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  1. #1
    vot is offline New Member
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    Orabolin for gaining Mass on Face ?

    Hey all,
    My question is , Is there any fast way of gaining mass on face like is there any specific Steroid that can target on gaining mass on Face having Sunken Checks for a male?

    My details are as follows & Iam just doing this to get information, I wont use anything untill i get confirmation from my doctor. Kindly out your replies.

    Iam a male , 28 years old , weight 62 KG , Height 5 ft 7 inches , having a skinny body & face is some what having sunken cheeks. I have never done smoking but have some Beer involvement not wines or hard drinks. My objective is to gain mass on my face , I have gone through a proper medical check & everything came out good.
    A doctor gave me Orabolin, Anabol , Katmil to have it every night before sleepying in order to gain over all weight. I used it upto 5days and had a mass gain only on my stomach side, I stopped having it as it was having no effect on my face mass.
    Recenly I have started doing weight training like a week ago & have been taking Whey Protein of GNC.

    Please suggest the Steriod which can help in gaining mass on face fast.

  2. #2
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    Wow, you do not need a steroid . To tell you the truth, a desire to only grow mass on your face sounds psychological to me. If you follow a proper diet you will gain the right kind of weight overall, which will in turn allow your face to fill out more.

  3. #3
    vot is offline New Member
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    thx for your reply

    But what the doctor has given been orabolin and other 2 tablets will they work if i continue to use them ?

    Is there any execrise for quickly gaining mass on face like other weight training ?

    By the way is there any steriod which cause such effect.

  4. #4
    damiongage's Avatar
    damiongage is offline Anabolic Member
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    Ok...this is the weirdest thing I have seen in a while.....lots of steroids will cause bloat...which will appear to add mass to you face...but will go away...

  5. #5
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    I don't understand your desire to quickly gain mass on your face. That's the part that sounds psychological to me. You are unhappy with the way your face looks, apparently very unhappy. In any event, the only way to do this properly would be to follow a good diet that will allow you to put on a bit of quality mass everywhere, including your face.

  6. #6
    pazfink's Avatar
    pazfink is offline Junior Member
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    if you train and eat regularly you will gain weight all over and you will see it in your face.don't do steroids yet.


  7. #7
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    In reference to orabolin, it's from the 19nor family, which means it will drastically shut down your natural testosterone production. This in most cases will lead to side effects such as sexual or erectile dysfunction. It was reportedly a failure as steroids go, and is not widely used by anyone who knows what they are doing.

  8. #8
    vot is offline New Member
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    thx alot

    I have used that steriod for 5 days only at night time, onces in a day & have stopped it completely now will this still have bad effects ?

    Ok now I have two 8 KG dumbells at home , these days there are some problems in my city because of which everything is shutdown for a week.

    Can any one please recommend or suggest a web link for having a diet plan , weight gainer supplement suggestion & a weight training program for gaining fast size.

  9. #9
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    For starters, you keep referencing "quickly" and "fast", what exactly is the hurry? You didn't get in your present condition overnight, and you won't make drastic changes overnight either.
    Start here, read this and then the other applicable threads in this section:
    Hardgainer? Can't gain weight? READ THIS!!!

  10. #10
    vot is offline New Member
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    You are right , my writing reflects as if i need overnight success in gaining weight and size , the problem is I work for a local TV channel as a Host and in my area there r no one specific on can help in this properly as in my region fat people problem is bigger and being skinny is not considered as any issue but since i work a tv channel and need to gain size for my upcoming tv show so just surfing net to gain information. This is me in black coat in my TV show's promo

    Right now I have two 8 Kg dumbells and for next 4 days I cannot go to the gym as there are issues in cities and everything is closed so can you people please recommend fast weight training program which is used to gain weight and size , along with supplement ?

  11. #11
    Ncogneato's Avatar
    Ncogneato is offline Associate Member
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    Wow, no offense but that is one of the weirdest questions I have ever seen here.
    But as far as gaining mass in the face, I would go about it as I would any other muscle group. Use resistance. Biting, smiling, frowning or just static tension should help. I know HGH is known to cause extra growth in bone structure which is usually noticable in the face. As far as gaining mass thoughout your whole body, I would use multi-joint movements such as squats, deadlifts, bench presses etc.. These can be done anywhere, no need for a gym. Just be creative. Find something heavy and lift it. Hope this helps. ??

  12. #12
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    I watched your promo, and to be honest I don't think you need to gain weight in your face. You've got good bone structure and high cheekbones, that is not a bad look at all.

  13. #13
    powerliftmike's Avatar
    powerliftmike is offline ~Elite AR-Hall of Famer~
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    Ive never even heard of something like this. i would say there is nothing wrong with your face even without looking at you. AAS arent really going to do anything for "facial mass" as you want. plastic surgery is really the only thing to restructure the face...

    you could start chewing beef jerky everyday or really work the jaw muscles. maybe that would add some muscle there

  14. #14
    legobricks's Avatar
    legobricks is offline Retired AR Monitor
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    shrugs could help strength the next as well as lower jaw i believe. Also you look like that dude from Deuce Bigalow Male Jiggalow 1. Ya know, the Male escort who has deuce (believe he is a pool cleaner) watch his house while he is gone. Hahahaha that is hilarious!

