would tribulus help to counteract with the sexual sides??? Thanks in advance!

  2. #2
    facile's Avatar
    facile is offline Member
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    I never had any issues with tren , but test should be included with a tren cycle. What kind of test is test 250? I'd go with prop since you will be injecting tren A EOD anyway. As long as you have the test with it you probably won't notice any sexual sides.

    Of course think about pct and research tren and asscess if you want to have an AI on hand.

  3. #3
    DDog330 is offline New Member
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    Okay thanks! The brand name is Pets Pharma Test 250.It has Prop, Fenil Prop, Isocaproato(translate?) , and Deca ..It's a blend like Sust. How many CC's of Tren EOD and how many CC's of Test? Can I inject the test once a week?

  4. #4
    facile's Avatar
    facile is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by DDog330 View Post
    Okay thanks! The brand name is Pets Pharma Test 250.It has Prop, Fenil Prop, Isocaproato(translate?) , and Deca..It's a blend like Sust. How many CC's of Tren EOD and how many CC's of Test? Can I inject the test once a week?
    I am unfamiliar with that test,it is blended with deca or is it a test deconate ? if it is a blend of tests you would most likely inject twice a week.
    How many mgs of tren A do you have ? (mgs per ml). A cc is a measurement the mg's is the strength of the tren.

    Have you used injectables previously ?

  5. #5
    DDog330 is offline New Member
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    facile: Thanks for you quick responses....Your right it is test deconate..As for the Tren it's 75mg.It's a 20ml bottle as well. I have used injectables for some time now..

  6. #6
    facile's Avatar
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    I would inject the test 2x week and the tren eod starting a 1 cc or 75 mgs, tren can be harsh, if you don't experience any unbearable sides then you can increase it.
    Do you have a PCT planned?

  7. #7
    DDog330 is offline New Member
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    Can I inject the Test in the same syringe as the Tren ? As for PCT it usually includes Clomid as well as HCG ..and I use Tribulus during the cycle as well to keep my free testosterone up.

  8. #8
    facile's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DDog330 View Post
    Can I inject the Test in the same syringe as the Tren? As for PCT it usually includes Clomid as well as HCG..and I use Tribulus during the cycle as well to keep my free testosterone up.
    You can do both at the same time.

  9. #9
    DDog330 is offline New Member
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    I'm about 12% BF right now..Will this cycle help me get down to maybe 8%? Assuming my diet is clean...

  10. #10
    basshead69 is offline Associate Member
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    Tren kills your cardio I doubt you loose that much fat but man you have been using steroids for 4 years and you weigh 160 make sure you use proper PCT to keep your gains.

  11. #11
    reconforce4 is offline Associate Member
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    best advice, is make sure you have proper pct treatment. tren is great for cutting, just eat clean, do low intensity cardio. throw in some clen later on

  12. #12
    topnotch is offline Member
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    man, after that many cycles, you should be more than 160...something is wrong w/ your diet or training, and i would about bet it's your dont seem to have enough knowledge of what your doing to be running these compounds, especially not tren b/c it's a harsh steroid ...

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