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  1. #1
    EasyE is offline New Member
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    New to the Game looking to gain 10lbs

    How is everyone doing,

    To start I have been training about 4 years now(19-23). Went from a skinny 145lbs to a lean 185-190 over that time period. I am about 6'1 and 10% body fat which I have to eat like crazy to keep. Don't smoke, Don't drink diet is very good. I recently hit a wall and lost some mass due to a leg injury, I work out with and play rugby with lots of guys who juiceand I have ran a short low doseage cycle of ErgoPharm 1-AD followed with about 50mg/day oral Winny kept about 7lbs or so it seems. Test bounced back shockingly fast also with basic PCT of Tribulas. What is available around me is ANADROL , Oral winny, Anavar , Dbol , Clen and M-1ts. Looking for some test but none found.

    So if my goal is to put on say 10lbs of solid gains and drop maybe 2-5% body fat, what combo or order would you guys recommend, also doing nothing is an option as well.

    For example would a say 3 week Anadrol followed by a 4 week winstrol be safe or is that too long to run 17-AAs. Proper PCT this time of course

    I am leaning towards Anavar for a few reasons and would be happy to get 5-7lbs off a cycle of it.

    Thanks for any advice guys


  2. #2
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Find an injectable your liver will thank you. Running only orals is not a safe bet and results are better when combined with Test.

  3. #3
    duramaxedge's Avatar
    duramaxedge is offline Senior Member
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    I think Anavar would be a good choice if your going to do the dreaded oral only cycle.. good solid gains.. Just monitor your Blood Pressure

  4. #4
    reconforce4 is offline Associate Member
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    anavar is great for good solid gains,

  5. #5
    Ashop's Avatar
    Ashop is offline Anabolic Member
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    You could gain 10lbs easily with CREATINE/WHEY hard training and eat plenty of calories.

  6. #6
    dupa95's Avatar
    dupa95 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by EasyE View Post
    How is everyone doing,

    To start I have been training about 4 years now(19-23). Went from a skinny 145lbs to a lean 185-190 over that time period. I am about 6'1 and 10% body fat which I have to eat like crazy to keep. Don't smoke, Don't drink diet is very good. I recently hit a wall and lost some mass due to a leg injury, I work out with and play rugby with lots of guys who juiceand I have ran a short low doseage cycle of ErgoPharm 1-AD followed with about 50mg/day oral Winny kept about 7lbs or so it seems. Test bounced back shockingly fast also with basic PCT of Tribulas. What is available around me is ANADROL , Oral winny, Anavar , Dbol , Clen and M-1ts. Looking for some test but none found.

    So if my goal is to put on say 10lbs of solid gains and drop maybe 2-5% body fat, what combo or order would you guys recommend, also doing nothing is an option as well.

    For example would a say 3 week Anadrol followed by a 4 week winstrol be safe or is that too long to run 17-AAs. Proper PCT this time of course

    I am leaning towards Anavar for a few reasons and would be happy to get 5-7lbs off a cycle of it.

    Thanks for any advice guys

    Go to my blog and READ my log

  7. #7
    reconforce4 is offline Associate Member
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    you guys stop tellin people when they ask about info about gear, that all they should do is eat more and workout more. Yes, good diet with high clean calories is needed and hard training, but we all know to get that extra boost of mass, test and steroids are needed.

  8. #8
    dupa95's Avatar
    dupa95 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by reconforce4 View Post
    you guys stop tellin people when they ask about info about gear, that all they should do is eat more and workout more. Yes, good diet with high clean calories is needed and hard training, but we all know to get that extra boost of mass, test and steroids are needed.
    Avoid steroids at all costs once you have gone to the dark side there is NO turning back.

  9. #9
    EasyE is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the info guys. I'll probably pm a few of you if I have other questions etc. Yeah I was leaning for the Var. I am sorta blessed with a great set of abs I don't wanna lose that could be a factor. I am not new to the nutrition I have put on 45lbs of solid gains through a combo of legs twice a week and eating like a truck. Hard fought gains let me tell ya though..

    Dupa95. Good read thank you very much.

    As a side note I know a grad student who's supervisor has been involved in studying the toxicity of 7 alpha-alkylated steroids /tumors on the liver. From some conversations I can say that the overall effect on the liver is not as cut and dry as it seems. Seems you can have similar effects if you sleep in certain positions etc very neat stuff. Sleep positions will not jack your cholesterol up though

  10. #10
    duramaxedge's Avatar
    duramaxedge is offline Senior Member
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    Anavar is not going to affect your abs.. your diet would.. I dont think your going to have enough water retention to make your abs not show.. your good to go with Var man..

  11. #11
    KeepingItBalanced's Avatar
    KeepingItBalanced is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by dupa95 View Post
    Avoid steroids at all costs once you have gone to the dark side there is NO turning back.
    It is addicting in a way. The past year I've trained between my first cycle and my next one I am about to start, it just wasn't as motivating. Especially for an old man like me.

  12. #12
    basshead69 is offline Associate Member
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    You need to run a simple test cycle use test e of cyp mabey kick start the cycle with some d-bol 40-60mg a day for the first 4 weeks read up on proper pct. Be patient wait until you can find some test it will be well worth it but if you want to only gain 10 pounds you just . need to go on a good bulking diet and drink lot of protein. Here is a cycle you should run and you can expect to gain anywhere from 15 to 30 pounds.

    Week 1-10 Test E or Cyp 500mg a week inject every 3.5 days
    Week 1-4 D-Bol 40 to 60mg ED
    Proper PCT imo anthony roberts is the best

  13. #13
    EasyE is offline New Member
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    Thanks, I figured that I'll probably wait till some test e arrives or just continue training with some supplements for a while longer. Currently having great results with USP Labs Anabolic pump+ Pslin and some complex carb powder. For any tough gainers this may help you get over the wall with out juice.

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