  15. #15
    Renesis's Avatar
    Renesis is offline Anabolic Member
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    Dude just eat more. When my weight fluctuates my face feels in and out if I am heavier or lighter or just dehydrated that day.

  16. #16
    rodgerj's Avatar
    rodgerj is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by vot View Post
    Hey all,
    My question is , Is there any fast way of gaining mass on face like is there any specific Steroid that can target on gaining mass on Face having Sunken Checks for a male?

    My details are as follows & Iam just doing this to get information, I wont use anything untill i get confirmation from my doctor. Kindly out your replies.

    Iam a male , 28 years old , weight 62 KG , Height 5 ft 7 inches , having a skinny body & face is some what having sunken cheeks. I have never done smoking but have some Beer involvement not wines or hard drinks. My objective is to gain mass on my face , I have gone through a proper medical check & everything came out good.
    A doctor gave me Orabolin, Anabol , Katmil to have it every night before sleepying in order to gain over all weight. I used it upto 5days and had a mass gain only on my stomach side, I stopped having it as it was having no effect on my face mass.
    Recenly I have started doing weight training like a week ago & have been taking Whey Protein of GNC.

    Please suggest the Steriod which can help in gaining mass on face fast.
    When I loose lots of weight I get sunken cheaks as well but I don't mind that look as I look lean and raw. Forget your face, you need to put on weight generally and your face WILL fill out. You can do it quite quickly too. Just eat and eat. Do weights an no cardio and if your diet is good you will put on quality weight.

    You can of course put on a stack load of weight even quicker by eating shit food (Plenty of sugar foods, chocolate, icecream fat and most of all beer) but I would not reccomend that. Trust me, once you put bad weight on and change your metabolism you will be calling yourself an ass. Ask yourself why you want to do it, there may be a bigger issue here you should deal with. Don't take that the wrong way, it takes a man to look at his inner issues and deal with them. For phuck sake don't go doing anything to your face and I truely belive you do not need any roids. Go get a rub and tug man - make yourself feel better. Keep up the protein and have patience.... it will come.

  17. #17
    vot is offline New Member
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    Iam so thankful to all of you

    Everyone thankyou so much but can you please help me on the following as for TV appearance I have to gain muscle size faster like in two to three month as i have a tv play coming up for that i need to be muscular:

    1) Any sample diet plan for gaining rapid weight during weight training. Any web link which has it for conditions like i mentioned above

    2) Any sample weight training plan for conditions like me or any weblink which can help me in gaining muscule size in two three months ?

    3) Which Supplement should I use to help me in this condition.

  18. #18
    hulk1o1 is offline New Member
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    dude you?? ahahha iam from karachi..

    u guys are doing a new season of on the edge?

    ur face looks fine to me.. its not fat...

  19. #19
    hulk1o1 is offline New Member
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    hey bro btw how much did u pay for the anabol? how many RS

    i have been bodybuilding for 8 years and competed in mr pakistan contest in 2005 i came 3rd..

    bro to tell u the truth u wont gain much in only 3 months even with the use of steroids .. since steroids will cause bloat and much of the weight gain will be water... so instead of lean and muscular u will look puffy...

    my advice to u .... dont use steroids since ur a newbie u will only **** up ur endocrine system....

    u can do it with diet and solid training..

    do this diet sample for the 3 months..

    breakfast: 6 whole eggs, 2 cups milk, 1 cup oats..

    snack: tuna sandwich with some salad

    lunch: chicken breast, yogurt, whole wheat roti...

    snack: oats, vegetables, milk.

    dinner: milk, chicken..

    If u can get your hands on protein powder then u can use that in your snacks..

    ur training should be something like MAX OT or HIT or somthing familiar like that

    if u follow ur diet and train regulary u will see great progess since ur a new comer because ur muscles are not used to lifting weight... u will gain good amount of muscle


  20. #20
    Crest is offline Senior Member
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    this is a funny one

  21. #21
    Crest is offline Senior Member
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    my call is plastic surgery

  22. #22
    green22's Avatar
    green22 is offline Senior Member
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    focus on face presses and face squats. and alot of smileing and frowning. will bulk your face up for sure

  23. #23
    rodgerj's Avatar
    rodgerj is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by web_uk_builder View Post
    this is a funny one
    Hee Hee, shaaaaaamoooooooonnnne muther****er! I'm a bad invincible face building muther****er!


    Check dis shit...... moonwalk mofo....

  24. #24
    vot is offline New Member
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    Ok will try to work on and thx for the diet plan.

  25. #25
    millionairemurph's Avatar
    millionairemurph is offline Senior Member
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    i work out my neck regularly and it has seemed to make my face more full. I didnt want or need that, just wanted a thick neck.

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