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Thread: Will it be ok?

  1. #1
    getfit28's Avatar
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    Will it be ok?

    Ok, I previously started another thread questioning my cycle & got all my answers I need.
    My cycle consisted with the following

    test e

    ( letro thorught cycle only ) & caber on hand


    Now, I just found out that my sorce does not have test e nor C and & he only had Omnideren will my cycle still be ok if I use this.
    Sorry if my question sound stupid but this is only by my 3rd cycle so I’m still leaning the game, thanks..

  2. #2
    miboleron's Avatar
    miboleron is offline Junior Member
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    omna is quite faster than enan r cyp-have to inj 3 times weekly. At yourplace i would remove d-bol and go for 3 shots omna and 250-500 deca .

  3. #3
    getfit28's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by miboleron View Post
    omna is quite faster than enan r cyp-have to inj 3 times weekly. At yourplace i would remove d-bol and go for 3 shots omna and 250-500 deca.
    3 shots on the omna a week, at how many mg per shot?
    I was thinking more like two shots a week @ 250mg = 500mg.
    why should I drop the D bol is it because it does not take that long to kick in like the test c or test e?

  4. #4
    miboleron's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by getfit28 View Post
    3 shots on the omna a week, at how many mg per shot?
    I was thinking more like two shots a week @ 250mg = 500mg.
    why should I drop the D bol is it because it does not take that long to kick in like the test c or test e?
    Well if you can lower the dosage k, but 3 shots are must.
    Yes omna is faster tthan enan and cyp it contains prop, phenylprop,carpoate and isocarpoate.

  5. #5
    getfit28's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by miboleron View Post
    Well if you can lower the dosage k, but 3 shots are must.
    Yes omna is faster tthan enan and cyp it contains prop, phenylprop,carpoate and isocarpoate.
    thanks bro,, I guess I will have to do the 3 shots then..
    Will this omna give me good results compare to the Test e or test c as I've never ran this?
    I will also drop the d-bol then but I got to say I love them d-bols...

  6. #6
    basshead69 is offline Associate Member
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    I wouldnt throw out the d-bol if your really wanting to bulk up and yes you can see the same results as long as your diet and traning is in check..... Good luck keep us posted on how your cycle goes

  7. #7
    RBIZZY is offline Member
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    test is test. the only difference is the ester attached to it. you will see faster results because it has some tests in it with shorter esters attached.

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    Quote Originally Posted by RBIZZY View Post
    test is test. the only difference is the ester attached to it. you will see faster results because it has some tests in it with shorter esters attached.
    Ok, thanks but if I'm doing 500mg a week & 1ml= 250mg, how do you shoot up 3x a week to equal out 500mg a week?

  9. #9
    stitch1967's Avatar
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    2cc (500mg) / 3 = about .7 cc (175mg) per shot. There are marks on the syringe to measure. On mine each line is .1cc

  10. #10
    getfit28's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stitch1967 View Post
    2cc (500mg) / 3 = about .7 cc (175mg) per shot. There are marks on the syringe to measure. On mine each line is .1cc
    Thanks bro,,, one last question,,, I want to throw in my d- bols for 4wks but some people said I shouldn't, would you suggest I remove them too?

  11. #11
    Phalocke's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by getfit28 View Post
    Thanks bro,,, one last question,,, I want to throw in my d- bols for 4wks but some people said I shouldn't, would you suggest I remove them too?
    If you have used them in the past and seen good results, I say go for it. Dbol kicker for 4 - 6 weeks sounds about right.

  12. #12
    stitch1967's Avatar
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    I think we talked about this on another buddy luvs kick starting all his test cycles with dbol just as you described (wks 1-4). Since it's sust maybe you'll just need them for 2 wks sure can't hurt to start off with them, then dump them if you don't like or sust kicks in....myself I don't use it because of the bloat and I'm old and don't need the additional stress on my body.

  13. #13
    getfit28's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stitch1967 View Post
    I think we talked about this on another buddy luvs kick starting all his test cycles with dbol just as you described (wks 1-4). Since it's sust maybe you'll just need them for 2 wks sure can't hurt to start off with them, then dump them if you don't like or sust kicks in....myself I don't use it because of the bloat and I'm old and don't need the additional stress on my body.
    Cool beans, thanks bro... I will keep in tounch..

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