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  1. #1
    JAY_WD's Avatar
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    Help for a friend!

    My buddy is goin to run a dbol only cycle despite what i have told him about this.

    He will be running 50mg ED.

    He doesnt believe in PCT and says its a waste of money.

    What is the best way for him to run this cycle so he can maximise his gains and lower his sides.

    Should anything PCT chems be run during cycle.

    All your info is much appreciated.

  2. #2
    GHO5T's Avatar
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    IMO dont tell him what or how to run the cycle, since he thinks he knows what he is doing then let him run the cycle the way he wants too.

    This way when he sees all the negative sides, and loses all or most of his gains afterward, he will come to realize that there in fact is a proper way of cycling. And in turn educate himself more properly before cycling again.

    Just an option.


  3. #3
    Big's Avatar
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    If he didn't take your advice about the cycle or pct, why bother asking for advice since he probably wouldn't take that, either?

  4. #4
    JAY_WD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GHO5T View Post
    IMO dont tell him what or how to run the cycle, since he thinks he knows what he is doing then let him run the cycle the way he wants too.

    This way when he sees all the negative sides, and loses all or most of his gains afterward, he will come to realize that there in fact is a proper way of cycling. And in turn educate himself more properly before cycling again.

    Just an option.

    That was the 1st thing that came into my mind but i just cant cos he is a good freind. If it was just another guy in the gym then fair enough but i just cant do that to him.

  5. #5
    JAY_WD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ima******ger View Post
    If he didn't take your advice about the cycle or pct, why bother asking for advice since he probably wouldn't take that, either?

    Well i have some PCT chems on me that i am willing to give to him.

    he said he will take if i give to him but he wont pay for them.

    Is there anything he should be taking?

    I'm sorry but i dont know anything about a dbol only cycle....i not a fan of orals

  6. #6
    FREAK's Avatar
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    right here
    i would throw in milk thistle

  7. #7
    JAY_WD's Avatar
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    Whats the best way to run dbol only cycle?

    I cant believe i'm asking

  8. #8
    JAY_WD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ramblin freak View Post
    i would throw in milk thistle
    I meant in terms of PCT chems during and post cycle?

    What? How much? How long?

  9. #9
    FREAK's Avatar
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    right here
    I've run em at 50mg ed for 6 weeks

  10. #10
    GHO5T's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JAY_WD View Post
    That was the 1st thing that came into my mind but i just cant cos he is a good freind. If it was just another guy in the gym then fair enough but i just cant do that to him.
    Understandable, however IMO sometimes helping a good friend comes down to not taking action and letting them experience somethings on their own, whether the outcome be a negative one or positive one.

    And thus the lesson learned after all is said and done will go on to help him out alot more than you would think.


  11. #11
    JAY_WD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GHO5T View Post
    Understandable, however IMO sometimes helping a good friend comes down to not taking action and letting them experience somethings on their own, whether the outcome be a negative one or positive one.

    And thus the lesson learned after all is said and done will go on to help him out alot more than you would think.

    True that but i cant. Especially when it could be bad for his health.


  12. #12
    Big's Avatar
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    You can't be more concerned for his health than he is or you are wasting energy.

  13. #13
    JAY_WD's Avatar
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    I am believe it or not and its very frustrating and a waste of energy.

    Since he told me that he would do proper PCT if he didnt have to buy i said i would give to him and he said ok.

    But i have no idea of what to run and for how long?

  14. #14
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    Well you're a good friend for looking out for him. I can't offer much advise though, I would never run a dbol only cycle so I have no idea what would be an appropriate pct for one. Bump for more opinions.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ima******ger View Post
    Well you're a good friend for looking out for him. I can't offer much advise though, I would never run a dbol only cycle so I have no idea what would be an appropriate pct for one. Bump for more opinions.

    I'm in the same boat as you.....anyone else?

  16. #16
    GHO5T's Avatar
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    If he is keen on running such a cycle, then i would do the following.

    50mg/ed of Dbol IMO is an acceptable dosage, however the length of the cycle should be kept to a minimum (6-8wks max) to prevent any chance of harm to ones body.

    IMO he should use either Letro or Adex dosed anywhere from .25-.5mg/ed for the entirety of the cycle, just to be on the safe side.

    And for PCT again I would go for either Letro or Adex (.25-.5mg/ed) for around 2 weeks after the Dbol has been discontinued.

    Im not stating that this is the correct way of running such a cycle, as there are always exceptions. Make sure he moniters his health and doesnt go overboard with dosage and or duration of the cycle, and make the appropriate changes if need be.


  17. #17
    Big's Avatar
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    no serm for pct?

  18. #18
    torontodude's Avatar
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    I agree with GHO5T, I would probably use Adex during the last 2 weeks of the cycle.
    And for PCT I would probably take nolvadex 20mgs/day for 25 days.

  19. #19
    GHO5T's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ima******ger View Post
    no serm for pct?
    Again my outline of such a cycle isnt the absolute correct way of running it, its just what i would run if i ran such a cycle.

    There are always exceptions and other things that can be incorporated here and there, however, yes such a compound (a serm) can be incorporated into PCT if he wanted too (as the bro above me mentioned).

    Last edited by GHO5T; 12-18-2007 at 10:11 PM.

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