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  1. #1
    Brazilian_Juice is offline Junior Member
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    First cycle ( i know you get this alot )

    This is what I am considering for my first cycle. All "CONSTRUCTIVE" critisism is appreciated!

    Weeks 1-10-Sustanon 500mg EW
    Weeks 1-4- D-bol 30mg ED
    Weeks 1-10-Nolv 10mg ED
    Weeks 10-12-clomid 50mg ED

    The only question is how do i break the 500mg injections. Twice a week, i suppose does anyone have any input on the best days to work out. I do plan on lifting 5 days a week, low cardio about 30 minutes 3-4 times a week.

    Sat and Sun will be 30 minute cardio time.

    I figured that stacking sustanon with D-bol for the first week will be great to help me get a jump start. Does anyone advice me to keep taking D-bol for the remaider 10 weeks or should i stop at just 4?

  2. #2
    topnotch is offline Member
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    stop at 4 w/ the d-bol....sus is better to be shot eod b/c of the shorter esters in it...but many people shoot it just twice per week...your blood levels will fluctuate just a little more that way....what is your pct?

  3. #3
    Brazilian_Juice is offline Junior Member
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    well, i thought that clomid would take care of my pct. + to 10mg of Nolva daily was goin to help. So for sus, should i take something like deco EW and sus EOW? cause I want some good gains, and i dont think that 500mg of sus at EOW will help. If my pct inst good enough what do you recomend?

  4. #4
    Big's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brazilian_Juice View Post
    well, i thought that clomid would take care of my pct. + to 10mg of Nolva daily was goin to help. So for sus, should i take something like deco EW and sus EOW? cause I want some good gains, and i dont think that 500mg of sus at EOW will help. If my pct inst good enough what do you recomend?
    eow? no one said anything about every other week, sust should be shot eod, as in every other day. clomid only is not a good pct in my opinion.

  5. #5
    Brazilian_Juice is offline Junior Member
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    I can also get my hand on Deca . And I am trying to find a good cycle for Deca that would give me good bulking.

    Can anyone post a Deca cycle here that would be good for a first timer. I have studied andwhat i was adviced is.

    1-12 400-500mg Deca EW
    12-14 50mg Clomid ED
    Last edited by Brazilian_Juice; 12-27-2007 at 09:50 PM.

  6. #6
    Brazilian_Juice is offline Junior Member
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    so what other pct do you recomend with it. I figured that the 10mg daily of nolva and the 2 weeks of clomid would be enough.

  7. #7
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    Pleas edit the price out of your post as price discussions are against the rules. For a first cycle I recommend test only at 500mg/week for 12 weeks then nolva and clomid for pct.

  8. #8
    Brazilian_Juice is offline Junior Member
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    so not to mix nolva in between test cycle? How long do you recomend I take pct for and what dosage after the 12 week cycle?

  9. #9
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    I wouldn't take the nolva on a test only cycle, taking a serm or an ai while on cycle can limit your gains, and being that you haven't cycled yet you may not even need it.
    What are your stats?

  10. #10
    Brazilian_Juice is offline Junior Member
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    Age: 21
    Height: 5 8"
    Weight: 180
    BF: 15%

    I have been working out for a while since 17. I am mailing looking to do a Bulking Cycle followed by a cutting cycle.

    I know I still have some Fat to lose, I do plan on wei***ng anywhere between 185 to 200 of lean muscle at 10% BF.

    I plan on being on 2 bulking and two cutting cycles.

    What are your advices. I have been studying for a couple weeks but you can only learn so much, at one point and time you have to talk to someone who has been there and done, it.

  11. #11
    Amorphic's Avatar
    Amorphic is offline Veritas, Aequitas ~
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    test e 500mg/w 1-12
    dbol 40mg/ed 1-4

    arimidex , nolva, on hand in case of any estrogen issues

    Pct consisting of 4-6 weeks of nolva 20mg/ed, aromasin 15-20mg/ed


  12. #12
    Big's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amorphic View Post
    test e 500mg/w 1-12
    dbol 40mg/ed 1-4

    arimidex , nolva, on hand in case of any estrogen issues

    Pct consisting of 4-6 weeks of nolva 20mg/ed, aromasin 15-20mg/ed

    What he said ^

  13. #13
    Brazilian_Juice is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks! I love you man!

    Now only for the test e, its twice a week at 250mg a shot, correct?

  14. #14
    Big's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brazilian_Juice View Post
    Thanks! I love you man!

    Now only for the test e, its twice a week at 250mg a shot, correct?

  15. #15
    SkinnY&HungrY150 is offline Junior Member
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    You can easily do 1 shot a week with no probs. Most don't know wtf half lifes, whole lifes, or boring lifes mean so they just like to stab themselves instead.

    Nolva/aromasin pct like IGB and Amor said. My fav aswell.

    I would take 20mgs/nolva along with the dbol , and 10mgs throughout. Dbol bloat is killer and is serious shit if your gyno prone.

  16. #16
    Big's Avatar
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    I recommend twice a week for more stable levels and less sides. This isn't based on something I read some where, it's based on years of cycles and personal results.

  17. #17
    Brazilian_Juice is offline Junior Member
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    Ok all i gotta do is some serious searching now. I dont know if my friend can get me all this stuff. Thanks guys everything is much appreciated.

  18. #18
    duramaxedge's Avatar
    duramaxedge is offline Senior Member
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    shoot your enanthe like Monday/Thursday.. e3d

  19. #19
    D-Money's Avatar
    D-Money is offline Associate Member
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    I think this is a sensible first cycle. Why include clomid for pct, as nolvadex will do the job, for cheaper (at 20mg-40mg thats why I prefer tomoxifen)? And it's ok to shoot Sustanon twice a week every 3-4 days. Run the d-bol for 6-8 weeks your liver will be ok. Just my 2 cents.

  20. #20
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    I love seeing 'a lot' being used as one word.

  21. #21
    Brent_G's Avatar
    Brent_G is offline Associate Member
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    i ran test c eod lol. well i just shot it with my tren . 125mg eod. Equaled 500mg a week roughly stable blood levels though haha

  22. #22
    Brazilian_Juice is offline Junior Member
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    Last edited by Brazilian_Juice; 12-27-2007 at 11:49 PM.

  23. #23
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    quickly edit that post and read the rules before you post again. thanks.

  24. #24
    Brazilian_Juice is offline Junior Member
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    OK, i apologize its just that it was on a public site. And i figured everyone knew.

  25. #25
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    Thanks for the edit. Source discussions are against the rules regardless of whether it's a website or private ugl.

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