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  1. #1
    elvis1280's Avatar
    elvis1280 is offline New Member
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    1st Cycle In 2 Years. Now I Know Why I Do This

    Ok Forget The Winny Shit, I Have Been Running Cycles For 8 Years But Took 2 Years Off. Started A 24 Week Cycle 4 Weeks Ago Because I Have A Fight On Feb 10th. Started At 191lbs Now At 183 Going To 170. 6'1'', 9 % BF@ 191, SHOOTING FOR 5 OR 6% @ 170
    750mg Test Cyp
    600mg Eq
    100mg Tren Every 3 Days
    Somatropin 5 Iu Day
    Arimidex .5 Day Week 8-24
    I Am So Excited Cause I Havent Done A Thing For 2 Years And I Had A Couple Thousand Set Away For This Day. I Need Some Help With Insulin . I Have Totally Forgot What I Did The First Time And If Theres Anything New I Dont Know About?
    Last edited by elvis1280; 01-06-2008 at 02:25 AM. Reason: STATS

  2. #2
    ricker35910's Avatar
    ricker35910 is offline Associate Member
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    if you're trying to cut then stay away from slin also why are you taking your tren every 3rd day it should be injected ed or atleast eod.

  3. #3
    duramaxedge's Avatar
    duramaxedge is offline Senior Member
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    24 week cycle???

    Might be worth while to step back and do some research..

  4. #4
    elvis1280's Avatar
    elvis1280 is offline New Member
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    your right ricker, but right after my fight i am gonna start bulking again. so i am only cutting for one more month. and when i do 75mgs of tren i do it eod, but i thougt i might get an extra day off from a shot if i go to 100mg?

  5. #5
    elvis1280's Avatar
    elvis1280 is offline New Member
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    duramax i did 8-10 week cycles my whole life and once you finnaly realize that nothing happen till about week six its a waste of money. your probably too young or have not done enough experiments. if your pct is excellent and you have all your ancillaries on hand its the only way to go.

  6. #6
    EZgainer is offline New Member
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    I disagree with u on a few things Elvis:
    1. i dont believe that 8 month cycles r the only way to go
    2. I may not be as experienced as you with cycling however if you have ever run prop tren winny clen dbol abombs or a few others and did not see results for 6 weeks something is not right. Also I would venture to say that the general concensses with MOST compounds is users gains tend to taper off after around 12 - 14 weeks
    3. If you r taking test tren EQ and GH and u lose 21 lbs (191 at 9% to 170 at 5%) something is not right should be more like 191 at 9% to 210 at 5% but everyone is diff i guess
    in saying all of this I could be wrong and am probally younger then you and have not experimented as much as you
    Last edited by EZgainer; 01-06-2008 at 05:46 PM.

  7. #7
    duramaxedge's Avatar
    duramaxedge is offline Senior Member
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    If your so f-ing experience and want to run your mouth elvis.. WHY ARE YOU ON HERE ASKING QUESTIONS YOU F*CK?

  8. #8
    ricker35910's Avatar
    ricker35910 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by duramaxedge View Post
    If your so f-ing experience and want to run your mouth elvis.. WHY ARE YOU ON HERE ASKING QUESTIONS YOU F*CK?

  9. #9
    duramaxedge's Avatar
    duramaxedge is offline Senior Member
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    I want to make this clear.. I definately believe that cycle lengths should be set by your body and not by a text book.. I wouldnt use those compounds for 8 months..

    I run cycles till I feel like my body stops responding, growing, however you want to classify the reaction..

    to each their own I guess.. Goodluck with your 8 month cycle..

    OHH.. just one more thing.. Goodluck on your fight in February once you are/and will have been running tren .. Im sure your stamina for training and fighting should be top notch.. I cant seem to breath worth a shit while im on Tren..

  10. #10
    elvis1280's Avatar
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    bro calm down, i guess i didnt explain my cycle well enough. i would never run tren more than 10 weeks, ever. its a lot to type when our cycles get complicated so i am sorry for that to everyone who read this. and 24 weeks is only 6 months not 8. but your close. and for the record in my 8 years of training with steroids the longest cycle i have ever ran is 12 weeks. this is my first long cycle, and it will be an experiment with my body. being experienced in taking steroids my body wil tell me if at 18 weeks my nuts are like raisins or if i stop growing. and i would never do tren before my fight or even in the very begining of my cycle like where iam at now. i wait till my other compounds are in full effect. you get really worked up man and your the reason roids get a bad name. roid rage ? Your the reason why all of us under control people here have to prove that you can do roids safely and still fuction in society. so calm the attitude and ask me to explain things if they seem off.
    Last edited by elvis1280; 01-07-2008 at 01:38 AM.

