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  1. #1
    BIG RED I is offline Junior Member
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    aspirating and experiences seem vast!

    HI AR members,

    looking through the wealth of back dated information on AR. i noticed a trend where lifters have many poor experiences with/ without aspirating. people complained that they were hitting nerves in glute shots, excessive site soreness, incorrect aspirating and racing pulse and so on.

    seems to be a debate as to where to inject! for example should one inject quads or gluteus? obvious choice would be to alternate, but i'm dubious as to which of the two sites is safest? i was told the legs because there is a major nerve running somewhere in the gluteus. so i was taken a back when i read the threads and then found so does the legs and noticed this trend. so would injecting in the shoulders, although tricky, be the best choice for someone wishing to experiment on an intermediate level?

    thanx red.

  2. #2
    Pheedno is offline Respected Member
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    I inject in the calves, delts, glutes, & bi's so far. I did the quads four times and hit a nerve three of those so I don't do injects there anymore.
    I always aspirate .

  3. #3
    ddrew's Avatar
    ddrew is offline Associate Member
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    I like glutes and delts every time I shoot quads it hurts so damn bad that I can hardly walk for about three days

  4. #4
    djdjdjddjon's Avatar
    djdjdjddjon is offline Anabolic Member
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    Originally posted by ddrew
    I like glutes and delts every time I shoot quads it hurts so damn bad that I can hardly walk for about three days
    same here, dont like quads, then again i was shooting winny and suspension, may have been the problem. (grin)...but personally i dont like glute because i cant reach but if i have someone to do them ive never had a problem, and my all time favorites are triceps and problems in either...good luck

  5. #5
    NoLimits's Avatar
    NoLimits is offline Member
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    It's to damn hard to reach my ass, especially my left side. I can stick the right side. So I rotate between quads, delts, and right glute!

  6. #6
    Rugby13's Avatar
    Rugby13 is offline Member
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    I have just used shoulder so far with no problems except once when I had a little inflamtion but it was nothing. I tried my ass and when that didn't work I tried my quads. That hurt like crap as well so I stuck to my shoulder. I have a little problem now cause I'm using fina and I'll have to inject 3 times a week. I need to start aspirating as well. Any help on other injection sites that are easy??

  7. #7
    superbeast's Avatar
    superbeast is offline Member
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    Glutes, Sweep of the Quads, shoulders, and occasionally calves

    Guys, I can't stress enough the importance of aspirating. You may not think that there are that many veins, but they are there. In my last cycle I drew blood on at least 3 occasions and had to poke myself again. You don't want that infection!

  8. #8
    Pheedno is offline Respected Member
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    Originally posted by superbeast
    Guys, I can't stress enough the importance of aspirating. You may not think that there are that many veins, but they are there.

    Good post Super Beast. He's right guys. Their are 62,000 miles of veins, arteries, and capillaries in the human body. Make sure you aspirate

  9. #9
    McBain is offline Member
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    Definitely aspirate last cycle I had 22 shots, about 5 of them I drew blood (at least). I've found quads to be the most painful shot I have taken by FAR. I've shot delts, pecs, tri's, bi's and quads. Bi's were the second most painful. I like pecs, delts and tri's a lot, hardly ever any pain and I was using prop.

  10. #10
    BIG RED I is offline Junior Member
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    aspirating and peace of mind_

    HI AR members,

    using a 23'' one and half gauge needle all the way to the skin for quads and then aspirate is a better consideration for avoding health problems?

    i'm assuming people don't inject all the way to the end, but my experiences suggest i can't observe if i've moved a 1mm this way or that before aspirating, so this suggestion would give peace of mind.

    do sensitive individuals note more stress and eye blurring lining up!

    thanx red. from experience anybody juiced into a vein (reactions)?
    Last edited by BIG RED I; 09-10-2002 at 06:16 AM.

  11. #11
    BIG RED I is offline Junior Member
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    HI AR members,

    in my last post i didn't consider body fat levels and the size of an individuals leg. rightly everyone is different and more or less sensitive than the next individual.

    the idea of using the full length of the needle isn't that bad, but i'm not experienced to know the pros and cons as one could aggrevate nerve endings in the legs? any thoughts?

    thanx red.

  12. #12
    BELLICOSE's Avatar
    BELLICOSE is offline Banned
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    been on a cycle for 3 weeks with sust.

    Did not plan on aspirating until on the 3rd shot i hit a vein. Not only did i get a strange sensation for 5 minutes, but my butt was incredibly sore for a week. I had a noticeable limp for 5 days. Needless to say, i aspirate on every single shot.

  13. #13
    Pete235's Avatar
    Pete235 is offline Retired Moderator
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    I've aspirated on every injection I've ever taken (thanks to early prompting from my buudy "Mike"...where are you bro? ) and I have never drawn out blood. I was drawing out an ugky brown-red goo while spot shooting Chinaman's prop, but it was dead blood and fat cells, localized to repair damaged cellular tissue....caused from too high a BA content. So, aspirate everytime, takes a few seconds and is more than worth it.

  14. #14
    Buddha_Red's Avatar
    Buddha_Red is offline Senior Member
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    Im the same.

    I aspirate with every shot. i hit quads,delts,calves and havent drawn blood or have a cough yet.

    its a matter of time, but its such an easy thing to draw back 1/2 a cc and see what comes in.

  15. #15
    majorpecs's Avatar
    majorpecs is offline Anabolic Member
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    Hey guys, can someone define what "aspirate " means? I think it means more than changing inject sites, but I can't quite figure it out, and know that it seems to be one of those things to make my first experience less painful....TIA!!

  16. #16
    Pheedno is offline Respected Member
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    Aspirating= pulling back on the plunger to see if you've injected into a vein. If you pull back and blood enters the syringe, it's time to poke yourself again.

  17. #17
    XXX is offline New Member
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    my doc took care of my 2nd cycle and couples of
    times he injected my left glute hiting a nerve man
    couldnt walk for 3days and had lots of pain,
    i talked to him regarding that situation he told
    although is painful and it seems not normal, it's
    not reason for noone to get worry bcos it will
    get to normal, now this 3rd cycle i'm doing all
    the injections doing all areas and so far no problem just got a few small veins small bleeding not big..

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