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  1. #1
    flex_w's Avatar
    flex_w is offline Associate Member
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    Clen in a Cutting Cycle

    hey guys my friend wants to do a Cutting Cycle and he wanted me to post if he can use Clenbuterol in his cycle which will be:

    1 - 12 400mg Eod Test Prop
    1 - 6 50mg ed Stanazol

    i dont know anything about clen so i was hoping u could answer his problem he doesnt know how to use it or what dose or for how long

  2. #2
    Amorphic's Avatar
    Amorphic is offline Veritas, Aequitas ~
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    theres plenty of info on clen on the site, a simple search can answer most question.

    I personally don't like clen and wouldnt bother with it on cycle. a proper diet would be more beneficial to cutting up than clen would be

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