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  1. #1
    heavyquestions's Avatar
    heavyquestions is offline Junior Member
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    Just starting off, need your expert advice

    I am a 23 year old male, 5'10" and weigh 214 pounds with around the 20 percentile of bodyfat.

    I do heavy weight workouts with working one body part a day and do 30 minutes of cardio a day and Im on the Nutrisystem diet.

    I want to start a steroid /cycle that will let me get gains but I want to keep my bodyfat down to as low as possible.

    Can someone give suggestions?
    also, is HGH a better way to go?
    Last edited by heavyquestions; 12-18-2007 at 03:17 AM.

  2. #2
    bobbyeggertonson is offline New Member
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    Honestly, I'm no steroid pro here, but I'd recommend losing a lot more body fat before trying juice. Everyone is so obsessed with "gettin' big" that they don't see what they should really be doing- which is trying to actually look good. Basically, if you do juice now yeah you're going to get big, but you'll still be fat. Also, Nutrisystem doesn't seem like the best bodybuilding diet. Bottom line, kick up the cardio and keep the carbs down until you get around 12-13% BF before you decide. Just my opinion.

  3. #3
    Renesis's Avatar
    Renesis is offline Anabolic Member
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    Right off the bat most will tell you that steroids at that high a bf% is a nono. Many steroids especially the ones for a beginners cycle (test e/c and dbol ) make you gain a good amount of water weight. Now not only that but you will also gain muscle while keeping the fat that you have, you might not gain much more fat but you will look bigger and still have that fat. I say keep doing what you are doing right now get down to about 15% bodyfat and then have a go at a cycle.

  4. #4
    Renesis's Avatar
    Renesis is offline Anabolic Member
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    lol damn you bobby got to it before i did -.-

  5. #5
    heavyquestions's Avatar
    heavyquestions is offline Junior Member
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    besides cardio (i cant run real well) whats the best thing to do to start cutting BF fast?

    I do eliptical and the bike though.

  6. #6
    bobbyeggertonson is offline New Member
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    Carbs and need to go down, protein needs to go up, fiber needs to go up. Try to cut out all carbs a few hours before bedtime and make sure that when you do eat carbs that they're slow digesting complex carbs: wheat bread, wheat pasta, sweet potatoes etc. Drink a lot of water, about 1oz per pound of bodyweight. You can also take Green Tea extract, Caffiene, red pepper, Dandelion root extract, and Potassium as a metabolism expedient/ diuretic.

    As far as cardio option goes, playing any kind of sport is great. If your gym has a basketball court pick up games are great for cardio. Also, you could beat on a punching bag for a while. I know it wears me out.

  7. #7
    reconforce4 is offline Associate Member
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    keep calories up, protein high, low carbs, try anavar , it is a good starting gear, with no water weight

  8. #8
    Maldorf's Avatar
    Maldorf is offline Senior Member
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    I wouldnt mess with the AAS yet, as your bf is too high. I would get it down to around 15% before I would go there. Diet is going to be the single most important factor in your success and you need to get that down before you start using AAS, otherwise your results will be poor. You will need to eat lots of small meals, I eat 5 small meals a day with a protein snack inbetween each meal. My bodyfat now never goes higher than around 8%. You will need to get some help on diet, do lots of research or get a good trainer to help you out.

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