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Thread: oral masteron?

  1. #1
    fsu1985 is offline Junior Member
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    Oct 2007

    oral masteron?

    on a list i have recently seen, there is a version of oral masteron (45 mgs a pill). i didn't know that masteron came in a oral tablet. anyone know anything?

  2. #2
    swm1972 is offline Knowledgeable Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    It is masteron with a c17 methyl alpha extension for oral availability.

    /taken from 2006anabolics book

  3. #3
    fsu1985 is offline Junior Member
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    Oct 2007
    yeah, is it legit? does it work close to as good as the injectable version? i wouldn't imagine so but im not too fimiliar with the discussion.

  4. #4
    swm1972 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Dec 2007
    I did 30 mgs/day superdrol for 4 weeks on my current cycle (500mgs test e/week). At the end of week 4 my weight was already up 12 lbs. And I hadn't really felt the test yet. I just did week 5 shot #2 today and really started to feel it this evening. Looking forward to the rest of this cycle.

    I buy CEL M-drol. This stuff doesn't have to be bought at UG suppliers. Hell it isn't even illegal yet. Anabolic Extreme and Legal Gear (some of the original marketers of Superdrol) backed out because the FDA was about to drop the bomb on them. This stuff is cheap too. Like under $30 bucks for 4 weeks worth.

    Do a google search.. you'll find about 10 suppliers on the first page.

    that said, no it isnt as good as injectable masteron . But you probably already expected that. But for the same amount of time at similar dosages... it is almost as good as dbol without the bloat IMHO.

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