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  1. #1
    admirals56 is offline Banned
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    steroids at young age

    wow what do you no. my friend who started working out his sophmore year of highschool and used steroid a couple months after got gyno 2 and a half years later hes just used sustanon and did proper cycles just no pct. cycles looked like this sus 250 10 wk then sus 500 10wk then sus 500 for 12 wk then sus 250 e3d 12 wk then sus 500 e3d 12 wk and so on and so on. dont get me wrong he was the strongest biggest kid in our school and will become a pro body builder because he is huge and trust me i no what im talkin about he has potential but now he needs surgery that sucks just lettin you younger guys in here no that just because you dont get symptoms right away it will mess you up forever and im sure you dont want surgery

  2. #2
    JasonR is offline Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Boise, ID
    if he knew what he was doing prior to using steroids , he could have prevented gyno EASY.
    if i told a woman she will have breast cancer in 20 years she would just cut her tits out and do nice n big silicon before it even got to cancer. same with roids, you know ur messing with ur mammary playing with aromatizable steroids, so while u dont have to cut your tits out, you can use an anti-E, easy on the doses, and know the science behind gyno. read Merc's thread "Estrogen will it affect my gains " and then when u finish this read this:
    All you need to know about GYNO.

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