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Thread: First cycle...

  1. #1
    imakillerr's Avatar
    imakillerr is offline New Member
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    First cycle...

    I'm a 23 year old male, and I've been involved in weight lifting for about 4 years now. I've done a few cycles of the legal stuff (mostly Finadrol), but i started my first intramuscular cycle this morning.

    I'm taking 1 cc every 6 days of Enantat , and stacking it with with 1 cc (every 6 days, taken the day after the Enantat) of Tren . Later, I will add Stanazolic.

    My question really, is what should I expect? I've worked out twice today and I feel great! (aside form the minor pain at the injection site, which is more annoying than anything... feels like a charley horse; which, from what I read, seems like is usual). What should I change about my routine? What about my diet? I know I should up my protein intake, but how much? Is there anything in particular that I should add or avoid while on a cycle?

    Also, I got it from a friend of a friend (you know how that goes... it's all I can do since I don't know anyone else involved with steroids ), so I want to know if this is a good choice.

    any input would be GREAT! Thanks everyone!
    Last edited by imakillerr; 12-19-2007 at 02:38 PM.

  2. #2
    duramaxedge's Avatar
    duramaxedge is offline Senior Member
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    every 6 days? You need to cut that in half.. .

    Actually, Might not be the worst idea to STOP .. put the gear up and do some research..

    Theres a nice section that says Newbies start here..

  3. #3
    duramaxedge's Avatar
    duramaxedge is offline Senior Member
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    Also, you need to edit the Post.. and Not post Lab Names.. Read the rules brotha

  4. #4
    duramaxedge's Avatar
    duramaxedge is offline Senior Member
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    wow.. i AM OWNING THIS THREAD HAHA.. One more point brotha.. Im guessing seeing your post you probably havent researched how to shoot correctly.. its not going to be great when you have a staff infection because you didnt keep everything sterile.. and your leg/arm is swollen, hurts and is warm to the touch..

    RESEARCH RESEARCH.. educate before you medicate.. can not say this enough!

  5. #5
    jojo2002 is offline Associate Member
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    i dont see lab names... but i do see pricing which is a no no.. cant discuss pricing buddy sorry... def. check out newbie stickies ton of good stuff.

  6. #6
    imakillerr's Avatar
    imakillerr is offline New Member
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    Got rid of the lab names and prices... thanks for the tips.

    Durmaxedge, when you say cut that in half, do you mean 1 cc every 3 days, or 1/2 cc every 3 days?

  7. #7
    reconforce4 is offline Associate Member
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    1.5 cc every 3 days

  8. #8
    duramaxedge's Avatar
    duramaxedge is offline Senior Member
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    Long estered test such as enanthe should be shot every 3 days brotha because of active half lifes..

    Please help yourself and stop your cycle and read.. Get everything you need and then do it right..

  9. #9
    BigBrad330's Avatar
    BigBrad330 is offline Associate Member
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    a cc could be 200mg or 300 mg so tell us how many mg/ml you're gear is and that will help us start

  10. #10
    imakillerr's Avatar
    imakillerr is offline New Member
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    On my needle, 1 cc is bout 16 ml.

    Also, I was told the middle, meaty part of the thigh, strait down (not angled) about 3/4 of the way (as to not hit the bone), trying to miss major veins. I use a 23 gauge needle, also know better than to re-use or share needles.

  11. #11
    longhorn814's Avatar
    longhorn814 is offline Anabolic Member
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    1cc = 1ml not 16ml..something is wrong..i suggest you stop and educate yourself..what are you doing for PCT too??

  12. #12
    imakillerr's Avatar
    imakillerr is offline New Member
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    My bad.. read the label on the syringe wrong... Not a doctor.It has measurements for cc on one side, and right next to it has measurements for M... not rally sure what that stands for.

  13. #13
    duramaxedge's Avatar
    duramaxedge is offline Senior Member
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    There is no sense in promoting imakiller any further.. Do some research..

    Top of the forums there is an area that says Educational Threads.. Start there.. Do research on sterility, aspirating, spot injections.. Steroid Profiles, Estrogen, AI's Serms, PCT, half Lifes. .. Dieting.. and if you dont completely figure everything out.. Which you should.. Come back and we will gladly answer you further.

  14. #14
    imakillerr's Avatar
    imakillerr is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the help!

  15. #15
    longhorn814's Avatar
    longhorn814 is offline Anabolic Member
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    your first cycle should be nothing more than 500mg/wk of test enanthate ..take 250mg twice a week do that for 10-12 weeks and then do a proper need to incorporate other your lack of knowledge I suggest you stop everything and learn how to cycle correctly otherwise youre just wasting time, money and risking messing up your body!

  16. #16
    topnotch is offline Member
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    what are your stats? age, weight, height?

  17. #17
    imakillerr's Avatar
    imakillerr is offline New Member
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    23, 200, 5'8 about 16% body fat

  18. #18
    MaGiCJNG is offline Associate Member
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    Hey dude dont take any offense to this, but i was in the same boat as you like a year or two ago so this is just some advice and suggestions i can give you. Read read read...i swear this forum is LOADED with useful information. I literally got ALL of my info from this forum.

    If you want to cut, then you should know how your diet should be (diet section), same with bulk. What are your dosages and with test, as stated, should be shot twice a week.

    Trust me bro just do some research here and you will be fine!

  19. #19
    topnotch is offline Member
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    agree w/ magic....i started my first cycle as i joined here, and my "buddy" at the time actually had me a decent cycle planned...if it was gonna be my 3rd of 4th...luckily i read a few things quickly and talked to a few guys on here and backed off all the stuff and stuck w/ just the test cyp, and a d-bol kickstart and loved it..i'm so glad i listened now...if you just read everything you can here, especially on the diet and pct sections, that is the most important'll be so much happier and get so much better results if you do that...and by your stats sounds like you have a pretty good start to build off of...just read and welcome to this place...

  20. #20
    green22's Avatar
    green22 is offline Senior Member
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    Bro please do some research, please.

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