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  1. #1
    DeepDiver's Avatar
    DeepDiver is offline Junior Member
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    Increase Dose Mid Cycle?

    Hello All: I have five full weeks to go on a 12 week cylce of 210mg of Test Cyp and 210mg of Deca per week. This was also stacked with a cycle of 100mg per week of Win and I just finished that cycle this week. (Win was twice a week 50mg each time) I am also taking anastrozole three times per week as an anti estrogen. And for post cycle I have gonadotropin inj and clomophine pills cycle standing by. I am a novice user and 4 year bodybuilder, novice meaning this is my first cycle. A clinic w/ doc has proscribed and I am making modest gains. My questions is: As I read up more on cycles It seems I should be doing at least double of the test/deca combo, my doc says current dose is good because I will keep 90% of the gains post cycle. Can I increase my test and deca to 400mg each per week and get any better gains with five full weeks left. Overall, what benefits/drawbacks come from dose changes mid cycle? I plan to continue with another cycle after my post cycle meds are through. What do you guys think?

    45 yr old
    220 lbs
    20% BF (and falling)
    6 feet tall
    Last edited by DeepDiver; 12-11-2007 at 04:39 PM.

  2. #2
    Amorphic's Avatar
    Amorphic is offline Veritas, Aequitas ~
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    with the long esters attatched to deca the changes take longer to notice but you might benefit by increasing the dosages for the last 5 weeks. from what ive read it takes about 5 weeks to feel the deca kick in, so that might be just enough time to get some extra gains off your cycle.

    make sure you run your test 2 weeks after you stop deca to let the metabolites clear and then start you pct 2 weeks after your last shot of test.

    clomid and hcg is not a very good pct for a suppressive cycle including deca, you might want to get nolva and aromasin , drop the clomid and keep the hcg

  3. #3
    DeepDiver's Avatar
    DeepDiver is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks for the reply, should I bother increasing the test as well or just the Deca ?

  4. #4
    SMCengineer is offline Anabolic Member
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    ^^Some people will say that you only need an HRT dose while others will say you need a higher dose of test than deca . Personally I love test so I run it higher than deca, but I don't think it's necessary to run it that high if all your trying to do is maintain your libido.

  5. #5
    DeepDiver's Avatar
    DeepDiver is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks for the advice, labido is no problem, want to keep the mass growing and the bodyfat droping. After lots of research, going to up to 400mg /week of both test and deca for the remaining five weeks. On a great high calorie diet already so the increase in dose should go well as far as diet goes.

    Any advice on what the next cycle should consist of when I am done with PCT? Lots of choices

  6. #6
    SMCengineer is offline Anabolic Member
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    I would suggest holding off on your next cycle until you get your bodyfat down, than you have many options. You could go on a lean bulk, a cutter (to get into the single digits) or an all out bulk (with all clean, but high calories).

  7. #7
    DeepDiver's Avatar
    DeepDiver is offline Junior Member
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    Sounds, good. BF droping fast, what are you thinking.... 14%-18% somewhere in there is my thought.

  8. #8
    SNUKA's Avatar
    SNUKA is offline Member
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    whats up with winny twice a week?

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