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  1. #1
    GimmeAHellYeah's Avatar
    GimmeAHellYeah is offline Junior Member
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    Bloodwork results on my LH

    For those who didnt read my bloodwork after 6 month long cycle thread. Here was the results for my first bloodwork.

    T4, Free - Range .8 - 1.8 ng/dL - Mine 1.0

    TSH, 3rd Gen - Range .40 - 4.50 mIU/L - Mine 2.82

    Heterophile, Mono Screen - I came up negative

    Test Total (LC/MS/MS) - Range 250-1100 ng/dL - Mine 239L

    Test, Free % - Range 1.50-2.20% - Mine 2.00%

    Test, Free - Range 35.0 - 155.0 pg/mL - Mine - 47.8

    He then took more blood from me to look at my LH and heres those results

    LH - Range 1.5-9.3 mIU/mL - Mine 1.1

    After seeing this he now reordered more bloodwork to "make sure" my LH and FSH(?) are low. This guys is starting to piss me off. He also talked about an MRI after these results come back. Should I just to him and start another PCT and go from there? I dont recall ever seeing anyone on this board getting an MRI on their LH hormone after bloodwork. Whats the deal with that?

  2. #2
    Markosterone is offline Member
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    get some nolva and hcg .

  3. #3
    PEWN's Avatar
    PEWN is offline AR Addict
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    find a new doctor .... go to a endo that cares...

  4. #4
    GimmeAHellYeah's Avatar
    GimmeAHellYeah is offline Junior Member
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    Should I use the hcg like in anthony roberts pct or just 500 iu a week?

  5. #5
    XNathan's Avatar
    XNathan is offline Associate Member
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    Your doc think you can have pituitary gland problems... so he is just careful. But endo or other doc is better choice whne you are not satisfied.

    LH is still low thanks to your long cycle and this condition can last some time. Use nolva nad aromasin pro LH and hCG for your testis. Prime them for LH production. Becouse after nolva/aromasin you can have high LH but desensitized testes and also low test but in that time you move from primary hypo to secondary hypo. Both conditions are reversible... time is best cure but PCT can help in each case.

  6. #6
    XNathan's Avatar
    XNathan is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by GimmeAHellYeah View Post
    Should I use the hcg like in anthony roberts pct or just 500 iu a week?
    Stay with lower dose. Dont press on it to much hCG can cause also problem.

    Personaly I would go with 250iu 2xweek. With Nolva 20mg/day and aromasin 20-25mg/day for 45days.

  7. #7
    GimmeAHellYeah's Avatar
    GimmeAHellYeah is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks nathan. I'll keep you guys updated for anyone who cares. Thanks again

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