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  1. #1
    davidinvienna is offline Associate Member
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    Sep 2006
    in my lounge

    Clen/T3 Question

    In week 6 of 16weeks Test E / 14weeks EQ / 5weeks Dbol ... thinking of incorporating Clen /T3 to help cut up. never used the Clen/T3 combo before, so looking for advice on dosing, duration and if best to run during cycle, post cyle along PCT or post PCT??

    looking forward to your input.

  2. #2
    Geoffcj88 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    I've never used AAS so I can't help you out on that end, but as for the dosage and length of usage I can give you my .02 worth. As for the Clen , normally the best way to start using it is either 20mcg or 40mcg if that is all the increments you have. Keep it at that dosage for at least two days to see the sides(if any). Then just up the dosage another 20 or 40mcg's until you feel the sides are enough. Most people recommend never going above 160 or 180mcg, so try and stay below that. As for the T3, from what i've read the best thing to do is start out at 25mcg a day for 4 days, then you can go up to 50mcg a day, if you feel you want to keep moving it up, just pyramid it up every 4 days. As for that dosage, I would recommend not going above 100mcg, but that is just me. As for the length of usage, clen is 2 weeks on/2 weeks off, or you can use benadryl every day on the 3rd week and keep it going for longer. As with the T3, I have read conflicting reports on whether to go 2 on/2 off just like the clen, or to keep it on for a while longer, as long as you pyramid back down at the end of the usage.

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