  11. #11
    duramaxedge's Avatar
    duramaxedge is offline Senior Member
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    No.. I think your a smartass.. period

  12. #12
    Dizz28's Avatar
    Dizz28 is offline I reject your reality and substitute my own
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    I've never heard of someone shooting that type of gear, at that dosage trying to lose 21lbs

    but hey, you seem to be the "experienced" one around here even though half the advice you give is crap lol

  13. #13
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    Under your bed.....
    to much testosterone in this thread for me lol

  14. #14
    duramaxedge's Avatar
    duramaxedge is offline Senior Member
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    Not to mention Dizz.. here he said he just started his cycle 4 weeks ago.. In the Eq Question thread he said he was 20 weeks in on that cycle with Eq.. Hmm??

  15. #15
    The Deuce's Avatar
    The Deuce is offline Anabolic Member
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    this dancing guy is awesome... hahaha look at him go !!

  16. #16
    Dizz28's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by elvis1280 View Post
    Ok Forget The Winny Shit, I Have Been Running Cycles For 8 Years But Took 2 Years Off. Started A 24 Week Cycle 4 Weeks Ago Because I Have A Fight On Feb 10th. Started At 191lbs Now At 183 Going To 170. 6'1'', 9 % BF@ 191, SHOOTING FOR 5 OR 6% @ 170
    750mg Test Cyp
    600mg Eq
    100mg Tren Every 3 Days
    Somatropin 5 Iu Day
    Arimidex .5 Day Week 8-24
    I Am So Excited Cause I Havent Done A Thing For 2 Years And I Had A Couple Thousand Set Away For This Day. I Need Some Help With Insulin. I Have Totally Forgot What I Did The First Time And If Theres Anything New I Dont Know About?
    Quote Originally Posted by elvis1280
    exactly insane. just make sure that your test dosage is 25% higher than eq . eq does not really work till week 6, i am taking 400 mgs a week and i am on week 20 it makes you very hard

    interesting... different doses too

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    Under your bed.....
    i agree that dancing guy is awesome lol but the pic of that cat is just hilarious

  18. #18
    dedic8ed1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by elvis1280 View Post
    Ok Forget The Winny Shit, I Have Been Running Cycles For 8 Years But Took 2 Years Off. Started A 24 Week Cycle 4 Weeks Ago Because I Have A Fight On Feb 10th. Started At 191lbs Now At 183 Going To 170. 6'1'', 9 % BF@ 191, SHOOTING FOR 5 OR 6% @ 170
    750mg Test Cyp
    600mg Eq
    100mg Tren Every 3 Days
    Somatropin 5 Iu Day
    Arimidex .5 Day Week 8-24
    I Am So Excited Cause I Havent Done A Thing For 2 Years And I Had A Couple Thousand Set Away For This Day. I Need Some Help With Insulin. I Have Totally Forgot What I Did The First Time And If Theres Anything New I Dont Know About?
    Dude I could split all that up into thirds and have three cycles.Probably cause I'm a bit more sensitive to gear then most.At any rate I beleive that the least amount of gear is best to acheive your goals.Maybe just do that for 12 weeks and save the other half for your next cutter.

    Why so much after a 2 year lay off?Your receptors are most likely extremly sensitive at this point so why go so heavy?

  19. #19
    elvis1280's Avatar
    elvis1280 is offline New Member
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    pressed enter two times sorry
    Last edited by elvis1280; 01-09-2008 at 02:33 AM.

  20. #20
    elvis1280's Avatar
    elvis1280 is offline New Member
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    pressed enter three times sorry
    Last edited by elvis1280; 01-09-2008 at 02:32 AM. Reason: delete

  21. #21
    elvis1280's Avatar
    elvis1280 is offline New Member
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    QUOTE=duramaxedge;3763851]Not to mention Dizz.. here he said he just started his cycle 4 weeks ago.. In the Eq Question thread he said he was 20 weeks in on that cycle with Eq.. Hmm??[/QUOTE]
    man your just inspector gadget. i mistakenly wrote on week 20 not on a 20 week cycle. and OH DIFFERENT DOSES TOO? LOL WHEN I USE STEROIDS I EITHER PRYIMID THE DOSE OR CHANGE IT EVEN MID CYCLE TO try a fix something i dont like. And after my print outs and all the info for my cycle i write beforhand sometimes i throw the shit away on week 3? i have done this for a long time and shit i dont even know what dose i am at? 1.5 ml x 2 @ 200mgs and sometimes its 1.3 ml X 2. and hey dizz i am not using all those compounds at once for 24 weeks. i will be using some of them and i will cut cardio out of my routine after my fight. duramax its also funny how you talk shit about my 20-24 week cycle and then now i just read that your going to bridge and or start skating through straight? "i like 8 week cycles" uh your stupid elvis." i appologize for the misunderstanding to everyone else about my eq answer and my thread here. i am 28 years old, have 13 years in the gym, 13 years of studying compounds and cycles, 8 years using compounds and cycling, 2 year D1 wide reciever in the WAC, 7 year nationally certified trainer. Boxing for 3 years and on feb. 10th my 3 mma fight. But i also know there are guys on this site that can make that sound like a couple of weeks. but i also know that i carry more knowledge in my little finger than duramax has in entire head. sorrry to everyone for this thread and the problem it caused.
    Last edited by elvis1280; 01-09-2008 at 10:34 AM.

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