okay, alot of people ask how good the plex line is. so i though i would start a log on my plex cycle and what kind of gains i see. i am currently, as of today, on 5th shot of test e 250 and deca 275. i am taking 500 mg of test a week and 500mg of deca a week, along with d-bol at 50mg a day. so if your following this is the start of my third week. as of today, i am 9 lbs heavier and starting to get more defined. the increase in weight is from food im sure and the d-bol. my strenght has gone up alot, and so have my lifts. i am choosing to not lift as heavy as i can this cycle, but to instead lift a little lighter in hopes to always keep good form threwout each set.... i will post more as it comes.... it will prob, be on a weekly basis though, although i will check up on replies from time to time. i hope this helps.