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  1. #1
    Maxxjohns's Avatar
    Maxxjohns is offline New Member
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    Talking Expected Gains...

    Hello, once again.. (thanks to all who contributed to my last post)

    With some good advice I have my cycle down, and in the works, (been in 1.5
    weeks). And was wanting to know, besides that fact that obviously everyone is extremely different and benefits accordingly, are my expectation, according to my goals, consistant?

    Stats: 165 pounds, 5'10, 14% body fat.

    GOAL: 175 pounds, 9% body fat.

    So far, continuing from my current routine, I was able to cancel out and, go up in all my weights after the first week (on). hit bench twice, since being on, and will be adding 20 pounds, on wednesday. (For example)

    Dosage & Use: Stanozolol Oral, 50mg ED (Spead Out) Test every 3.5 days. Protein (Egg and whey), and Creatine. Milk Thistle, and glucosime 3x ED.

    Nutrition: I EAT. But mainly High protein, low carb. Basicly, lots of meat, eggs, milk, water, raw veggies, and low on wheat.(doesnt mean no carbs, just low). 5x a day.

    Running time: 6 weeks, but was thinking about 8 weeks. Which, I wanted to ask, Since this is my first (ever) cycle, can I extend my Stanozolol use, without drastic damage to my liver, from, 6 weeks to 8 weeks? and run the test just as long?

    Day 1 Chest, Triceps
    Bench 4 - 10
    Incline 3 - 8
    Dumb bell Decline 3 - 8
    Tricep Ext. 4- 10
    Tricep Pulldown 3 - 10
    15 min. sauna

    Day 2 Back, and Biceps
    Bicep curl 4 - 10
    Fore arm Curl 3 - 10
    Bicep Cable 3 - 8
    Cable rows 3 - 10
    Pull Downs 4 - 10
    Back Extensions 3 - 15
    15min sauna

    Day 3 Shoulders.
    Military press (Standing) 4- 10
    Arnold press- 3 - 10
    Super sets of Dumbbell shoulder raises (side to side, and forward) 3 - 10
    back deltiod - 3 - 10
    Shoulder shrugs 4 - 10
    15min sauna

    day 4 - OFF
    Cardio 30 min
    light legs (due to injury)
    calf raises.
    15min. sauna

    Abs: and obliques are done whenever.. 2 -3 times a week consisting of:
    Captain Chairs, 3 x 20
    Weighted side obliques 3 x 10
    Sit up, 3 x 30

    Any enlightening, you gurus can offer, is needless to say, highly respected, and appreciated.

    Last edited by Maxxjohns; 12-17-2007 at 12:07 PM.

  2. #2
    sitries is offline Associate Member
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    Dec 2005
    what test are you using mate

  3. #3
    Maxxjohns's Avatar
    Maxxjohns is offline New Member
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    test enanthate .

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    5'10" 165 14%???

    How many years training experience do you have?

    Also, I see you don't have a leg day. Why?

  5. #5
    reconforce4 is offline Associate Member
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    Dec 2007
    he has an injury as stated in his post so light leg workout

  6. #6
    Maxxjohns's Avatar
    Maxxjohns is offline New Member
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    The injury, happened a year ago aug 23rd.. I was hit by a vehicle going 40mph.. I was in a crosswalk... Walking.

    Which is the reason for the very light leg day (Have a titanium rod going from my kneecap, to ankle.. Inside my leg.

    Been training since 2001... However in the hospitial (I was in critical care, for a good while) I dropped down to 145lb ... but I am currently at 165lb.

  7. #7
    Maxxjohns's Avatar
    Maxxjohns is offline New Member
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  8. #8
    Amorphic's Avatar
    Amorphic is offline Veritas, Aequitas ~
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    6 weeks for test e is too short, most people report that it doesnt fully kick in until week 5. i still think you could attain your goal naturally.

  9. #9
    FunkLord is offline Junior Member
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    Dec 2007
    So you want to lose 8lbs of fat, and gain 18lbs of muscle, in 6 weeks?
    I would have suggested a lot more research, but it seems you have already started.
    Run the test for at least 10 weeks. It takes about 5 weeks before it really starts to kick in. If you end it at week 6, you're pretty much wasting it. Winny on the other hand, will be fine at 6 weeks. Generally speaking though, I don't like Winny.

    Also, I'd add some deadlifts, bent-over rows, and chinups to back day, and dips to your chest/triceps day.

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