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  1. #1
    rampage12 is offline Member
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    wife is worried!

    so my wife said i could do a cycle now im about to start it and she is getting worried. so how much of a negative effect on me and my liver would this cycle have?
    wk1-4 dbol 50mg ed
    wk1-14 test e 500mg
    wk1-12 deca 400mg
    arimedex .25mg
    hcg /nolva20mg/aromasin20mg pct
    taking all essential vitamins and oils along with liv52
    diet is decent not perfect though
    6'0 195lbs 26ys

  2. #2
    shifty_git's Avatar
    shifty_git is offline Anabolically Aware
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    some liv-52 n milk thistle will give u a pretty good level of liver protection...

    just dont drink alcohol while on cycle as ya dont want the extra added stress of it.

    try n get ya diet perfect b4 ya start is my only adivce...

  3. #3
    Kratos's Avatar
    Kratos is offline I feel accomplished
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    I wouldn't expect any damage to your liver from that cycle. Liver can heal itself well. If you are super worried though drop out the d-bol and switch nolva to toremirfine.

  4. #4
    The Deuce's Avatar
    The Deuce is offline Anabolic Member
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    Your Liver should be fine with that... I think people over exaggerate when they talk about damaging their liver... but hey I might be wrong... what do I know.. I aint a Doc.

  5. #5
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    no need to be worried injectable doesnt do much damage to the liver and the dbol isnt at a crazy dose gonna be fine just dont add stress to it like shifty said and drink alot of alcohol a beer or two wont kill ya. Btw is this your first cycle ?

  6. #6
    shifty_git's Avatar
    shifty_git is offline Anabolically Aware
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    only other thing i mite say is drop the deca if its ya first cycle...

    test with a dbol start will do the job nicely!!

    n she wont be worried when the test turns ya in2 mr constantly rock hard!

    more likely to moan when u go back natty lol

  7. #7
    FREAK's Avatar
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    right here
    50mg ed is a pretty good dose^^^^^

  8. #8
    rampage12 is offline Member
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    no but shes been reading stuff on the internet bout how it causes tumors and all knid of liver damage but i told her im going to be taking the stuff at low safe doses so it will be fine

  9. #9
    rampage12 is offline Member
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    its not my first cycle its mt 4th

  10. #10
    shifty_git's Avatar
    shifty_git is offline Anabolically Aware
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    Quote Originally Posted by rampage12 View Post
    its not my first cycle its mt 4th
    ahh in that case ya all fine m8!

    good solid pct as well!

    well although theres the scare rumours of oral steroids effecting ya liver badly, some meds from the doc have the mythl added, so is no worse than taking a short course of prescribed meds imo. - just be sensible about it n dont run them over 6 weeks at a time.

  11. #11
    Ncogneato's Avatar
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    Is she on any medications? If so, look that drug up on the Inet and show her what sides are associated with it. Now compare.

  12. #12
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    let her read some of the info on this board i haven't read anything about liver damage or tumors. And it is true those sides can occur but you would have to be running oral constantly at high dosage. I agree with ncogneato if she takes any meds look them up for sure theres some negative feed on it good-luck with that

  13. #13
    Timm1704's Avatar
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    People hear the expression 'liver toxicity' and panick. All this means is that whatever the subject is, it has to be broken down by the liver. Food is liver toxic, just like steroids . Plus, the steroids that are widely given credit for being liver toxic are far less harmful than things we buy every day from the local shop and give to our children. To put this into perspective: You swallow between 12 and 20 paracetamol tablets in one go, on one occasion, and you will need your stomach pumped within a short amount of time, otherwise your liver will probably shut down, and forever be seriously damaged beyond repair. You swallow 50 dianabol tablets (a much higher dose than any human should ever ingest)in one go, every day for several weeks, and the damage would not even be near the same level done by those paracetamol.
    Last edited by Timm1704; 01-06-2008 at 03:00 PM.

  14. #14
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  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Timm1704 View Post
    People hear the expression 'liver toxicity' and panick. All this means is that whatever the subject is, it has to be broken down by the liver. Food is liver toxic, just like steroids. Plus, the steroids that are widely given credit for being liver toxic are far less harmful than things we buy every day from the local shop and give to our children. To put this into perspective: You swallow between 12 and 20 paracetamol tablets in one go, on one occasion, and you will need your stomach pumped within a short amount of time, otherwise your liver will probably shut down, and forever be seriously damaged beyond repair. You swallow 50 dianabol tablets (a much higher dose than any human should ever ingest)in one go, every day for several weeks, and the damage would not even be near the same level done by those paracetamol.
    so what do you think would be worst on the liver. someone using 50 mg of oral winny for 4 weeks or someone power dinking every night for 4 weeks?

    im not trying to jack this thread just didnt see a point n opening another on same subject.

  16. #16
    elvis1280's Avatar
    elvis1280 is offline New Member
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    Your Dbol Is Too High, If You Go To 40mgs A Week You Can Run It For 6 Weeks, But If Your Healthy Your Liver Will Bounce Back Almost Instantly After The Dbol Is Discontinued.

  17. #17
    rampage12 is offline Member
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    my dbol isnt to high by the time i quit dbol the test and deca should be in full force, before i was with my wife i was taking test and 100mg of anadrol

  18. #18
    longhorn814's Avatar
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    you would have to take large amounts of oral steroids for a long period of time (years) before you would do any type of permanent damage to your liver most likely..hepatoxicity is way over exaggerated..the biggest problem that people ignore is how an oral steroid will mess up your cholesterol profile in no time..your HDL values will get very low...just something to be aware of

  19. #19
    Timm1704's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rabidsquirrel View Post
    so what do you think would be worst on the liver. someone using 50 mg of oral winny for 4 weeks or someone power dinking every night for 4 weeks?

    im not trying to jack this thread just didnt see a point n opening another on same subject.
    the power drinking for sure would be far, far worse. Example: For my 1st cycle (knowing fack all) I ran deca at 200mg and dbol for 12 weeks straight, 50mg each day, and never once had any kind of adverse reaction or internal pains. I know countless friends who like to drink, and over certain periods, be it christmas or a holiday abroad, they may drink heavily 5 nights out of seven, and afterwards be very tired and always have kidney pain and have to take things easy for a month or so. Even those who just drink at weekends, every few months they complain to me about kidney pains and ill feelings. Drinking is 1000000 x worse than steroids in many ways, in my opinion, this is why i am befuttled by their legal differences, and the fact that drinking is socially acceptable.

  20. #20
    The Deuce's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Timm1704 View Post
    the power drinking for sure would be far, far worse. Example: For my 1st cycle (knowing fack all) I ran deca at 200mg and dbol for 12 weeks straight, 50mg each day, and never once had any kind of adverse reaction or internal pains. I know countless friends who like to drink, and over certain periods, be it christmas or a holiday abroad, they may drink heavily 5 nights out of seven, and afterwards be very tired and always have kidney pain and have to take things easy for a month or so. Even those who just drink at weekends, every few months they complain to me about kidney pains and ill feelings. Drinking is 1000000 x worse than steroids in many ways, in my opinion, this is why i am befuttled by their legal differences, and the fact that drinking is socially acceptable.
    It's because not even a tiny percentage of the people on this planet that drink alcohol would use AAS and well they make sooo much tax money off of alcohol that really in all actually alcohol is population control, job security, and Multi Trillions of Dollars in Business...

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