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Thread: Brazil?

  1. #1
    fdrx7man's Avatar
    fdrx7man is offline Member
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    Hey I am going to brazil in feb for work (just found out).. I will be down there for near 4 months.. I will be in Sao Paulo, I cant say what I will be doing since it is a secret for the company I work for.. anyways are steroids legal there? or is it like mexico where i can buy them but maybe get nailed by the cops for having them?

    or are they like the US where its illegal as can be?

    I figured if im going to be there and there paying all my expenses, and my home expenses while im away.. Now is the time to buy some good stuff and do a dream cycle!! if its legal down there, cause i doubt ill find a source there if they arnt legal!

    PS If the women there are as beautiful as I have seen, (hint adriana lima) I am not returning to the states ever again!! ha ha

  2. #2
    soccer#3's Avatar
    soccer#3 is offline Anabolic Member
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    my reply is more to ur move from iowa to brazil. it'll be like goin from hell to heaven. werar rubber tho. good night im goin to bed

  3. #3
    sphincter is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by soccer#3 View Post
    my reply is more to ur move from iowa to brazil. it'll be like goin from hell to heaven. werar rubber tho. good night im goin to bed
    +1. god luck, isn't Brazil the plastic surgery capital of teh world? so, yes, all the girls (or most of them) should lok like dream girls!! Bag as many as you can bro!!!

  4. #4
    RBIZZY is offline Member
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    brazilian girls make our supermodels look like crap. learn a little portugise and they will fall for you left and right. or you can do like everyone else and but a prostatute, and if you do that then they will stay with you all night! ive never been but thats what my boy from brazil tells me.....and move around in a group or you might get mugged...and i think its like mexico when it comes to gear down there.

  5. #5
    fdrx7man's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sphincter View Post
    +1. god luck, isn't Brazil the plastic surgery capital of teh world? so, yes, all the girls (or most of them) should lok like dream girls!! Bag as many as you can bro!!!
    ha ha yeah it will only be for a few months down there.. and i have no idea what the prices of stuff is.. people tell me i can live off 200 us dollars very easily down there too.. sad thing is ill be bankin over 5000 us dollars a month ha ha while there with all my bills up at home paid for! so if i can seriously live off of 200 dollars a month there, Ill be a king!! ha ha

    Ohh and yes i will be havin lots of fun with the women down there!! dont be supprised if i become a morman and have 12 wifes to bring back ha ha!! :-)

    so Brazil is like mexico then? I can buy them without a problem but there illegal to have? So my best bet is to go to a store fewquiently, and inject there and just leave till the next time i need to get juiced up!??

  6. #6
    sitries is offline Associate Member
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    Brazil is an awesome place. Rio more so that sao paulo but im sure sao paulo has it nice parts. i was only in the city for 1 day and didnt see much of it. the women are very hot!! with regards to gear. its pretty easy to get over there. best place to get it is from a local gym owner or something. im not sure baout the laws to be honest. but i wouldnt worry. if you get caught u can just pay off the cops. and just plead ignorance.

  7. #7
    fdrx7man's Avatar
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    ha ha yeah ignorance is bliss!! but id rather keep my cash in hand and have a 20pound increase in lean mass while there!! i come back and my family will be like wtf?? ha ha soo worth it!!

    im just now thinking what would be the ultimate stack for getting 20 pounds of lean muscle within 6 months..

    test, more test and winny is what im thinking lol...

  8. #8
    staunchrussian is offline New Member
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    San Paolo is can be pretty dangerous gf from there says thees shooting n stabbing all the time but apart from thet all the girls are GLAMOROUS and pretty damn easy u just gotta be persuasive. Just make sure you know normal girls from pros..dont take any chicks to your hotel, would pay to take them to a motel (petty cheap) there all over the place man and they are made for ****ing!!!! also theyve got orgy parties there every weekend called "swing" costs about 400 reis (if youre alone )or about 40-70 if you witha girls.

    regarding gear im pretty sure you can get sus250, test e, winny, proviron fairly easily if you hust ask around at gyms or dodgy chemists.

    imo you wont be coming back to the states. GOODLUCK BRO!!!!!

  9. #9
    fdrx7man's Avatar
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    ha ha im glad to hear i will have fun!! I know women will be plentyful!! ill bring my cam with me :-) and post up my adventures for you all ha ha!!

    if i can find sust winny and test e im good to go.. id like to do some tren a and prop for a cycle too but dunno if ill find it there.?

  10. #10
    Vitor Ennnergy's Avatar
    Vitor Ennnergy is offline Junior Member
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    São Paulo - BRAZIL
    I live here in Sao Paulo Brazil.
    Juice talkin , we have pharmaceutical grade durateston(sust250) , deposteron(cyp200), proviron (25) , deca (25 and 50) , hemogenin(adrol50),nolva (10,20), clomid(50), aromasin , arimidex , femara, dostinex...not expensive.
    But nowadays you wont be able to take it without a real rx. The government viggilance are harder each year.
    On the blackmarket will can find almost everything but with a obscure source, winstrol fakes are really common.
    As for the girls , here is the most variable races and mixtures. But no, not every girl looks like adriana lima or gisele .
    Also if you are into shemale action , here is your place LOL just kiddin
    Sao Paulo is a rerlatively dangerous place, but with basic attention, you should be safe in most places. keep aware of downtown at day and night. Take care at adult clubs and bars.
    Hope that helps . Futher, PM me.

  11. #11
    fdrx7man's Avatar
    fdrx7man is offline Member
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    ouch that sucks that there illegal there!! ill have to figure something out since im not well fluent in portuguese.. in fact i just started to learn a week ago!

    by the way PM sent man!

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